eight On June 16, the second national mobilization and deployment meeting for the education and rectification of the political and legal teams was held in Beijing, summarizing the education and rectification of the first batch of political and legal teams and "looking back", and mobilizing and deploying the second batch of education and rectification.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1" important speech, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", firm the "Four Confidence", achieve the "Two Safeguards", improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution, and highlight political construction and exemplary role Establish rules and systems, focus on the "four tasks", solidly promote the "three links", comprehensively rectify the conduct and eliminate discipline, and strengthen the police against corruption, so as to further optimize the political ecology of the central and provincial political and legal organs, further improve the discipline style, further enhance the quality and ability, further enhance the credibility of law enforcement and justice, and demonstrate and drive the national political and legal organs to strengthen the revolutionary, formal, professional Professional construction, to build a political and legal team with firm belief, law enforcement for the people, courage to take responsibility, integrity, and better shoulder the responsibilities and missions entrusted by the Party and the people.


1、 Fully recognize the achievements of the first batch of educational rectification and "looking back", and further strengthen the confidence and determination to promote the self revolution of the political and legal team

According to the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, from the end of February to the end of June, the education and rectification of the first batch of political and legal teams in the country were carried out in a centralized manner among the political and legal police at the city and county levels. Since July, the provincial education rectification leading groups have organized the first batch of education rectification "looking back". Over the past five months, relevant departments around the country have conscientiously studied and implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, solidly promoted the first batch of educational rectification and "looking back", promoted the solution of a large number of persistent maladies, cleared up a number of black sheep, constantly built political loyalty among the municipal and county level political and legal teams, strengthened the ideological defense against corruption, and effectively stimulated the enthusiasm for overcoming difficulties and starting businesses, The people's sense of gain, happiness and security was further enhanced.

——Strong organization and leadership. The leading group for the education and rectification of the national political and legal ranks and its office strengthened the overall planning, coordinated promotion, and supervision and implementation, and promoted the education and rectification to continue to deepen and consolidate the steady momentum with a fast pace. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the National Supervision Commission, the Organization Department of the Central Committee, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee and other member units have done a lot of work based on their responsibilities and functions, forming an overall synergy of joint efforts. The Party committees of all provinces (districts and cities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps are mainly responsible for promoting the education and rectification work at a high level, driving the implementation of responsibilities at all levels, and ensuring the detailed implementation of various plans for education and rectification.

——The foundation of loyalty is firmly consolidated. All localities start with the study and education of the Party history, adhere to the integration of political education, warning education and model education, and use various forms of learning and education. More than 3200 party committee secretaries at the city and county levels taught special party courses for police officers, held 117000 special lectures on party history education, and carried out a series of activities such as "learning party history and forging loyalty" to promote the learning and education of party history to achieve tangible results. The secretary of the discipline inspection commission at the city and county levels took the lead in making more than 7500 anti-corruption reports to the police, and organized a series of warning education of 3.7 million person times to let the police know fear, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line. More than 100000 advanced models of political and legal heroes were selected nationwide, 35000 model conferences and model deeds lectures were held, fully demonstrating the model, integrity and style of the times of the political and legal teams.

——The investigation and handling of the case is tough. Adhere to the policy of leniency and strictness and the key case clues to tackle "two rounds of progress", guide with "leniency in self inspection", and force with "strictness in investigation" to form a powerful deterrent. The National Education Rectification Office selected 86 key cases for listing, and each provincial education rectification office simultaneously screened a batch of clues of provincial key cases for listing, all of which clearly identified the leaders of case contracting, and implemented the "double special shift" model of political and legal units and the Commission for Discipline Inspection to carry out investigation and handling, making significant progress. Nearly 20000 political and legal policemen voluntarily surrendered to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, 49163 suspected of violating disciplines and laws were put on file for review and investigation, 2875 people were detained, and 178431 policemen were punished in four forms, including 83% in the first form, 14% in the second form, 1.9% in the third form, and 1.1% in the fourth form.

——Significant achievements have been made in tackling persistent diseases. Focus on "six persistent maladies", adhere to the combination of prescribed actions and optional actions, and ensure that the treatment of persistent diseases touches the root and sees actual results. The national and provincial education rectification offices regularly report the results of the rectification of persistent malaria in various regions, and provide "anatomizing sparrow" guidance for the "six persistent malaria diseases". All political and legal units of the central government, in combination with the actual situation of this line, formulate a remediation plan and provide professional guidance on other outstanding problems in this system and around the country. All regions carried out special actions such as "outstanding cases" clean-up, model courts, and the establishment of Qingfeng Prison. We will tackle the outstanding problems identified one by one. As for the problems exposed in the process of rectifying persistent malaria, all localities have made urgent efforts to revise and improve them and further weave the cage of the system.

