home page Exhibition information Stationery information ISOT, the world's five most important stationery exhibitions, will be held on July 3-5, 2024! How much is the official channel for ticket purchase

ISOT, the world's five most important stationery exhibitions, will be held on July 3-5, 2024! How much is the official channel for ticket purchase

Source: Juzhan 2024-06-15 12:49:40 one hundred and sixty Classification: Stationery information
 Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan
July 3 - July 5, 2024
Distance development fifteen day
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 Japan Tokyo Grocery and General Merchandise Exhibition
July 3 - July 5, 2024
Distance development fifteen day
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 Japan Tokyo Fashion Home Furnishings Exhibition
July 3 - July 5, 2024
Distance development fifteen day
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ISOT, the world's five most important stationery exhibitions, will be held on July 3-5, 2024! How much is the official channel for ticket purchase

Exhibition time: July 3-5, 2024

Exhibition address: Youming International Convention and Exhibition Center, Tokyo, Japan

Ticket purchase: booking tickets online, booking tickets on the official website

ISOT TOKYO is one of the most influential stationery and office supplies trade shows in Asia. It is also one of the five most important stationery exhibitions in the world. At the same time, it is also one of the trade exhibitions that can achieve on-site orders in the industry. This is the charm that attracts industry experts from all over Japan to gather in Tokyo at this moment every year.

Visitor categories include importers, import agents, wholesalers, distributors, manufacturers, enterprise users, large-scale retailers, stationery stores, department stores, supermarkets, discount stores, convenience stores, bookstores, gift stores, home centers, franchised stores, etc.

It mainly displays various stationery and office supplies, including pens, paper, folders, laptops, printers, office furniture, etc. In addition, the exhibition also showed the latest trends and innovations in the stationery and office supplies industry, promoting the development and innovation of the stationery and office supplies industry.

ISOT TOKYO exhibitors can display their latest stationery and office supplies, and negotiate, communicate and cooperate with domestic and foreign buyers and suppliers. At the same time, the exhibition also provides a series of seminars, forums and speech activities, so that participants can deeply understand the latest trends, designs and applications of stationery and office supplies industry.

Ticket price - ticket address

Booking tickets online for Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan

Japan is the second largest stationery, office supplies and gift market in the world. ISOT TOKYO has become the key for stationers from all countries to enter the Japanese market. For importers, this is the best place for retailers and wholesalers to purchase new products and find business partners for OEM/ODM. 

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Source: Juzhan
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    Visitor consultation: 0571-88611413
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