Jiangsu Province Report on the Work of the Higher People's Court

——202 three year one month seventeen The 10th day in Jiangsu Province four session

The People's Congress one At the meeting

President of Jiangsu Higher People's Court   Xia Daohu


Dear delegates

Now, on behalf of the Jiangsu Higher People's Court, I would like to report to the General Assembly for your deliberation and comments.


Main work in the past five years


In the past five years, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the Provincial People's Court has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply studied and practiced Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, comprehensively implemented the spirit of the 19th and 20th National Congresses of the CPC and the 13th and 14th Provincial Party Congress, earnestly implemented the resolutions of the previous sessions of the 13th Provincial People's Congress, and closely followed The work goal of "making the people feel fair and just in every judicial case", adhere to the main line of justice for the people and justice, establish the work idea of "creating high-quality justice and serving high-quality development", faithfully perform the duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws, and promote the work of courts in the province to continue to take the lead in the country, so as to "strengthen, enrich, beautiful and high" New Jiangsu modernization provides strong judicial services and guarantees. The courts across the province have accepted cases in total one thousand and twenty-one point eight Ten thousand pieces, audited, executed and concluded nine hundred and ninety-eight point one 10000 pieces, subject amount of settlement seven point one Trillion yuan, up from the previous five years 44.3% 47.9% 178.9% , of which the provincial court accepts the case eleven Ten thousand pieces, audited, executed and concluded nine point five 10000 pieces, up respectively 90.8% 80%

1、 Implement the new development concept and serve high-quality development

Create a first-class legal business environment. Focus on improving the core competitiveness of Jiangsu's rule of law, promote the construction of Nanjing Rule of Law Park, and attract a number of high-quality judicial resources to the park. Implement the provincial action plan for optimizing business environment and establish The concept of "all cases are business environment", and commercial cases are concluded in the first instance seventy-five point three 10000 pieces, subject amount eight thousand seven hundred and forty-eight point seven 100 million yuan. Service and guarantee the construction of a unified national market twenty-six Measures, and conclude monopoly and unfair competition cases such as "one out of two" forced by the platform and big data killing two thousand three hundred and thirty-two Pieces. Serve the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and establish with Shanghai, Zhejiang and Anhui courts nine To promote information sharing across the whole region and the uniform application of laws. Properly resolve conflicts and disputes in new infrastructure construction, industrial upgrading and other fields, and ensure the implementation of major projects such as high-speed railway along the Yangtze River and Beijing Shanghai high-speed expansion. Improve enterprise credit governance, establish a credit repair mechanism for bankrupt and reorganized enterprises in cooperation with the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and other departments, and carry out "optimizing the legal business environment" Year of execution 1+4 Special action for forty-seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-four Home dishonest enterprises repair credit; Development and The pilot reform with equivalent functions of the personal bankruptcy system is sixty-four Famous and honest entrepreneurs who fail provide opportunities to make a comeback. Take the lead in realizing the linkage mechanism between the government and the court for enterprise bankruptcy disposal, covering all provinces, cities and counties, and concluding bankruptcy cases one point four 10000 pieces, releasing precipitated assets one More than 100 billion yuan, resettlement of employees twenty-three point nine 10000 people, revitalize land and property one point nine Million square meters, a number of enterprises have been liquidated and orderly withdrawn from the market, including Nanjing Construction Engineering Group, Shente Steel, etc nine hundred and seventy-two Enterprises have been reorganized to gain new life

Protect property rights and the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in accordance with the law. insist "Two unswervingly", formulate relevant judicial documents twenty Yu Fen established a cooperation mechanism with the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce to serve the private economy, protect all kinds of market subjects equally according to law, strictly distinguish between economic disputes and economic crimes, and deal with the persons in charge of private enterprises who do not constitute crimes according to law Acquittal , let entrepreneurs Dare to rush dry . Manage with ease. develop "Farun Private Enterprises", "Six Visits and Six Assistance" and other activities, visiting enterprises three point two Wanjia promotes enterprises to prevent risks and operate in compliance. Strengthen the good faith and civilized justice, and make use of the "Internet of Things" + Implementation "," releasing water to raise fish "and other flexible implementation methods to minimize the impact on the production and operation of enterprises. An executed enterprise in Yangzhou had an order of 100 million yuan, but was applied to move out within a time limit due to the loss of a factory building lease dispute, The court organized more than ten rounds of consultations to facilitate the delayed relocation, We also helped them find a new factory, ensuring continuous production and on-time delivery.

