Guangdong Wanchang Technology Industry Co., Ltd Good Sound Jazz Dragon Top ten competitive brands in audio and lighting industry

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 Henan Huaxian Tourism Bureau - Audio Equipment Procurement Case

Henan Huaxian Tourism Bureau - Audio Equipment Procurement Case

Jazz Dragon audio equipment has been exported to more than 20 provinces, more than 100 regions, states and cities, and is growing. Such a good result cannot be separated from the hard work of Jazz Dragon's team, nor from all customers and friends who trust and support Jazz Dragon audio products.
 Shandong Cultural Agency - Trolley speaker purchase case

Shandong Cultural Agency - Trolley speaker purchase case

Shandong Provincial Department of Culture has always attached great importance to and vigorously promoted the construction of a culturally strong province. This year, in order to let people enjoy the cultural feast at home, Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Jazz Dragon Professional Audio Company jointly ordered a batch of Jazz Dragon trolley speakers MH-2300 for mobile cultural performances in villages and towns,
 The conference room of a real estate marketing center in Guangzhou adopts the Jazz Dragon civil audio conference audio system

The conference room of a real estate marketing center in Guangzhou adopts the Jazz Dragon civil audio conference audio system

In order to improve the conference quality and enrich the conference form, the building marketing center needs to build a multi-functional conference room to change the single conference mode. According to the comprehensive needs of customers, Jazz Dragon has created a high-end multi-functional conference audio system for them. The conference room audio system provided by Jazz Dragon civil audio manufacturers keeps pace with the times, with strong production strength and complete product qualifications, Integrating production and engineering, it is an honest cooperative enterprise. After the completion and delivery of this project, it won unanimous praise from customers and highly praised the dedication of the Jazz Dragon team. Jazz Dragon Civil Audio was recognized by the person in charge of the conference room of a real estate marketing center in Guangzhou, and the cooperation was very successful.
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