Kerry's Bomber Mystery Adventure Latest 2023 Version v1.00.40

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Kerry's Bomber Mystery Adventure Latest 2023 Version v1.00.40

 The latest 2023 version of Kerry's Bomber Mystery Adventure
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 23.6M
  • Update time: 2023-09-27 16:35
  • Application version: v1.00.40
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: temporarily unavailable
  • MD5 value: da29085ae411c8a5f936e2f7e60604bf
  • Related collections: Koli parkour game Primordial god
Application Introduction

The latest 2022 version of Kerry's Bomber Mystery Adventure is a very interesting adventure game! You can experience the fun of constantly exploring decryption in this game! The protagonist of the game is our super popular Kerry! Players who like this theme must not miss it!

 The latest 2022 edition of Kerry's Bomber Mystery Adventure

Introduction to the game:

Kerry's Bomber Mystery Adventure - a very interesting adventure game. The game screen is very delicate and fresh. Players can enjoy the game. This game is in pixel style. Here, you need to control the adventure in the level. There are many scenes in the game. Every scene is very interesting. If you are interested, try it.

Game features:

1. The whole game is characterized by experiencing pixel level scenery. In the game, you can play in different ways.

2. Sandbox pixels experience the games brought by the expedition team. Finding more realistic rules can easily win the game.

3. Set obstacles for different kinds of monsters, and use all available props and weapons to experience the fun of wonderful games.

Game highlights:

1. When fighting in limited scenes, the overall fighting method is simple and rough. Only by defeating the enemy can we win;

2. The only weapon in his hand is to throw more bombs at his opponent and launch more violent attacks on him;

3. This is a good test of every player's responsiveness and agility. Players need to increase the speed of their hands;

4. Every time you kill a monster, you can get more rewards and benefits.

 The latest 2022 edition of Kerry's Bomber Mystery Adventure

Game advantages:

1. The power of darkness will stimulate the rebirth of blood, and the exquisite character modeling experience of hang up combat is perfect, which is a very unique combat journey.

2. Ride on the peak of the battle, and the Dark Devil Road has the opportunity to fight together, to experience the extremely dangerous adventure and endless fun.

3. In the qualification contest, the heroic expedition stimulates adventure, and the epic heroic battle creates immortal extraordinary competition for you.

4. The war is full of uncertainties. The city of Devil City is full of passion, and the super hang up heroes can enjoy unlimited pleasure in the final battle.


1. The game map is carried out on a square map, which is very simple and rude.

2. The only weapon in the player's hand is the bomb thrown. You can't attack your opponent, you can only use bombs.

3. This is a test of players' responsiveness and agility, which requires players to have fast hand speed.

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