Zhang Zhifeng, member of the Standing Committee of Xinyu Municipal Party Committee and head of the United Front Work Department, visited our school to investigate and guide the food safety work in the canteen

Publisher: sudy2 Published on: June 26, 2024 Number of views: ten

six month twenty-four Day, Xinyu Zhang Zhifeng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Head of the United Front Work Department Visit our school campus , research guidance Food safety work in canteen Xinyu City Market Supervision Administration Member of the Party Leadership Group, Deputy Director Xie Jinsheng , School Chairman Yang Xianyang Shi Huanping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President, Member of the Party Committee Tao Xiaobing, assistant to the headmaster, accompanied the whole process

Zhang Zhifeng successively went to the publicity wall of the central canteen, the food material testing room, the sample room, the operation room, the vegetable washing room, the non-staple food warehouse and the specialty food stalls for field research, in-depth conversation with relevant staff, and a detailed understanding of our school's experience and practices in food safety in the canteen.

During the survey, Zhang Zhifeng fully affirmed the achievements of food safety work in our school canteen, and pointed out that the school should strictly implement the principal responsibility system for food safety and fully implement the "Internet" + We will improve the food safety risk management and control mechanism, improve the ability to prevent and control food safety risks, and firmly hold the bottom line of food safety.

It is reported that in recent years, our school has always adhered to the "four strictest" requirements , comprehensive to implement Main responsibilities of food safety Take multiple measures and take multiple measures to protect the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of all teachers, students and staff.

Take the system construction as the starting point to consolidate the standardized management foundation of the canteen

Pay close attention to the construction of the canteen system, comprehensively sort out and scientifically optimize the existing canteen rules and regulations, and earnestly establish a more complete system and operating mechanism that is consistent with the current food safety situation; The standardized construction management system of the canteen, the safety management system of the canteen, the implementation measures for unified procurement of raw materials, the meal accompanying system, and the food safety double allocation system and other system documents have been issued successively to consolidate the standardized management foundation of the canteen and ensure that the canteen management has rules to follow and laws to follow.

Improve food safety protection level on the premise of improving conditions

According to the Regulations on the Standardized Construction of Canteen, investment one thousand one hundred and ten 10000 yuan High specification and high starting point The first floor of the Xianshan Hall in Xiannvhu Campus and the central canteen in Tiangong Campus were reconstructed, and the dining environment and service conditions of the canteen for students were significantly improved Establish campus The food safety quick inspection room shall quickly inspect the food materials purchased by the canteen every day to ensure the safety of the food materials; Improve the facilities and equipment for disinfection, freezing and "four prevention" in the canteen, implementation "Internet + Ming Chef Light stove "project, install camera two hundred and seventy-three , reaching full coverage, no dead corner all-weather Intelligent monitoring and supervision The goal of the canteen, Timely and effectively handle the platform alarm task, eliminate potential risks, improve the long-term mechanism of food safety governance, and strive to improve the food safety protection level of the canteen.

Focus on "Five Unifications" to ensure food safety

Regularly carry out special rectification actions for food safety, adhere to the problem orientation, comprehensively and strictly check and sort out the weak links in food safety, form a risk prevention and control list, establish a rectification account, define the time limit for completion, division of responsibilities, rectification effect, strengthen supervision and inspection, and ensure that leaders, measures, personnel, responsibilities, guarantees and supervision are in place Execution in place; Adhere to the "five unifications" management model as the focus, that is, the canteen is fully implemented Raw materials shall be uniformly collected, prepared, tested and stored, dishes and chopsticks shall be uniformly washed, and food samples shall be kept To form a closed-loop management of the whole chain from the breeding base to the table, and strive for zero accidents, zero complaints and zero errors in the food safety of the canteen, so as to ensure that the food safety of the canteen is foolproof.

With "six T” Management as normal, promoting the standardized construction of canteens

 “ six T” Management, that is, six "do it every day": deal with it every day, integrate it every day, clean it every day, standardize it every day, check it every day, and improve it every day; Organize the canteen to carry out the "Six Year Plan" every day T” Management, and as a long-term mechanism, the canteen staff must check the "six T” The management standards should be implemented and reformed, the process should be strict, good operation habits should be formed, and the pace of safety standardization construction of school canteens should be vigorously promoted.

Take strict management and control as the key to strengthen the food safety defense line of the canteen

Tightly press the management responsibility of the school and relevant departments, the main responsibility of catering enterprises and business operators, increase work efforts, refine work measures, and strive to create a safe, orderly, secure and healthy campus food safety environment; comprehensive Implement the meal accompanying system, strictly implement the food safety double allocation system, strictly control the seven key points of the canteen, such as "purchase, warehousing, sample retention, operation, cleaning, sales, and physical examination", strictly implement the working mechanism of "daily control, weekly inspection, and monthly scheduling", and seriously investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations, Adhere to "zero tolerance" for violations , make every effort to build a defense line for food safety, Firmly hold the bottom line of food safety

Editor: He Kai

First instance: Zhang Huanle

Second instance: He Kai

Third instance: Yu Yongqing