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What should I do if I forget the operation protection answer?
Updated on: December 23, 2019 Views: 126138

1、 Self service modification (remember the original secret protection answer)

If you still remember the operation protection answer of your account and only need to change one, you can modify it by yourself and set new questions and answers. The steps are as follows:

click Management Center - Account Management - Operation Protection , the following page appears.

Remove the operation protection as required, and then there will be a "Modify operation protection page, as shown below."

Verification method 1: security+password. If you need to modify the operation protection, click Management center - account security - modify the answer, Reset new questions and answers as required.

2、 Without remembering the answer to the original secret protection

If you don't remember your current security answer In the case of

1. Please log in to the website and click Management center - answer every question - I want to ask questions , the following page will appear;

2. In the work order type Select Modify Security , click Yes/No to complete the requirements in the detailed description, explain why the corresponding information needs to be verified in the work order after submission, and then wait for the commissioner to review and reply to you.


matters needing attention:

1、 Please complete the relevant verification according to the detailed requirements. If the verification cannot be carried out due to special reasons, please provide relevant materials according to the requirements of the commissioner.

2. If you have other questions, please contact online customer service.