service Innovation driven development Take the lead in implementing the strictest judicial protection of intellectual property rights in the country, and issue thirty-six strip measures , innovate the trial mechanism and adjudication rules, add Wuxi and Xuzhou intellectual property courts, four Home intellectual property courts are the largest in China, First instance concluded intellectual property cases ten point seven 10000 pieces. Increase the compensation for infringement damages two hundred and ninety-eight Punitive damages are applicable to cases, with the highest award two 100 million yuan. Create a provincial judicial cooperation mechanism for IPR enforcement, establish an IPR protection alliance in Nanjing Metropolitan Area, and enhance the joint force of protection, National intellectual property rights Local intellectual property In the survey of social protection satisfaction, Jiangsu ranked first in the country Conclude a number of cases with national benchmark significance, such as the patent cases of Huawei and Convinson, protect major inventions and technological innovation, and help enterprises tackle key problems The "neck jam" problem. A foreign enterprise filed a lawsuit against Jiangsu Micro Guide Company for patent infringement, and the court held that the use of disclosed technology to digest, absorb and re innovate does not constitute infringement, promoting the innovation and development of the domestic semiconductor industry. Announce to serve the development of digital economy fourteen We set up a research base for Internet intellectual property protection, heard the first nationwide case of "Wanciba Screen" that maliciously interfered with Baidu's search ranking results, and cracked down on the online black ash industry according to law. Trial and conclusion of the case involving new varieties of grain two hundred and forty-four And protect "agricultural chips" according to law. We strengthened copyright protection and tried major cases such as the stolen version of the works of Wandering Earth and Zheng Yuanjie, the "fairy tale king". Two innovative initiatives in Jiangsu were rated as the first typical cases of building a powerful intellectual property country, two Cases were selected as typical cases of the World Intellectual Property Organization, and the provincial courts have been selected for three consecutive years By the state Rated by the Copyright Office strike tort Pirate meritorious units.

Serve the construction of beautiful Jiangsu. Deep practice The concept of "two mountains", the first environmental resources court in China, the first environmental resources trial“ 9+1” The mechanism was recommended to the whole country by the Office of the Central Commission for Deep Reform, and the environmental resources cases were concluded four point three 10000 pieces. Focus on fighting the key battle of pollution prevention, and review environmental pollution case piece one thousand four hundred and two Pieces. Implement the Yangtze River Protection Law and conclude relevant cases eight hundred and fourteen Pieces. hear three · 07 A case of illegal sand mining in the Yangtze River ”It is the first time in China to actively transfer ecological restoration funds across provinces to promote the integrated protection of the whole Yangtze River basin; The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized the hearing of the "Super Large Telefishing Case in Gaoyou Lake" twenty-one The person in charge of the provincial fishery department attended the court hearing to promote the effective interaction between environmental justice and administrative law enforcement. Strengthen the protection of tidal flats and wetlands, hear the series of cases of illegal sea occupation of laver cultivation in Gaogong Island, support the enforcement of administrative organs according to law, and return illegal cultivation accumulatively four thousand and five hundred Mu, effectively improving the offshore environment. We strengthened biodiversity conservation, set up the country's first biodiversity judicial protection museum, and tried a number of major cases with nationwide influence, such as the "extraordinarily large ivory smuggling case" and the "illegal fishing of Yangtze eel fry". Initiate a batch of adjudication rules and enforcement mechanisms such as full chain accountability and labor compensation, and establish Yangtze River Xinjizhou, Ocean Ranch, Tiaozini, etc forty-two Three ecological restoration bases were established, and new ecological restoration models such as off-site replanting, breeding and releasing were promoted. To enhance the environmental protection awareness of the whole people, the compilation of Cartoon Biodiversity Protection was recommended as a special feature book by CCTV's "Reading" column, and the environmental protection drama "Rivers" with Jiangsu environmental justice as the background Above "will be broadcast soon. The provincial court made a special speech at the World Environmental Justice Conference, demonstrating the vivid practice of environmental justice in Jiangsu, four Cases selected as typical cases of the United Nations Environment Programme

High level of service and opening up. Take the lead in setting up Suzhou and Wuxi in China two Local international commercial courts, newly established three Free trade pilot zone courts, established sound Foreign law identification and neutral evaluation mediation mechanism, focusing on building a preferred place for international commercial dispute resolution, and concluding foreign-related, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan related cases in the first instance eleven thousand five hundred and seventy Piece, involving one hundred and forty-three In countries and regions, Siemens, Chanel and other world-famous enterprises have taken the initiative to file lawsuits in our province. Foreign related commercial judgments have been recognized and enforced by the United States, Australia, Ethiopia and other countries, and foreign related judicial international influence and The credibility was significantly improved. Actively carry out legal struggle against issues such as long arm jurisdiction and parallel litigation in the foreign-related judicial field, and reject them according to law twenty-eight The jurisdiction of the foreign party to the case was challenged, and the judicial sovereignty of the country was firmly upheld. Serve the construction of the "Belt and Road" intersection, hold a forum on judicial cooperation of the new Eurasian land sea intermodal transport corridor, and resolve relevant disputes one thousand four hundred and fifty-seven Pieces. Implement the Foreign Investment Law and conclude relevant cases nine hundred and ninety-two Pieces. Take the lead in introducing services nationwide RCEP High quality implementation measures will help promote the liberalization and facilitation of international trade and investment. Nanjing Maritime Court made a good start, three Accepted cases in eight thousand four hundred and six Pieces, leaping across the country eleven Home Maritime Court No four Bit. In a ship building case, the Norwegian ship owner took the initiative to choose Nanjing Maritime Court for jurisdiction twenty-seven Dissolve immediately and continuously five More than years of international disputes have been sincerely praised by foreign parties.

