The way to care for "sex" and the door to nurture - health education - Jiaxing First Hospital
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Protect the way of "sex" happiness and the door of breeding

Release time: 2024-03-07 10:30 View:
Pay attention to women's health, starting from caring for the vagina and cervix.

Vaginitis It is the most common gynecological disease, which can occur in all age groups. The vagina is adjacent to the urethra and anus. It is locally wet and easy to be polluted. Women in childbearing period have frequent sexual life, and the vagina is the only way of delivery and uterine cavity operation, which is vulnerable to damage and infection of external pathogens; Postmenopausal women and infants have low estrogen levels, local resistance decreases, and are prone to infection.

The cervix is called the "health guard" of the female reproductive system , vulnerable Bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma, chlamydia, etc Infection and susceptibility Sexual life trauma, birth injury, surgical injury Once“ Health Guard ”“ Fallen ", posterior uterine body, ovary, fallopian tube There will be no luck Exemption.

Cervix is infected by bacteria, pathogens, etc Cervicitis (Acute cervicitis, chronic cervicitis). If chronic cervicitis is not treated for a long time, it will spread infection, which will lead to pelvic inflammation, adnexitis and other diseases, and even infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia It is a general term for a group of precancerous lesions closely related to cervical invasive cancer, reflecting the continuous development process of cervical cancer, namely, a series of pathological changes from cervical intraepithelial lesions to early invasive cancer to invasive cancer. The etiology of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and HPV virus( Human papillomavirus )Infection is related, but its prognosis is good. As long as standard diagnosis and treatment are carried out, the possibility of further development to cervical cancer can be blocked. HPV vaccine has primary prevention significance for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer. The extensive development of cytological screening, combined with colposcopy and microscopic biopsy, is conducive to early detection and diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

cervical carcinoma It is a common malignant tumor in women, but cervical cancer Is it really an incurable disease? no Cervical cancer is a preventable infectious disease, mainly transmitted through sexual behavior, mother to child transmission, direct contact, etc. Women can prevent cervical cancer by taking effective measures such as vaccinating against cervical cancer, avoiding high-risk sexual behaviors, actively preventing chronic gynecological diseases, and regularly screening high-risk patients.

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