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 WPE&WHPE2024 Western Natural Extract Exhibition and Xi'an Natural Nutrition and Health Food Exhibition will open in July! How to apply for booth, ticket and exhibition catalogue

WPE&WHPE2024 Western Natural Extract Exhibition and Xi'an Natural Nutrition and Health Food Exhibition will open in July! How to apply for booth, ticket and exhibition catalogue

06-15 13:05:30 one hundred and forty-five

China (West) International Natural Extract, Pharmaceutical Raw Materials and Innovative Raw Materials Exhibition and China (West) International Natural Health, Health Food and Functional Food Exhibition WPE& WHPE 2024 Abbreviation: Western Natural Extract Exhibition # Western Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Exhibition # Natural Nutrition Health Food Exhibition Exhibition Time: July 29-31, 2024 Exhibition address: Xi'an International Convention and Exhibition Center Ticket registration: online booking tickets, ticket official website booking western natural extracts, innovative raw materials of pharmaceutical raw materials The functional nutrition health care products exhibition is the first full industry chain exhibition focusing on natural extract+big health industry in China. It will be held in Xi'an on July 29-31, 2024, with a top event from domestic and international precision buyers and industry experts. The exhibition area gathers high-quality industrial manufacturers from the development and production technologies of natural plant extracts, pharmaceutical raw materials, biotechnology, functional food, health products and other products. There are many high-quality manufacturers in western China, and only more than 800 plant extract manufacturers in western Shaanxi Province have more than 2000 traders. The pharmaceutical and health care industry is very strong. According to the report of the pharmaceutical industry development promotion conference, there are 80 pharmaceutical varieties with annual sales of more than 100 million yuan in Shaanxi Province alone, and the annual output value of biological medicine is 75 billion yuan. A complete production and marketing blockchain system has been formed, The strong industrial foundation has attracted buyers from China and all over the world to gather here every year. "Western China Planting Health Products Exhibition" will jointly create an authoritative international exchange feast for the industry! The organizing committee will rely on the strong international network of the international exhibition organization to promote the in-depth development of the Chinese market in combination with international and domestic excellent exhibitors. "Western China Planting Health Products Exhibition" will play an important role in the post epidemic era, and the platform will show the industry successful solutions and future development trends. This time, we will also focus on the changes in production, logistics, sales and communication methods in the industry to help restore market momentum and establish new businesses.
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