Tianhong Mall app v3.7.8 Android

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Tianhong Mall app v3.7.8 Android

 Tianhong Mall app
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 33M
  • Updated: 10:44, November 11, 2018
  • Application version: v3.7.8 Android
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: http://www.rainbow.cn/web/index
  • MD5 value: c12606bd7e5f510c761858ace90364a9
  • Related collections:
Application Introduction

Tianhong Mall launched its official app - "Tianhong Mall app" for friends who like shopping. You can buy many high-quality goods on the Tianhong Mall app. You can enjoy a convenient handheld shopping experience anytime, anywhere, and it's much more wonderful in the Tianhong Mall app!

About Tianhong Mall:

Tianhong took the lead in breaking through the traditional department store shopping model in the industry, moving from physical stores to online and offline integration of digital, taking the lead in creating the first retail WeChat service account "Tianhong" with "customized menu" in China, and then gradually innovated, adding a large and small format of shopping centers and convenience stores on the basis of physical stores, and through the official Tianhong APP Tianhong WeChat has formed a digital and multi business strategic development pattern integrating online and offline.

Official introduction of Tianhong Mall app:

Tianhong official APP is an innovative APP tailored by Tianhong Mall for customers. It combines cutting-edge technology and excellent quality service to bring customers a new shopping experience.
With its continuous innovation and long-term unremitting pursuit of quality, Tianhong APP won the 2016 CCFA Customer Experience Innovation Award, 2016 China Cross border E-commerce Fengming Award - Top Ten Outstanding Retailers, 2016 WeChat Smart Life Excellence Case Award.

Tianhong Mall app features:

--This is cool enough for shopping--
[Mobile self-service payment]
Don't line up at the supermarket? You can experience this black technology in Tianhong! Scan the code while using APP, and check with one key. It's so cool. It's time to change your posture and pay the bill~
[Rainbow arrives home]
Don't have time to go shopping? Tianhong Supermarket can reach home within two hours. Who said you can't go shopping at home?
[Parking payment]
There is no need to get a card or change when entering or exiting the Tianhong parking lot. One click payment on your mobile phone. Tianhong members also have exclusive privileges~
[Shopping Card Payment]
Bind the Tianhong shopping card, pay at the supermarket, department store, convenience store and directly show the APP payment QR code to pay, and no longer carry the shopping card. It can also grasp the balance of shopping card, personal points, transaction details, etc. in real time, making shopping easier.
--The selection quality is guaranteed--
[Overseas purchase]
We strictly control the quality and carefully select more than 1000 high-quality items; There are many cross-border experience stores in the country, so you can experience before buying. The good life of the world starts here.
[Brand Cloud Store]
Cooperate with brand merchants to create an omni channel counter, extend the department store counter to the online, and find out what you like in the store? Like shoes but broken size? Is it too troublesome to transfer goods? Try the brand cloud store. This is the real counter style.
--One stop service experience--
Laundry, washing household appliances, buying movie tickets, collecting express delivery One APP can handle~ (≥ ▽≤)/~, and you just need to be responsible for the beauty.
Member points can be used for parking, paying fees, exchanging goods, and paying offline bills directly. Small points are of great use.

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