home page Exhibition information Industrial information INNOPROM2024 Russian Yekaterinburg Industrial Exhibition will be launched in July! The world's leading industrial exhibition! Official channel for ticket purchase

INNOPROM2024 Russian Yekaterinburg Industrial Exhibition will be launched in July! The world's leading industrial exhibition! Official channel for ticket purchase

Source: Juzhan 2024-05-22 00:07:46 one hundred and three Classification: Industrial information
 Yekaterinburg Industrial Exhibition, Russia
July 8 - July 11, 2024
Distance development twenty day
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INNOPROM, a Russian industrial exhibition, will be held in Yekaterinburg Convention and Exhibition Center on July 8-11, 2024. As one of the most important industrial events in Russia, INNOPROM 2024 will gather top enterprises, industry experts and innovative thinkers from all over the world to discuss industrial technology, promote cooperation and exchange, and lead the future development trend.

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INNOPROM is one of the largest and most influential events in Russia's industrial field, bringing together leading enterprises and professionals in the global industrial field. This exhibition will focus on the latest achievements and innovative products in the fields of advanced manufacturing technology, industrial equipment, intelligent manufacturing solutions, automation and digital industry.

Russia Industrial Exhibition is not only a platform for product display, but also a series of high-level forums, seminars and special lectures. Participants will have the opportunity to have in-depth dialogues with industry leaders, experts, scholars and government officials to discuss important topics such as industrial innovation, technology transfer and sustainable development. At the same time, this exhibition will also hold innovative project exhibition and investment docking activities, provide a broad cooperation platform for entrepreneurs and investors, and promote innovation cooperation and project incubation in the industrial field.

As one of the most dynamic economic centers in Russia, Yekaterinburg is a city full of innovative spirit and industrial tradition. The location of INNOPROM is Yekaterinburg, which fully reflects the important position of the city in Russia's industrial development. The exhibition will provide a window for entrepreneurs and professionals at home and abroad to understand the Russian industrial market and find partners.

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Online ticket reservation for Russia Industrial Exhibition

Let's look forward to INNOPROM, the Russian industrial exhibition to be held on July 8-11, 2024. In this grand event of global industrial innovation, we will work with leaders and innovators from all over the world to promote the prosperity and progress of global industry!

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Source: Juzhan
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