Dear delegates

Now, on behalf of the Supreme People's Court, I would like to report my work to the General Assembly for your deliberation and comments.

In 2010, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary, and under the strong supervision of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the Supreme People's Court conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Party, the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 17th Central Committee, and the resolutions of the Third Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress, and thoroughly implemented the Scientific Outlook on Development, Strictly perform the duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws, focus on three key tasks, namely, resolving social conflicts, innovating social management, and enforcing the law impartially and honestly, and vigorously strengthen the trial, implementation, and self-improvement. All work has made new progress. Last year, the Supreme People's Court accepted 12086 cases, down 6.99% year on year; 10626 cases were concluded, and 98.31% of them were closed within the time limit. Local people's courts at all levels accepted 11700263 cases, up 2.82% year on year; 10999420 cases were concluded and enforced, the rate of closing cases within the trial time limit was 98.51%, and the amount of closed cases was 1505.343 billion yuan.

   1、 Pay close attention to the judicial needs of economic and social development, and strive to serve the sound and rapid development of the economy and society

The Supreme People's Court has always adhered to the concept of active justice, guided local people's courts at all levels to find the entry point of judicial work to serve the overall economic and social development, and provided a strong judicial guarantee for promoting sound and rapid economic and social development.

Efforts should be made to strengthen the investigation, research, supervision and guidance of the application of law to new types of cases. Affected by the international financial crisis and changes in the macroeconomic environment, some enterprises are facing difficulties in their survival and development. A large number of contract disputes, enterprise bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation and other cases have entered the court. Legal issues and social issues are intertwined, and various conflicts of interest are intensifying. The Supreme People's Court strengthened the investigation and study of new situations and problems, formulated 20 judicial interpretations and 43 guiding opinions in the fields of financial futures, foreign investment, labor disputes, tourism disputes, etc., guided local courts at all levels to try dispute cases such as loan contracts, enterprise bankruptcy, company liquidation, project transfer, etc. in accordance with the law, and properly settled the settlement of enterprise employees The protection of creditors and other issues have played a positive role in maintaining the order of market transactions, rationalizing the market competition mechanism and promoting social harmony and stability. Formulate opinions on providing judicial guarantee for major events such as the Shanghai World Expo, the Guangzhou Asian Games and the Asian Paralympic Games, and guide local courts to properly hear relevant cases. Timely conduct trial guidance on disaster related cases caused by major natural disasters such as the strong earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai, and the huge mudslide in Zhouqu, Gansu, to provide judicial guarantee for disaster relief and post disaster recovery and reconstruction. In accordance with the state's strategic plan for in-depth implementation of the western development, we will strengthen the work guidance of the western courts.

Actively provide judicial guarantee for accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development. The Supreme People's Court formulated Several Opinions on Providing Judicial Security and Services for Accelerating the Transformation of the Mode of Economic Development, and put forward requirements for properly hearing relevant cases. We strengthened judicial guidance on financial cases, effectively protected the legal claims of financial institutions, prevented evasion of bank debts, and maintained good financial order. Courts at all levels concluded 578919 cases of financial disputes over financing, securities, insurance, bills, and guarantees, up 11.63% year on year. According to the requirements of promoting economic restructuring, more attention was paid to promoting the development and improvement of modern industrial system, more attention was paid to maintaining the market order of fair competition, and more attention was paid to equal protection of the legitimate rights and interests of market subjects. Courts at all levels concluded 3239740 contract cases, up 2.71% year on year. We supported economic activities and behaviors in accordance with the law that are conducive to accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development, and concluded 14694 cases of enterprise mergers, restructuring, bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation, and share transfer, up 56.90% year on year. We will properly hear cases of disputes over individual housing, car sales, tourism services and other consumer rights and interests, and promote the expansion of domestic demand. Punish crimes that damage resources and pollute the environment in accordance with the law, formulate judicial interpretations for hearing oil pollution damage compensation cases, explore the establishment of environmental public interest litigation system, promote local courts to establish environmental protection courts, and promote the construction of ecological civilization in accordance with the law. Courts at all levels have concluded 12018 cases of environmental pollution damage compensation, up 2.83% year on year.

We will strengthen judicial protection of intellectual property rights. We will thoroughly implement the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy, strengthen judicial protection of intellectual property, and provide judicial protection for the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries. Strengthen the protection of well-known trademarks, geographical indications of agricultural products and modern service industry trademarks, and promote the formation and development of independent brands. We should properly hear antitrust and unfair competition cases in accordance with the law, prevent the abuse of intellectual property rights, and safeguard the market order of fair competition and the legitimate rights and interests of the public. We will formulate judicial guidance for trademark authorization and confirmation administrative cases, overseas works copyright disputes, Internet cafes copyright disputes and other cases, adjust the level of jurisdiction standards for intellectual property civil cases, unify the scale of law application, and promote the formation of a legal environment that encourages independent innovation and promotes scientific and technological progress. Jointly formulated the Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases of Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights with relevant departments, actively participated in the special action against infringement of intellectual property rights and the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods, and tried criminal cases of infringement of intellectual property rights according to law. In 2010, courts at all levels concluded 48051 intellectual property cases, up 32.96% year on year. We will strengthen the publicity of intellectual property laws, issue white papers, annual reports and typical cases on China's judicial protection of intellectual property, open websites for judicial protection of intellectual property, improve the transparency of intellectual property trials, and ensure judicial justice. The Supreme People's Court signed a memorandum of cooperation on judicial protection of intellectual property rights with the China Association for Science and Technology, and invited academicians and experts of the "two academies" to serve as scientific and technological consultants to provide intellectual support for intellectual property trials.

