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Asia's first adult exhibition: Hong Kong Asia Adult Products Exhibition 2024 (time, place, ticket purchase, ticket price)

Source: Juzhan 2024-06-29 14:06:48 one hundred and eighty-three Classification: Adult products information

Asia's first adult exhibition: Hong Kong Asia Adult Products Exhibition 2024 (time, place, ticket purchase, ticket price)

Exhibition time: August 27-29, 2024

Exhibition address: 5E-5F-5G Exhibition Hall of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center

Ticket purchase: booking tickets online and booking tickets

The AAE Asia Adult Expo is the first adult industry event in Asia Pacific for trade and conferences. It will become a platform to establish relationships, conduct transactions and find potential business partners. Some of them are wholesalers and traders who hope to find high-quality imported products.

The last exhibition had a total area of 16000 square meters, with 310 exhibitors from China, Dubai, Turkey, India, the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Australia, etc., and 25000 participants.

Asia has a population of 4 billion, and the adult products market is huge. The annual sales volume of adult products is billions. Asia needs a professional industrial trade platform for international buyers and suppliers to expand adult business. Therefore, holding the Asian Adult Expo can effectively solve the problem of channel shortage, and can further promote industry exchanges to help promote development.

AAE is famous for its high quality exhibits, many international brands and elegant professional performances. Since the establishment of the exhibition, famous companies and brand products at home and abroad have enthusiastically participated. It is particularly noteworthy that many large companies have joined the lineup in countries with more developed adult products, such as the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan and other countries, and the exhibition area has continued to expand, the product variety has increased, attracting many domestic and foreign buyers to come to visit and purchase. It can be said that the exhibition has become an important platform for the gathering and trade of high-quality adult products at home and abroad.

The AAE Asia Adult Expo is second only to similar exhibitions in the United States and Germany. However, in terms of the advantageous conditions of the Asia Pacific region with a large population and steady economic development, the AAE Asia Adult Expo and the adult products market have more development potential. 

100% export-oriented exhibition&the only B2B platform in Asia Pacific

Asian Adult Expo (AAE)

Ticket pre registration of Hong Kong Adult Expo 2024 is in progress!

reference material:

Hong Kong Asia Adult Products Exhibition - Asia Adult Expo

AAE-Asia Adult Expo

Host region: Hong Kong

Exhibition date: August 27, 2024 August 29, 2024

Opening and closing time: 09:00-18:00

Address: 1 Expo Drive Wanchai Hong Kong

Exhibition area: 16000

Number of visitors: 25000

Period: once a year

Sponsor: AAE Co., Ltd

Statement: The copyright of some pictures and texts in this article belongs to the original author and is not used for commercial purposes. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it.
Source: Juzhan
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 Asia's first adult exhibition: Hong Kong Asia Adult Products Exhibition 2024 (time, place, ticket purchase, ticket price)

Asia's first adult exhibition: Hong Kong Asia Adult Products Exhibition 2024 (time, place, ticket purchase, ticket price)

2024-06-29 14:06:48 one hundred and eighty-three

Asia's first adult exhibition: Hong Kong Asia Adult Products Exhibition 2024 (time and place, ticket purchase, ticket price) Exhibition time: August 27-29, 2024 Exhibition address: 5E-5F-5G Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center Ticket purchase: online booking tickets, ticket booking Hong Kong Asia
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