——The supervision and guidance is accurate and effective. The 16 central steering groups conscientiously fulfilled their responsibility of "steering", gave full play to the role of "sword" of supervision, worked with all regions in the same direction, and carried out stop by stop guidance in the whole process, which realized the effective superposition of the "potential energy" of central supervision and the "kinetic energy" of local leadership, and strongly promoted the in-depth development of education. In particular, we have taken the supervision of key cases as the main focus, and have made breakthroughs in a number of major cases. All localities have transferred capable forces to form a steering group, which is an effective extension of the Party committee's main responsibility to achieve full coverage, full follow-up and comprehensive guidance.

——"Looking back" has made solid progress. In order to consolidate and deepen the first batch of achievements in education rectification, the National Education Rectification Leading Group and its Office carried out a comprehensive "look back" on the completion of the "four tasks" and "three links" of education rectification, and sent research teams to relevant regions to carry out research. All localities adhere to the principle of "looking back" with high standards. The Central Steering Group sent teams to carry out "point by point" supervision on "looking back" and promote the balanced and coordinated development of education rectification.

——Publicity was widely and deeply launched. Adhering to the policy of opening the door to education and rectification, municipal and county political and legal authorities held more than 50000 open day activities, invited party representatives, deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, and grassroots people to hold more than 80000 symposiums, carried out more than 100000 activities such as "entering enterprises, communities, villages, schools, and units", and solicited more than one million opinions and suggestions from the masses from multiple levels and perspectives. The National Education Rectification Office held a press conference to announce the phased results of education rectification. A total of 4600 press conferences were held across the country, which caused a warm response.

——The ability to perform duties has been continuously enhanced. The achievements of education and rectification have been transformed into a powerful driving force for officials to start businesses and perform their duties, which has been reflected in the solid implementation of the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", the successful completion of the major political task of creating a safe and stable environment for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, and the effective solution to a number of "urgent and anxious" things and "most hated, resentful and annoying" problems of the masses.

Practice has proved that the major decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to carry out the education and rectification of the political and legal ranks is in line with the actual situation of the political and legal ranks, conforms to the popular will, and is completely correct. In the first batch of educational rectification practice, we deepened our understanding of the self revolution of the political and legal teams in the new era, and accumulated many important experiences.

——We must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, and implement the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core on the education and rectification of the political and legal ranks.

——We must adhere to the leadership of the Party throughout all aspects and the whole process of education and rectification, highlight political education, strengthen political construction, closely rely on local Party committees at all levels, build a responsibility system of integration of departments, linkage between the top and bottom, coordination between the left and the right, and joint management, and make full efforts in the whole chain and system.

——We must take the satisfaction of the masses as the starting point and the end result, open the door to carry out education and rectification, and actively invite the masses to participate, let the masses supervise, and let the masses evaluate.

——We must adhere to the policy of "learning from the past to avoid the future and curing the disease to save the patient", implement the policy of "leniency in self inspection and strictness in being investigated", comprehensively use the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, educate the majority and punish the very few.

——We must adhere to self revolution and self-improvement, act with sincerity and meet the challenge of hardness, and use the blade inward, scrape the bone and cure poisons. We must give play to the warning education and deterrent effect of breakthroughs in key cases.

——We must insist on making good use of the "sword" of supervision, strengthen the main responsibility through supervision, and break through the difficulties and problems in work.

——We must adhere to both governance and construction, focus on the root causes and root causes, grasp common and deep problems, and use institutional thinking and reform methods to promote fundamental solutions.

——We must adhere to the principle of overall planning, and integrate the education and rectification of the political and legal team with the high-quality development of the political and legal work in the new era, and safeguard national security and social stability.


2、 Grasp the characteristics of the central and provincial political and legal organs, and earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to carry out the second batch of educational rectification

The Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Carrying out the Education and Rectification of the National Political and Legal Ranks clarifies that the education and rectification of the political and legal ranks will be carried out in two batches from the bottom to the top, and the second batch will be the Central Political and Legal Commission, the Central Political and Legal Units, the Political and Legal Commissions and the Political and Legal Units of the provincial party committees, which will take about three months. We should improve our political standing, deepen our ideological understanding, and organize and carry out the second batch of education and rectification.

