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 Hong Kong Film Yangwei Kangcheng Film Exhibition

Hong Kong Film Yangwei Kangcheng Film Exhibition

06-07 15:06:56 thirty-five

Hong Kong Film Yangwei Kangcheng Film Festival International Film Festival "Kangcheng Film Festival" is held in France every year. This year, Hong Kong sent the largest delegation to the Kangcheng Film Festival over the years to show the creativity and strength of Hong Kong's film industry to the world. The "Hong Kong Films @ Cannes 2024" event jointly organized by the Hong Kong Film Development Council (HKFDC), Creative Hong Kong and Hong Kong Trade and Development Council at the "Cannes Film Festival" ended successfully from May 14 to 22. During the event, the sponsor held a series of wonderful activities and exhibitions to promote Hong Kong films. Bring a series of wonderful activities and exhibitions. One of the highlights of the event, "Hong Kong Night", was held in Palm Beach, Kangcheng, attracting more than 600 Universal producers, directors, actors, distributors, buyers, and representatives of members of the Hong Kong Film Development Council to attend and discuss cooperation opportunities. The highly acclaimed Hong Kong film "Fortress Besieged by Kowloon Fortress" was selected as a candidate for the "Midnight Exhibition Unit" of this Kangcheng Film Festival, which proves that Hong Kong films are highly recognized by the international market. The film director Zheng Baorui, actor Gu Tianle, Lin Feng, Liu Junqian, Hu Zitong, Zhang Wenjie, as well as the actresses Zhang Aijia, Liang Yongting, and directors Guan Jinpeng and Zhuo Yunzhi attended the "Hong Kong Night" and "Midnight Exhibition Unit" screening, and the audience applauded. " The "Hong Kong Night" was held in Palm Beach, Kangcheng, bringing together global industry representatives to exchange ideas and explore cooperation opportunities. In terms of exhibition, the sponsor set up the Hong Kong Pavilion in the venue, bringing six companies, including Kabu Film, Tianying Entertainment, Anle Film, Infinite Power Industry, Star Chinese Media Film, mm2 Hong Kong, and other production companies, including British King Film, Huanya Media, Tiantianyi Film, also participated in the exhibition and exhibited their new works. Liu Huiping, Vice President of Hong Kong Trade and Development Council, said: "Following the Hong Kong International Film and Television Exhibition held in March, Hong Kong Trade and Development Council (HKTDC) and Creative Hong Kong jointly organized Hong Kong Films @ Cannes at this Kangcheng Film Market. The event successfully attracted many representatives of the global industry to attend the event and discussed with Hong Kong companies participating in the exhibition, The Hong Kong films shown in the show were more highly praised. We are full of confidence in Hong Kong's creative and film industries, and will continue to use the Council's platform to create more opportunities for international cooperation and exchange, and promote Hong Kong's development as a center for cultural and artistic exchanges between China and foreign countries. " After the screening of the "Midnight Exhibition Unit" of the Kangcheng Film Festival, Huanya Media, the film maker, announced that it had successfully sold the distribution rights of the film to Cambodia, Eastern Europe, India, Indonesia, South Korea and other places on the spot, and would start shooting the film trilogy. The exhibitors are satisfied with the results of this exhibition. Wen Peiqing, deputy general manager of mm2 Hong Kong, said: "This' Hong Kong Films @ Cannes' activity is very excellent. Through seminars, forums, exchange activities and market screenings, it has greatly promoted the development of Hong Kong film industry and helped Hong Kong exhibitors to establish contacts with international industry people." Another exhibitor, Gao Huizhi, Vice President of Tianying Entertainment Distribution Department, who owns Shaw's film library, also said that this year's exhibition was fruitful, and successfully facilitated a number of transactions with France, Vietnam and other places. The "Hong Kong Perspective in Asia's Film Market" seminar held during the event discussed Hong Kong's unique role as a center of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries and a regional intellectual property trade center, and strengthened the publicity of Hong Kong's open attitude towards international film makers coming to Hong Kong for co production. Frank Priot, CEO and producer of Ghost City, a French film company, said, "I hope that with the support of the Eurasian Cultural Exchange Film Production Funding Program, Hong Kong can become a bridge between the Asian and European markets." Cedric Behrel, co founder and general manager of Trinity CineAsia, said: "Hong Kong's new filmmakers are setting off an exciting wave, which can drive more cooperation opportunities between Hong Kong and Europe." During the event, a series of symposiums focusing on Asian film cooperation, co production, Hong Kong action films and new filmmakers were also held. The presenters included famous directors Guan Jinpeng, Zheng Baorui, actors Lin Feng, Liu Junqian, Liang Yongting, Hu Zitong and Zhang Wenjie, as well as other film directors and supervisors. Hong Kong director Chen Xiaojuan said, "The Hong Kong delegation that participated in the Cannes Film Festival this year is the largest in history. During the two weeks, many activities were held to promote the Hong Kong film industry." For more information about TDC exhibitions or trade, please visit the official website of TDC on Sina Weibo @ Hong Kong TDC http://www.hktdc.com/sc/ see
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