Jiangsu Yancheng Prison

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[2024] SYJZ No. 94

    The criminal Zhang Yunliang, male, born on June 12, 1965 in Pizhou City, Jiangsu Province, is a Han nationality with a bachelor's degree and a citizenship number of 320325196506125237. He is now serving his sentence in the ninth prison district of Yancheng Prison, Jiangsu Province.

    2021 On April 28, 2002, the People's Court of Pizhou City, Jiangsu Province issued a criminal judgment (2021) Su 0382 Xing Chu No. 132, in which Zhang Yunliang was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for the crime of misappropriation of public funds; For the crime of corruption, he was sentenced to two years of fixed-term imprisonment and a fine of 200000 yuan. He decided to execute a fixed-term imprisonment of five years and eight months (from September 29, 2020 to May 7, 2026) and a fine of 200000 yuan. After the judgment becomes legally effective, it will be delivered to Yancheng Prison of Jiangsu Province for execution on September 24, 2021.

    During his sentence, Zhang Yunliang, a criminal, was able to plead guilty and repent, conscientiously abide by laws, regulations and prison rules, accept education and reform, actively participate in ideological, cultural, vocational and technical education, actively participate in labor, and strive to complete labor tasks. He was praised four times in May 2022, October 2022, April 2023, and September 2023, and showed true repentance. The fine is 200000 yuan (already fulfilled). Since the offender is a crime committed by taking advantage of duty, he shall be severely punished.

    In accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 273 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China It is suggested that the criminal Zhang Yunliang be reduced by six months' imprisonment. We hereby apply for review and ruling.


Jiangsu Yancheng Intermediate People's Court

Jiangsu Yancheng Prison

two thousand and twenty-four April 29