Normalized epidemic prevention and control of service guarantee. Provincial courts forty-eight point four 10000 person time investment frontline Prevention and control, issued by the provincial court twenty-one We strengthened classified guidance on epidemic response, built a new model of Internet justice, made online case filing, online court sessions, online mediation, and online execution the new normal of justice, and realized that trial execution was not suspended, and fairness and justice were not stopped. Fight against epidemic related crimes such as violent injury to doctors, manufacturing and selling fake products according to law, and conclude such cases in the first instance nine hundred and sixty-two Pieces. Implement the "Soviet policy" forty Article ", issued twelve Article judicial measures to help enterprises and the masses. Suzhou Intermediate People's Court Mediated Two Cases five point five A financial case worth 100 million yuan led the two sides to reach a deferred repayment agreement and revitalize the working capital of enterprises. Nantong, Suining and other courts assisted the bankrupt and reorganized enterprises to resume the production of epidemic prevention materials, so as to achieve win-win interests for all parties. four Cases were selected as the typical cases of the return to work and production of the service guarantee of the national courts

2、 Implement the overall national security concept and ensure a high level of security

Crimes against national security and social stability will be severely punished. Concluding criminal cases at first instance thirty-seven point five 10000 pieces , sentenced the criminal fifty-two point six 10000 people. Severe punishment Incitement to subvert the state power, espionage, secret stealing, heresy and other crimes, and resolutely safeguard the security of the state power and system. Severe punishment Crimes that seriously trample on basic human rights and seriously challenge the bottom line of law and ethics, and crimes against Ma Jigang, who violently resisted the law and assaulted the police, who killed a female student of Nanjing Medical University, and who killed paralyzed elderly people The nanny Yu Haidi and other criminals were sentenced to death according to law. Punish drug crimes severely , conclude relevant cases thirteen thousand one hundred and two Pieces. two thousand and twenty-two Number of cases of eight categories of serious violent crimes in than two thousand and seventeen Annual decline 35.7% Jiangsu is recognized as one of the safest provinces in China.

Safeguard the safety of people's production and life. We will crack down on telecommunications network fraud and conclude cases with strict speed six thousand and twenty Pieces to recover losses for the masses six point nine 100 million yuan; To the defendant eight hundred Multiple ten · thirty Cross border telecom network fraud cases, involving nearly thirty Billion yuan The criminals of the "Chuangying Group" online fraud case will be severely punished according to law. Participate in the special action to crack down on pension fraud and conclude the case one hundred and forty-one Piece, pair fiction "Underground Acupoints" and other old projects involved in defrauding funds nineteen Zhu Guohua was sentenced to life imprisonment in accordance with the law. In the East In the case of Ding Health Products fraud, Changzhou Court, together with relevant departments four hundred and eighteen Elderly victims, full recovery one thousand one hundred and sixty-one 10000 yuan "Pension money". We will severely punish crimes such as manufacturing and selling "toxic beef" and fake vaccines with normal saline, and protect the safety of food and medicine. We will severely punish crimes such as throwing objects at high altitude, seizing the steering wheel, and stealing manhole covers, so as to safeguard travel safety. Strictly punish major accident crimes and safeguard production safety. Hear the country's first case of "dark network" spreading obscene goods, and the case of network "crawlers" intruding into the live broadcast platform to steal user information, and protect the clear network environment and personal information security

We will make solid progress in combating crime and evil. Insist on strict punishment in accordance with the law, and resolutely "Breaking the Net with an Umbrella", "Breaking the Blood with Money", and Concluding Cases Involving Mafia and Evil in the First Instance one thousand two hundred and ninety-three piece eight thousand eight hundred and forty-three Human, Mafia, Corruption and Umbrella Cases two hundred and ninety-one piece three hundred and eleven People, dispose of "black money" eighty point three One hundred million yuan, Nie Yuanyuan, Suo Chunrui and other evil force organizers were sentenced to death in accordance with the law, Zhou Huaxia, who carried out "routine loans" to amass money crazily, Gong Pingwen, who illegally collected money with "soft violence", Ji Yudong, the "sand tyrant" who eroded the grass-roots political power, and a group of evil gangs who did harm to one side were severely punished in accordance with the law. Promote the normalization of anti mafia and eliminating evil, and establish a long-term mechanism for regular governance eighteen Item, sending judicial advice one thousand two hundred and sixty-eight And promote special rectification in key industries. For three consecutive years, the Provincial Court has been commended by the National Anti Mafia Office as an advanced unit of anti Mafia.

We will always maintain a high pressure against corruption. insist We will not relax the policy of "fighting tigers and fighting flies", improve the linkage mechanism between supervision and criminal justice, and conclude corruption, bribery, dereliction of duty and other criminal cases in the first instance four thousand six hundred and fifteen piece five thousand and eight hundred People, including Xiang Junbo Chen Gang And other former cadres in charge nine Qi Biao, Du Rongliang and other former provincial cadres six four People. We will resolutely punish those around the masses "Micro corruption", review Settle criminal cases of embezzlement and misappropriation of poverty relief funds, demolition funds, social security funds, etc four hundred and one Pieces. according to law punish New and hidden corruption crimes such as "shadow companies" and "shadow shareholders", corruption crimes hidden behind work safety accidents and financing platforms, and a number of corrupt elements who "rely on enterprises to eat enterprises" and seek personal gains by using power are severely punished. Implement the joint investigation of bribery, and conclude bribery cases five hundred and forty-four Pieces, recovering illegal gains from bribery eleven point eight RMB 100 million, cut off the "hunting" corrosion interest chain