——To carry out the second batch of educational rectification is an inevitable requirement for implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and ensuring that educational rectification goes deeper and deeper in the whole political and legal system. The central and provincial political and legal organs are political organs and leading organs. The central political and legal organs are the closest to the Party Central Committee in the political and legal system at all levels, and the most direct in implementing the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee. The provincial political and legal organs are the key level connecting the preceding and the following in the political and legal system. Carrying out education and rectification in the central and provincial political and legal organs is an important part of the education and rectification of the national political and legal system, which is directly related to the overall effect of education and rectification. It is of great significance to promote the self revolution of the political and legal teams to go deeper and more practical, to promote the comprehensive development from strict control of the party and the police, and to ensure the loyalty, purity and reliability of the political and legal teams.

——Carrying out the second batch of educational rectification is an inevitable requirement to solve the outstanding problems of the central and provincial political and legal organs and create a good political environment. For a long time, the central and provincial political and legal organs have played an important role in organizing, leading, deploying and promoting political and legal work and the construction of political and legal teams. However, we should also be aware that there are still some outstanding problems in the central and provincial political and legal organs. To carry out the second batch of educational rectification is to focus on solving the outstanding problems existing in the central and provincial political and legal organs, further purify the team, build loyalty, and strive to build a model organ that reassures the Party and satisfies the people.

——Carrying out the second batch of educational rectification is an inevitable requirement to promote the organic connection between the upper and lower levels of educational rectification and consolidate and deepen the existing achievements. To carry out the second batch of educational rectification is to give full play to the role of the central and provincial political and legal organs in line guidance and policy supply, focus on solving the systemic and universal problems found in the first batch of educational rectification, and lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of political and legal undertakings and the construction of political and legal teams.


3、 Adhere to the problem orientation and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of the second batch of educational rectification

All relevant departments around the country should, in accordance with the requirements of the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee, accurately grasp the laws and characteristics of the central and provincial political and legal organs, scientifically and accurately implement policies, and solidly promote the second batch of education and rectification.

——Focus on building political loyalty and promote the construction of political organs. Learning the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1" important speech as the core content of the party history learning and education in the political and legal system, as the primary learning task of the education and rectification of the political and legal team, carefully organized and implemented, and led the deepening of political education, warning education, and model education.

We should strengthen the armed forces of scientific theories and lay a solid foundation for the idea of loyalty to the Party. Comprehend the power of truth from the centennial struggle history of the Party, deeply understand and grasp the scientific truth of the achievements of sinicization of Marxism, especially Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and unremittingly use it to arm the mind and guide practice. Combine the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era with the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, and the important instructions and precepts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on political and legal work in the new era, so as to build a solid ideological foundation for "two safeguards".

Carry forward the great spirit of Party building and inspire the spirit of loyalty and performance. We should use the glorious tradition and fine style of the Party to temper our will, and use the advanced deeds and lofty qualities of political and legal heroes and models to rally our strength. We should strive to be visible at ordinary times, stand up at critical moments, and emerge in times of crisis, so as to strive for greater glory for the Party and the people. Keep in mind the "big country", and constantly improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution.

Strict political discipline and rules, and strive to create a good political environment. Adhere to loyalty, purity and reliability, adhere to the leadership of the party's political construction, and promote the comprehensive development from strict control of the party and police to in-depth development with political strengthening. Strictly enforce the Party's political discipline and rules, and take more resolute and effective measures to thoroughly eliminate political hidden dangers.

——Focus on eliminating the black sheep, and strive to maintain the physical health of the political and legal team. Adhere to the principle of no restricted area, full coverage and zero tolerance, adhere to heavy containment, strong coercion and long-term deterrence, focus on checking the "double dealers" and "double dealers" who are disloyal and dishonest to the Party, strictly investigate the corruption that has not been restrained and stopped since the 18th National Congress of the Party, resolutely remove the black sheep from the political and legal ranks, and maintain the high-pressure trend of severely punishing the corruption of law enforcement and justice.

Strengthen policy application. In combination with the first batch of positive and negative typical cases of "leniency upon self inspection" and "strictness upon investigation" during the education rectification period, the "four forms" were fully used to organize the interpretation of leniency and strictness policies, so that the police with problems could get rid of the fluke mentality, and achieve active self inspection, active confession, and sincere repentance. For those police officers who refuse to take the initiative to explain their problems, we should strengthen the organization of investigation and punishment, and strictly deal with them according to discipline and law.

Strengthen the connection between the top and bottom. Focus on the first batch of education and rectification of major violations of discipline and law cases, and find clues to problems involving the central and provincial political and legal organs. For the remediation tasks and clue cases that were not completed at the end of the first batch of educational rectification and "looking back", they should be extended to the second batch of educational rectification.

Strengthen clue verification. We will continue to obtain problem clues through the national platform for reporting political and legal police violations, give full play to the role of discipline inspection and supervision authorities as the main force in investigating and handling political and legal police violations and duty related crimes, and give full play to the role of model. The procuratorial organs carried out special actions to investigate and deal with judicial personnel suspected of duty crimes, continued to promote the listing of clues to major cases, and constantly increased the verification of case clues.

