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What is the relationship between reservation bidding and domain name bidding?

Release time: 2021-03-16 11:32:14 Source: Internet Author: wsy Hits: 3761

In the domain name market, there is a group of similar words, namely, "predetermined bidding" and“ Domain name bidding ”Although they both have the word "bidding", do they mean the same thing? Scheduled bidding and Domain name bidding Is there any contact? Here is a detailed introduction.

 What is the relationship between reservation bidding and domain name bidding?

1. Introduction to domain name bidding

Similar to auction, domain name bidding is a common way of domain name transactions. (Related reading: Questions that Xiaobai should know before bidding for domain names

First, when domain name holders sell a domain name, they publish the domain name for bidding, and set the minimum bid and bidding cycle. During the bidding cycle, the buyer will bid on demand, and the final price will be the higher one (no reserve price).

Second, the domain name is deleted after expiration. Because the domain name has a service life, if the domain name has not been renewed after expiration, it will eventually lead to deletion and re release. At this point, we can seize the domain name through the expired domain name registration platform, which is also the higher price.

2、 Introduction to Reservation Bidding

Domain name bidding requires reservation before bidding, so we will say that reservation bidding is the key link of domain name bidding. On the expired domain name registration platform, we can browse the list of expired domain names and select the desired domain names for reservation bidding. Then users can participate in bidding.

We need to remind you that a certain amount of deposit is required for domain name reservation, which is generally returned after the auction.

3、 Can I participate in domain name bidding without booking in advance ?

Take Juming as an example. If a user does not book a domain name in advance, he or she can get the qualification to participate in the bidding at 50 yuan before the end of the domain name bidding. For other platforms, the platform regulations shall prevail.

Note: 50 yuan intrusion fee shall not be marked and returned; The winning bid will be returned.

That's all about "What's the relationship between the reservation auction and the domain name auction?".

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key word: Reservation bidding Domain name bidding

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