Prevent and eliminate potential risks. First instance concluded financial cases forty-six point eight 10000 pieces, subject amount five thousand five hundred and six point two Billion yuan to safeguard financial security in accordance with the law. Properly hearing major cases such as securities and futures, and concluding the first case of the "Crude Oil Treasure" series of cases in China, which provides an example for efficiently handling these series of disputes affecting the whole country according to law; Concluded the bankruptcy settlement case of Chengxing Shares and effectively resolved the delisting risk of listed companies. Actively participate in special governance of illegal financial activities, review junction Major illegal fund raising cases such as "Qian Bao" and "Unilever" one hundred and eighty Piece, recovering stolen goods two hundred and twenty-two point seven 100 million yuan; Take the lead in carrying out special rectification of "routine loan" and false litigation nationwide, develop the country's first "routine loan" intelligent early warning system eight We strengthened the screening and prevention of Class A cases, and the private financing environment continued to improve. Properly resolve conflicts and disputes related to "problematic real estate", Huai'an Court promotes the resumption of construction of "Huaihai Youth City" through the joint efforts of the government and the court, to achieve "three hundred percent" of housing acquisition, certificate processing and debt settlement; Nantong Court Visits the City five hundred Construction enterprises, customized seven Major categories twenty-six To promote the steady development of real estate enterprises to prevent risks

We will safeguard the interests of national defense and the legitimate rights and interests of servicemen and their families. formulate twenty Article judicial measures, focusing on building the brand of "Great Wall of Steel, Jointly Building" judicial support for the military, the three level courts in the province have set up special collegial panels for military related rights protection, to smooth the green channel for fast trial and fast execution, and to conclude military related cases in the first instance two thousand one hundred and seventy-six Pieces. The activity of "sending the French to the military camp" was carried out regularly and was welcomed by officers and soldiers. Complete the judicial guarantee work related to military suspension and compensation on schedule, and the number of cases handled and closed accounts for the total number of cases in the country 1/8 The Nanjing Intermediate People's Court was commended by the Central Military Commission.

3、 Adhere to the principle of people first and guard the high quality life

We will strengthen judicial protection for people's wellbeing. Based on the judiciary, promote the solution of the people's urgent problems, and conclude civil cases in the first instance three hundred and seventy-three point five Ten thousand pieces, resolve complaint related letters and visits with heart and emotion, and strive to enhance people's sense of judicial gain, five Four courts were awarded the first batch of "Model Courts of Practical Affairs for the People" in China. The first local labor court in China was set up to pay equal attention to protecting the rights and interests of workers and promoting the healthy development of enterprises, and the province jointly concluded labor dispute cases twenty-one point one 10000 pieces. Continuously carry out management of salary arrears Special implementation actions for people's livelihood, Execution in place two hundred and forty-six 100 million yuan, including the recovery of "hard-earned money" for migrant workers thirty-nine 100 million yuan. Together with the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and other departments, we issued opinions on the protection of the rights and interests of workers in new forms of business, heard the case of takeaway jockeys who were "self-employed", and solved the problem of difficult identification of labor relations for online employment. The civil code shall be applied to hear the cases of "embryo transfer operation rejected" and "medical beauty cosmetic surgery failure claims", and properly resolve the doctor-patient conflict; Hearing the cases of "WeChat friend circle scolding" and "visual doorbell infringing neighbor privacy", and strengthening the protection of personality rights; Hearing the cases of "the installation of elevators in the old community was blocked" and "the head of the delegation brought goods to sell fake goods" to promote the construction of a harmonious community. Through a number of fresh cases, let the Civil Code enter into thousands of households, and truly become the guarantee of people's rights.

We will strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of women and children. We will resolutely punish crimes of violence, abuse, trafficking and sexual assault against women and children, and conclude relevant cases eleven thousand two hundred and ninety-one Pieces. Participate in the special rectification of women and children's rights and interests protection and investigate cases two hundred and ten 10000 pieces, transfer criminal clues eight hundred and seventy-seven Article, provide timely assistance to the victims. Conclude marriage and family cases fifty-three point six Ten thousand pieces, issued personal safety protection order one thousand three hundred and nine Copies. hear Female employees "The case of being dismissed for extending maternity leave" and "the case of appealing for reissue of maternity allowance" ordered the employer to bear the responsibility, Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of female employees Safeguard the healthy growth of minors, take the lead in realizing the full coverage of juvenile justice institutions in tertiary courts in the country, and conclude cases involving less cases six point one 10000 pieces, family education order issued nine hundred and seventeen Employment prohibition order one hundred and thirty-four Helping children in distress five hundred and eighty-two People. To hear the first case of e-sports hotel providing online services to minors, and the case of minors' online game recharge and refund, and order operators to stop illegal acts and prevent minors Reward the anchor Indulge in online games. By implementing the policy of education, persuasion and rescue, and implementing mechanisms such as psychological counseling and sealing of misdemeanor records, the juvenile recidivism rate in our province has remained at thirteen Low level.