——Focus on promoting the establishment of rules and regulations, and strive to rectify the persistent problems of law enforcement and justice. The central and provincial political and legal organs should not only conscientiously organize their own education and rectification, but also study and solve the common problems of the system line to institutionalize the rectification results.

We will address our own outstanding problems. On the basis of tackling the "six persistent maladies", we should highlight the characteristics of the central and provincial political and legal organs, and focus on the investigation, clean-up and rectification of persistent diseases such as interference in justice, interference in case handling, acting as a judicial broker, illegal interference in economic disputes, illegal interference in project construction, and the use of police power or influence in business activities by police families. It is necessary to compare the problems fed back by the Central Inspection Group and the inspection groups of provincial Party committees, and promote the comprehensive implementation of inspection rectification.

Rectify the persistent maladies of the line. We strengthened special investigation and research on the first batch of samples of education, rectification and treatment of persistent diseases, sorted out and analyzed the systemic and universal problems found, and further improved the long-term mechanism of rectification and discipline elimination, the judicial restriction and supervision mechanism of law enforcement, the mechanism of improving the quality and ability of police officers, the mechanism of exchange and rotation of political and legal cadres and other institutional mechanisms.

Rectify the problems of poor government orders and poor implementation. We will investigate and correct problems such as the lack of firmness in implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party, and the lack of guidance and supervision from the leadership below, so as to ensure the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Party, and ensure that the decrees of the Central Committee of the Party are unblocked.

——Focus on strengthening the style of work, and strive to build leading organs that are satisfied by the people and the grassroots. The central and provincial political and legal organs should take the lead in carrying forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the Party, and refrain from formalism, bureaucracy and other issues, so that the masses and grassroots can feel the new changes brought about by education and rectification.

Establish a new orientation of serving the grassroots. We will conduct a thorough investigation of the problems plaguing the grassroots, form a strong atmosphere of grasping the grassroots, laying the foundation and serving the grassroots, effectively provide support and guarantee for the grassroots political and legal organs to perform their duties in accordance with the law, and loosen the constraints for the grassroots political and legal police officers to start businesses.

Establish a new image of loving and serving the people. Adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, carry out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses", solve the problem of "people's anxiety", and always maintain the distinct nature of the political and legal organs to closely contact the masses and serve the masses.

Establish a new style of responsibility. Adhere to the combination of the education and rectification of the political and legal team with the encouragement of the political and legal team officers to start their own businesses and perform their duties, focus on the overall situation of the party and the state, focus on the key political and legal work and security and stability maintenance tasks, overcome difficulties, really do a solid job, and faithfully perform the duties and missions entrusted by the party and the people.


4、 Strengthening organization and leadership to ensure the effectiveness of the second batch of educational rectification

Since the middle of August, the second batch of educational rectification has been officially launched. We should strengthen organization and leadership, press down on responsibilities, make overall planning and coordinated progress, and achieve actual results.

——Strengthen planning and coordination. Adhere to the Party's leadership throughout all aspects and the whole process of education and rectification. The leading group of the Central Political and Legal Commission, the party group (party committee) of the central political and legal unit bear the main responsibility for education and rectification of their own units, and the party committees of provinces (districts, cities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps bear the main responsibility for education and rectification of their own regions. The main responsible comrades should plan, promote, research and solve major problems. The member units of the national and provincial education rectification leading groups assume the responsibility of coordination, carry out work according to their respective functions, and form an overall joint force of joint efforts.

——Strengthen supervision. Each central steering group is responsible for supervising the extension and deepening of the provincial political and legal units and the central political and legal units in the region directly under the units, vertical management units, local offices and the first batch of education and rectification units. The leading group for the education and rectification of the national political and legal ranks and its office are directly responsible for the supervision of the Central Judicial and Legal Commission and the central political and legal units. Adhere to the problem oriented, hierarchical and classified guidance, and focus on solving practical problems.

——Insist on opening the door for rectification. Adhere to taking the satisfaction of the masses as the standard to test the effectiveness of education and rectification, and make education and rectification subject to the supervision of the masses and the results judged by the masses by publishing the list of chronic maladies and the results of education and rectification.

——Pay attention to overall planning. We will continue to promote the organic integration of education and rectification with the study and education of party history, inspection and rectification, and comprehensive deepening of reform in the field of politics and law, promote the high-quality development of political and legal work, and test the effectiveness of education and rectification with new achievements satisfactory to the party and the people.

Source: China Chang'an Network