Scientific understanding of lung cancer, early diagnosis and treatment, no longer anxiety - health education - Jiaxing First Hospital
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Scientific understanding of lung cancer, early diagnosis and treatment, no anxiety

Release time: 2023-12-20 16:42 View:
Lung cancer, full name of primary bronchogenic carcinoma, is a malignant tumor originating from bronchial mucosa or glands, and it is also the malignant tumor with the highest incidence and mortality in the world.

The typical clinical manifestations of lung cancer are as follows:

1、 Long term cough and choking, or high pitched obstructive cough. Cough is the most common symptom of early lung cancer, mostly paroxysmal.

2、 Hemoptysis or rusty sputum, intermittent or continuous blood in sputum The quantity can be more or less, and the color is bright or dark.

3、 Chest tightness and chest pain. Chest tightness and chest pain of different degrees are often aggravated during deep breathing and coughing.

4、 Recurrent fever The necrosis of tumor tissue can cause fever, most of which are caused by obstructive pneumonia caused by tumor.

5、 Unexplained weight loss Sudden weight loss may be a sign of cancer.

There are many ways to treat lung cancer, including surgical resection, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted drug therapy, immunotherapy and supportive treatment. Patients with advanced lung cancer The survival rate can be significantly improved by targeted drug therapy and immunotherapy.

At present, pulmonary nodules are the most common in clinical practice, which can be divided into mini nodules, mini nodules, pulmonary nodules, and pulmonary tumors according to their size. Different sized nodules have specific follow-up time and treatment options, and need to consult a professional doctor for clear diagnosis.

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