Strengthen the protection of public rights and interests. Strengthen the protection of public interests related to the rights and interests of heroes and martyrs, consumption, safe production, environmental resources, etc., work with relevant departments to improve the management and use of consumer public interest litigation compensation, ecological restoration funds, and conclude public interest litigation filed by procuratorial organs and social organizations one thousand three hundred and twelve Pieces. We tried the "case of Spicy Little Ball encroaching on the reputation of heroes" and the "case of revolutionary martyrs' cemeteries being occupied", and maintained the image of heroes and promoted their spirit with the strength of the rule of law, three Four cases were selected as one of the top ten typical cases involving the protection of the rights and interests of heroes and martyrs in courts across the country. The country's first public interest litigation case of TV start-up advertising was heard, and manufacturers were encouraged to set the "one button off" function of start-up advertising to protect consumers' right to choose. Hearing the province's first civil public interest lawsuit in the field of work safety, urging enterprises near a residential area to upgrade old production equipment and eliminate potential safety hazards. The first public interest litigation case of illegal mining in the marine field in the province was heard, and the illegal mining of sea sand across the red line was severely punished to protect marine natural resources.

We will make every effort to honor the right to win. complete "Basically solve the difficulty of implementation" Overcome difficulties task To maintain a high level of implementation 1/20 The executive staff of 1/10 Enforcement case three hundred and four point five 10000 pieces, implemented in place four thousand five hundred and twenty-two 100 million yuan. Implementation of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Rule of Law "I Document No , promote the formation of thirty-one The work pattern of comprehensive governance and source governance with the participation of units is difficult to implement. Iterative upgrade implement eight hundred and fifty-four ”Mode, and realize profound changes in implementation by means of informatization. The network inspection and control system realizes one key query and online control, effectively solving the problem of finding people and things, and accumulatively checking and controlling five hundred and forty-eight point nine 10000 pieces, frozen funds two thousand five hundred and seventy 100 million yuan. The judicial auction system effectively solved the problem of property realization, Effectively prevent black box operations and power rent-seeking, and close the auction two thousand four hundred and ten RMB 100 million, saving commission for clients one hundred and twenty 100 million yuan. The joint credit punishment mechanism has made the person who has been executed seriously dishonest "one dishonesty and limited everywhere", sixty-three point nine Under the pressure of credit discipline, ten thousand people actively fulfilled their obligations. Build an intelligent execution command center, Significant improvement Execution efficiency , the average time for the first execution of closing is from one hundred and fifty-four Days shortened to eighty-one Days, closing rate from 75.2% increase reach 97.1%

Service to comprehensively promote rural revitalization. Focusing on industry, talent, culture, ecology and organizational revitalization forty-five Measures, establishing twenty-three A judicial service rural revitalization practice base helps to build a livable, employable and beautiful village. Hearing cases involving agriculture related e-commerce, rural cultural tourism, etc., to help farmers increase their income and become rich. Yixing Court relies on "judges" + Workstation mode, serving the development of industries such as "Tao Township" and cable city. Implement the strictest farmland protection system, severely punish the crime of destroying land resources, and conclude the case of "separation of three rights" of land seventeen thousand five hundred and sixty-two Pieces. Zhenjiang Court properly resolved the land contract disputes of Shanshui Bay Company, nine hundred The characteristic agricultural contract agreement of mu was continued to be fulfilled, and the Sheyang Court properly resolved the dispute over the removal of 10000 mu of breeding water surface of Rongtong Company, facilitating the enterprise to add four point five The billion yuan investment has not only ensured the income of villagers and the development of enterprises, but also improved the infrastructure and ecological environment.

4、 Consolidate the foundation of the rule of law and promote efficient governance

We will comprehensively promote one-stop diversified dispute resolution and litigation services. Insist on putting the non litigation dispute resolution mechanism in front, and strive to create a one-stop dispute resolution The "Outpatient Department", together with the judicial administrative organ, has set up a "non litigation service sub center" in the three courts to integrate seven Kinds of non litigation dispute resolution resources; establish thirty Multiple litigation and mediation docking mechanisms, and Provincial Bureau of Banking and Insurance Supervision , Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, etc thirteen Each unit has established an online litigation mediation docking mechanism; The online platform of "Jiangsu Micro Dispute Resolution" was launched, two thousand six hundred and fifty-three Mediation organizations and one point five Ten thousand mediators are stationed, on average, every minute on-line Resolving disputes eleven Starting; We will promote the mechanism of "model litigation+centralized mediation" to solve one problem and resolve one problem. Suqian Court's dispute resolution system of "four tunes advancing together" was rated as one of the top ten typical experiences in the one-stop construction of national courts. To create a "door-to-door" litigation service, develop a global litigation service platform, the parties handle litigation matters such as filing and preservation, and select any court nearby, so as to achieve "one window, one station, and cross domain joint office". Promote the lawyer service platform, and lawyers participate in litigation online "one code access".

