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China Shanghai International Glass Industry Technology Exhibition

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 China Silicate Society and China National Building Materials Institute jointly carry out theme co construction activities

China Silicate Society and China National Building Materials Institute jointly carry out theme co construction activities

06-02 14:13:14 fifty

To celebrate the eighth "National Science and Technology Worker's Day", the China Silicate Society and the China General Academy of Building Materials jointly carried out a joint construction activity with the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of scientists and being the pacesetter of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology" in the form of scientists giving party lectures. Gao Ruiping, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the 9th Council of China Silicate Society, Zhou Yu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the Council, and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering attended the meeting and gave lectures. Zhi Xiao, Assistant General Manager of China Building Materials Group, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Building Materials General Academy, Jin Zhanping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the China Silicate Society, Tan Fu, Secretary General of the China Silicate Society, attended the meeting, which was chaired by Zhang Naiwang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China Building Materials General Academy. Gao Ruiping wrote a theme party lesson entitled "Develop the new quality productivity of material science and technology, support the self-reliance of high-level science and technology". The report emphasizes the importance of basic research and talent strategy through the history of scientific development, analyzes in detail the basic research paradigm and tasks under the global scientific and technological revolution, and puts forward the basic research and development trend of material science. She stressed that in order to strengthen China's innovation ability in the field of material science, talents are the core of innovation. It is necessary to strengthen talent training and stimulate the innovative vitality of high-level talents. We should seriously and thoroughly study the scientific issues in basic research, and strengthen top-level design and resource coordination. She pointed out that the Chinese Silicate Society will adhere to serving scientific and technological workers, innovation driven development, improving the scientific quality of the whole people, serving the scientific decision-making of the Party and the government, and building a community with a shared future for mankind. It will unite and lead scientific and technological workers to follow the Party's advice, and promote high-quality development of science and technology We will make greater contributions to building a modern country of the Chinese style in an all-round way. Zhou Yu wrote a theme party lesson entitled "Vigorously carry forward the spirit of scientists, strive to achieve self-reliance and self-improvement". The report reproduces the life experience of the older generation of scientists, such as Qian Xuesen and Deng Jiaxian, and tells the story of the older generation of scientists who devoted their lives to scientific research with a heart of serving their country. He called on all scientific and technological workers to pay tribute to the older generation of scientists, vigorously carry forward the spirit of scientists, and bravely become the vanguard of scientific and technological innovation in the new era. He pointed out that while doing scientific research, scientific and technological workers should have the life ideal of "self-cultivation, family harmony, national governance and world peace". The event also invited Wang Zhendi, the winner of the 15th China Silicate Society Youth Science and Technology Award, and two other young scientific and technological workers from the General Institute of Building Materials to exchange their experience of growing up around their own scientific research experience. Zhi Xiao made a concluding speech. All the staff of the institute's office and the main principals of each branch, the leadership of China National Building Materials Institute, the main principals of each department and all the staff of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the secretary of the Party organization of the secondary enterprises, the main leaders in charge of science and technology, the main principals of the Party Mass Department and the Ministry of Science and Technology More than 200 scientific research project leaders and young scientific and technological backbones participated in this activity in a combination of online and offline.
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