Deeply participate in grass-roots social governance. New era of innovation and development The "Maple Bridge Experience" extends the function of dividing and settling disputes from the traditional trial to the front and source of disputes, promotes the "civil case litigation rate per 10000 people" to be fully covered by the local comprehensive governance assessment, creates a full coverage of "litigation free villages", and fully covers "trials at the grassroots level and judges at the grid". Judges enter the grid to participate in resolving disputes one hundred and seventy-six 10000 cases, successful mediation before litigation one hundred and thirty The total number of cases dropped from the first in the country for four consecutive years five years ago to the third in the country last year. Give play to people The role of civil law courts in resolving disputes in the forefront, deepening The establishment of "one court, one brand", "Farun Rural Style", "Zuoyouli" and other brands are well recognized by the masses. Taixing Xuanbao court is hearing In the case of "beating the mandarin ducks with the priceless betrothal gifts", the villagers' congress was instructed to marriage and funeral Not extravagant Write down village rules and make clear that the betrothal gifts should not exceed three Ten thousand yuan, which not only let lovers get married, but also broke the stereotypes, was deeply reported by CCTV's "Hometown"

Supervise and support administration according to law. Concluding administrative cases in the first instance eighty-three thousand three hundred and forty-nine To serve the reform of "decentralization, management and service" and the construction of a rule of law government. enlarge Involved Housing land city Governance, social security, etc administration The trial intensity of cases, Legal maintenance The masses Legal rights and interests Strengthen the benign interaction between administrative law enforcement and justice, and establish the prevention and resolution of administrative disputes together with the Provincial Department of Justice seven Item mechanism The court response rate of the person in charge of the administrative organ remains at 95% Around Yancheng, Zhenjiang, Suzhou 100% Effectively promote the substantive resolution of administrative disputes Take the lead in carrying out the pilot project of legal aid in administrative litigation nationwide, and handle legal aid cases for more than two years three thousand and seventy-seven The number of aid recipients and the rate of service and settlement of lawsuits increased. Trial of "unmarried women" five The second marriage "case, Confirming that the act of registration of marriage under false name is invalid, "Two high Two by this specialized Issue documents to unblock legal relief channels. Nantong Intermediate courtyard The self correction system of administrative acts was initiated nationwide with the Municipal Office of Governing by Law, We will promote the governance of the source of administrative disputes, cover Provincial Administration Procedural regulations Legislative absorption

Promote core socialist values and excellent traditional Chinese culture. Give full play to the functions of judicial education, evaluation, guidance and standardization, and try "The case of empty nest elderly asking their children to visit" to promote respect for the elderly virtue hear "The owner donated slides for the community and was claimed" to promote charity virtue hear "Girls' Enthusiasm in Helping Others Cause Injuries" virtue hear "Passengers who ignored the yellow light warning and grabbed the subway injury case", and put an end to the "muddle" practice of "whoever is injured is justified"; In the trial of the "case of a thief escaping and jumping into a river to drown", it was decided according to law that he would not be held responsible if he acted bravely for a just cause. The Jiangsu Research Base of Case Law Research Association of China Law Society was established to issue the rule of law and Typical Cases of Combination of Virtue and Governance fifty . Implement the law popularization plan, prepare the Cartoon Civil Code, and be listed“ two thousand and twenty Annual influential books "; The "second class of rule of law" was launched for primary and secondary school students across the province, and the "immersion" law popularization was carried out using real cases to enrich the "two hours after class" after the "double reduction" policy; Launched a series of popular French drama "The Fifteenth Tribunal", breaking the viewing record of the same period, and the video broadcast volume exceeded two Billion times. By interpreting the law through cases and using powerful, right and wrong, and warm judicial decisions, we can tell stories about the rule of law, promote the spirit of the rule of law, and lead the society.

5、 Deepen judicial reform and create high-quality and efficient trials

We will strengthen judicial supervision. Clarify the power boundary of trial execution eight List of rights and responsibilities of similar case handlers two hundred and three We will refine the operational rules of the collegial panel, the professional judges' meeting, and the trial committee to ensure that there is evidence for the performance of duties and that the use of power is standardized. The whole process of case handling was supervised, and the president's supervision and management system was launched to realize the whole process tracking, real-time query and timely tracing. Issue business guidance documents one hundred and eleven Copies, published reference cases one hundred and fifty-three We implemented mandatory retrieval of similar cases and strictly prevented "different judgments of similar cases". Promote justice through openness and maintain integrity through transparency. The number of live court trials and online referee documents continues to rank among the top in the country, so that justice can be realized in a visible way. Adhere to the principle of handling cases when they are recruited, and realize the dynamic adjustment of posts and judges. Take the lead in promoting the substantive operation of judge punishment nationwide, clarify and correct false reports in a timely manner, and ensure that illegal trials will be held accountable and cases handled according to law will not be held accountable.

Improve the efficiency of litigation procedures. We will deepen the reform of the trial centered criminal procedure system, give play to the decisive role of court trials in ascertaining facts, identifying evidence, protecting litigation rights, and making fair judgments, promote the full coverage of lawyers' defense, and apply the system of pleading guilty, pleading guilty, and granting lenient punishment to conclude cases twenty-three More than 10000 pieces, right thirty-four Defendants in public prosecution one hundred and forty-seven Defendants in private prosecution were acquitted in accordance with the law and concluded the case of state compensation one thousand seven hundred and seventy-three Piece, judicial assistance eighteen thousand five hundred and eighty-five Human rights should be guaranteed. Strengthening substantive trial of commutation and parole cases Take strict precautions Withdraw money and get out of prison Serving a sentence on paper , backcheck thirty Cases of "temporary leave reduction" in recent years eighty More than ten thousand pieces, correcting violations according to law seventy-seven Pieces. develop Diversion of complex and simple Pilot reform Refining pilot experience Contribute to the revision of the Civil Procedure Law Has Jiangsu Wisdom. We will carry out pilot reform of the orientation of trial level functions, promote the rational sinking of trial focus, and effectively activate the promotion of jurisdiction over major typical cases. Through process empowerment, the core indicators of quality and efficiency of cases rank among the top in the country, and judges year all Number of cases closed by two hundred and fifty-seven Pieces rise to three hundred and seventeen point five Pieces, average review days one hundred and six point eight The world falls sixty-three point two Days.

Deepen the construction of smart courts. It has built a smart court with full business online processing, full process disclosure according to law, and full range of intelligent services, which has truly realized serving the masses, reducing the burden on judges, and speeding up justice. The judicial application scenarios of emerging technologies such as big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence continue to expand, and the in-depth application of technologies such as document intelligence generation, case like identification push, blockchain certificate storage and so on reduces the judges' transactional work 30% , the efficiency of court hearing is improved 20% The centralized service center of litigation documents achieved full coverage, effectively solved the difficulty of service, and the success rate of first service rose to 83.6% More than half of the cases were delivered electronically. The research and development of the whole chain element trial application system won the first prize of the National Court's major scientific and technological innovation achievements. "Trial Cloud", etc nineteen Three systems were selected as the innovation cases of the national intelligent construction of politics and law. Our province's comprehensive index of smart court construction ranks second in the country, contributing to the transformation of the Internet judicial model with Chinese characteristics from technology leadership to rule leadership Has Jiangsu Power.

6、 Strictly control the Party to run the institute and forge a high-quality team

We will continue to strengthen political development. develop The theme education of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission", the education of learning the history of the Party, the theme education of "two establishment", and the theme education of "two persistence" guide the police to maintain their loyalty forever. Conscientiously implement the regulations on political and legal work and the implementation opinions of the provincial party committee, strictly implement the system of asking for instructions and reporting on major issues, and earnestly carry out the inspection and rectification of the provincial party committee. Explore and carry out political supervision, and cooperate with the local party committee to eleven An intermediate court will conduct inspection. Carry out team education and rectification, Resolutely eliminate Shen Deyong Wang Like, Complete stubborn disease rectification task two hundred and eighty-four term And introduced eight injunctions and other institutional mechanisms of Jiangsu courts twenty-eight Item. Implement the project to improve the organizational strength at the grass-roots level, six Three party building brands were selected as outstanding cases of party building innovation in national courts. Create the organization ballad Ninghai Road seventy-five No, two Three projects were selected into the national court culture construction characteristic project.

Persist in improving the style and discipline. strict to implement Eight Provisions of the Central Government And Implementation Rules Spirit, carry out centralized rectification of prominent problems in the judicial style, and strictly prevent The "four winds" problem rebounded. Strictly implement the "three regulations" to prevent judicial intervention, and the awareness of police officers to remember when asked is generally enhanced. Resolutely eliminate the black sheep, and investigate and punish those who use judicial power to violate disciplines and laws four hundred and sixty-three And criminal responsibility shall be investigated fifty-six people Carry out judicial inspection and judicial supervision in a down-to-earth manner and Check and rectify team risk points, and strive to create a clean and upright judicial environment

Continuously improve the ability to perform duties. Highlight the practical and practical effect orientation and train the police fifty-three More than 10000 person times. Pay attention to cultivating high-level and compound leading talents, and cultivate national and provincial talents Trial experts one hundred and fifty-five People, young jurist of the province ten People, selected province“ three hundred and thirty-three Engineering " seventeen People. Strengthen the construction of talent echelon and recruit "excellent students from famous schools" eighty People. We continued to carry out case handling contests, skill contests, and the selection of the most beautiful judges, fifteen In court twenty-nine Of the documents were awarded the National Top 100, fifty-seven Cases were selected as the guiding cases and bulletin cases of the Supreme People's Court, ranking first in the country. six hundred and seventy-seven Groups one thousand five hundred and thirty-eight Individuals were commended by the Central Committee, the Supreme People's Court and relevant provincial departments. Wang Xiaoli, a "national model of self-improvement", and Du Kailin, a "civil servant satisfied with the people" were cordially received by General Secretary Xi Jinping, Yang Zengchao, Dai Yi, etc twenty-four Famous police officers sacrificed their jobs. The majority of court officers know how to bear the heavy burden, respond to many cases with dedication and wisdom, guard fairness and justice with faith and responsibility, and even interpret loyalty to the party and people with blood and life

Distinguished delegates, consciously accepting supervision is an inevitable requirement for practicing people's democracy throughout the process, and an important guarantee for ensuring the correct exercise of judicial power according to law. In the past five years, provincial courts have reported special work to people's congresses and CPPCC committees at all levels one thousand five hundred and nine And invited representative members to supervise and witness trial execution activities ten point six 10000 person times, suggestions and proposals assigned by the provincial two sessions one hundred and eighty-eight All items are completed, satisfaction rate 100% Accept procuratorial supervision according to law and conclude protest cases one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven Pieces, procuratorial suggestions for completing retrial four thousand and fifteen And jointly safeguard judicial justice. We have widely accepted social supervision, three point four Ten thousand people's assessors participated in the trial of cases ninety-three point seven 10000 pieces, press conference held three thousand six hundred and eleven To respond to social concerns in a timely manner. Habit of handling cases under supervision is becoming a common consciousness of judges

Fellow Deputies, the development and progress of the work of the provincial courts lies in the scientific guidance of the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the strong leadership of the provincial party committee, the strong supervision of the provincial people's congress and its standing committee, the strong support of the provincial government, the democratic supervision of the provincial CPPCC, the supervision of the provincial supervisory committee and the provincial procuratorate, the party and government organs at the city and county levels and the deputies to the people's congresses at all levels CPPCC members and all sectors of the society care and support. Here, on behalf of the provincial court, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect!

We are soberly aware that there are still many problems and difficulties in the work of the courts in the province. The main ones are: insufficient research and solutions to new situations and problems in judicial practice, and the ability to accurately serve the overall situation needs to be improved; There is still a gap between the trial quality and efficiency of some cases and the expectations of the masses Handling cases Problems still exist; Judicial power restriction, supervision and responsibility system Still needed There are gaps in the implementation of comprehensive supporting measures for judicial reform; The contradiction between more cases and fewer people is still prominent, and there is a shortage of high-level professional judicial talents in some fields; The judicial style of a few police officers is not correct or even corrupt, and the construction of the Party's style of work and a clean government needs to be continuously strengthened. In this regard, we will take effective measures to solve it.


Overall work arrangement of this year


two thousand and twenty-three In, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will thoroughly practice Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, earnestly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Provincial Party Committee, closely follow the overall situation of the center, perform our duties according to law, strive to promote the modernization of the work of the court, and make a good start for the new practice of Chinese modernization in Jiangsu Take good steps to provide strong judicial guarantee.

First, continue to build political loyalty. Persevere in using the Party's innovative theory to solidify the heart and forge the soul, and carry out The "big study, big discussion, big research" activity, in-depth study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. We will firmly adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over the work of the courts, comprehensively strengthen political construction, firmly support the "two establishment" and firmly implement the "two maintenance". Strictly observe political discipline and rules, thoroughly implement the regulations on political and legal work and the implementation opinions of the provincial party committee, and implement the decisions and arrangements of the central and provincial party committees to the letter.

Second, continue to strengthen the overall situation of service. We will strive to create a first-class business environment based on the rule of law, constantly improve the core competitiveness of the rule of law, and better serve the province's "leading, challenging and making more contributions". Equal and comprehensive protection of property rights in accordance with the law, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs, promoting the spirit of contract, and boosting market confidence. We will strengthen judicial protection of intellectual property rights and better serve innovation driven development. We will strengthen environmental and resource trials to better serve the construction of beautiful Jiangsu. We will strengthen foreign-related trials, and better serve the construction of a strong open province. Punish criminal offences in accordance with the law, prevent and resolve conflicts and risks, actively participate in social governance, and promote the construction of safe Jiangsu and rule of law Jiangsu.

Third, we continued to promote justice for the people. We should stand firm with the people, strengthen their feelings, properly hear cases involving education, employment, medical care, housing and other people's livelihood, and strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of women, children, the elderly, and the disabled. We will strengthen the substantive resolution of administrative disputes and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of administrative counterparts. Deep propulsion "Effectively solve the difficulties in execution", and better realize the rights and interests of winning lawsuits. Improve the comprehensive efficiency of one-stop diversified dispute resolution and litigation service system, focus on solving the people's urgent problems, and let the people really feel that fairness and justice are around.

Fourth, we continued to deepen judicial reform. We will deepen the comprehensive reform of the judicial system, fully and accurately implement the judicial responsibility system, and ensure strict and fair justice from the institutional mechanism. Deepen the construction of the judicial power restriction and supervision system, Deep propulsion We will reform the trial centered litigation system, strengthen the construction of specialized trial systems such as intellectual property, maritime affairs, and environmental protection, improve the unified application mechanism of laws, and focus on improving the quality and efficiency of trials and public credibility. Deepen the reform of personnel classification management and strengthen the management of judges' individual job sequence. Consolidate and expand the achievements of smart court construction, promote justice with science and technology, and seek efficiency from science and technology, and strive to create a higher level of digital justice.

Fifthly, continue to forge excellent teams. All the time Promote the overall strict management of the party and the hospital consolidate Deepen the achievements of team education and rectification, Insist on being strict The keynote of strengthening discipline Severe punishment Judicial corruption Strengthening judicial capacity building Lack of justice personnel training reserve intensity. More Consciously accept supervision, sincerely listen to opinions and suggestions, and continue to promote high-quality development of court work.

Fellow Deputies, in the new year, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, under the strong supervision of the Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee, we will earnestly implement the resolutions of this congress, with loyal Performance of duties Stick to judicial justice with struggle hard struggle manifest Judicial responsibility by stay New Journey upper better "Shoulder a new mission and write a new chapter" Contribution to justice Wisdom and strength