We will strengthen the trial and foreign affairs of cases involving foreign affairs, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. In accordance with the law, foreign investment, trade and other disputes were heard, and fair trading and investment environment was maintained. Courts at all levels concluded 20258 foreign-related commercial, maritime and maritime cases, up 0.83% year on year. We strengthened the trial of cases involving Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, formulated the Provisions on the Application of Laws in the Trial of Civil and Commercial Cases involving Taiwan and other judicial interpretations, and protected the legitimate rights and interests of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots in accordance with the law. We strengthened foreign affairs, successfully held the fourth Asia Pacific Judicial Reform Forum, improved the exchange mechanism of presidents of the Supreme Courts of SCO member countries, opened judicial exchanges among the "BRICs", promoted judicial exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries, and established a good image of Chinese justice.

  2、 Punish crimes according to law, properly resolve conflicts, and promote social harmony and stability

With the goal of promoting social harmony and stability, the Supreme People's Court has always guided and supervised local people's courts at all levels to punish criminal offences according to law and effectively resolve conflicts and disputes.

Implement the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy and punish criminal crimes according to law. The Supreme People's Court formulated Several Opinions on the Implementation of the Criminal Policy of Tempering Justice with Leniency to guide courts at all levels to correctly grasp laws and policies, and to convict and sentence according to law. Courts at all levels concluded 779641 criminal cases of first instance throughout the year and sentenced 1006420 criminals, up 1.68% and 0.98% year on year respectively. We will severely punish, in accordance with the law, crimes endangering national security, such as splits, infiltration and subversion by hostile forces at home and abroad, continue to deepen the special fight against organized crime, severely punish violent crimes, such as murder, kidnapping and robbery, which seriously affect people's sense of security, as well as frequent crimes of property violations, such as theft, robbery and fraud, and severely punish crimes of harming kindergarten children, primary and secondary school students, and abducting and selling women and children, Effectively curbed the rising trend of serious criminal crimes, and achieved good social results. Courts at all levels concluded 265397 of the above cases and sentenced 370452 criminals, down 0.70% and 1.24% respectively year on year. Actively participated in the fight against corruption, severely punished corruption, bribery and dereliction of duty in accordance with the law, concluded 27751 such cases, and sentenced 28652 criminals, up 7.10% and 9.25% year on year respectively. We should crack down on the crime of using the Internet or mobile phones to produce, copy and disseminate pornographic information, and purify the social environment. We will formulate judicial interpretations on the trial of cases of counterfeiting currency, illegal fund-raising, and job-related crimes in state funded enterprises, crack down on fake invoices, counterfeit currency, commercial bribery, and securities and futures crimes in accordance with the law, and maintain a good market economic order. The Opinions on Handling Some Specific Issues of Voluntary Surrender and Meritorious Service was formulated to standardize the identification standards, verification procedures and lenient punishment range of voluntary surrender and meritorious service. Several Opinions on Giving Full Play to the Function of Criminal Justice and Deeply Promoting the Resolution of Social Contradictions were formulated to resolve social contradictions throughout all aspects of criminal justice. Actively participate in the comprehensive management of social security and the establishment of peace, deepen the reform of the juvenile justice system, explore social extension protection, juvenile misdemeanor record elimination system and other practices. Strictly regulate commutation and parole work to ensure fairness and justice of commutation and parole. Actively participate in the help and education management of special groups, and jointly promote community correction and other work with relevant departments.

We will strengthen litigation mediation and promote the construction of a mechanism for resolving multiple conflicts and disputes. The Supreme People's Court formulated Several Opinions on Further Implementing the Working Principle of "Mediation First, Combination of Mediation and Adjudication" to guide courts at all levels to better use mediation means to resolve conflicts, and strive to achieve harmony between people and cases. Adhere to the principle of legality and voluntariness. For cases that can be mediated according to the law, the case can be mediated according to the circumstances, and the mediation effect is better, the first choice is mediation to resolve disputes. The mediation withdrawal rate of civil and commercial cases in the first instance of courts at all levels reached 65.29%, up 3.31 percentage points year on year. We will strive to build a mediation, coordination and reconciliation mechanism that runs through the whole process of filing, trial and implementation, covering criminal, civil, administrative and enforcement fields, strengthen reconciliation of minor criminal cases, increase mediation efforts in criminal incidental civil cases, actively promote reconciliation of enforcement cases, and resolve conflicts and disputes through mediation as far as possible. Pay attention to regulating mediation work, correctly handle the relationship between mediation and adjudication, and timely make judgments according to the law for those who are not suitable for mediation and cannot be mediated. We will strengthen the construction of a dispute resolution mechanism that links litigation with non litigation, give full play to the role of people's mediation organizations, social organizations, lawyers, experts, and arbitration institutions, and guide parties to choose non litigation methods to resolve disputes locally and nearby by setting up people's mediation studios in courts. We will actively promote the establishment of a "grand mediation" system that combines people's mediation, administrative mediation, and judicial mediation, strengthen coordination and cooperation among the three in terms of procedural docking, effectiveness confirmation, and legal guidance, and jointly resolve social conflicts to promote social harmony and stability.

We will protect the people's right to sue in accordance with the law and improve the level of administrative adjudication and state compensation. Courts at all levels conscientiously implemented the Opinions on the Protection of Litigation Rights of Administrative Litigation Parties in accordance with the Law formulated by the Supreme People's Court, unblocked the channels of administrative litigation, accepted 135679 administrative cases and concluded 129806, up 6.77% and 7.70% respectively year on year. The special review of administrative appeals cases was carried out in a centralized manner, and a number of administrative appeals cases were properly handled through case evaluation, retrial and error correction. We will conscientiously implement the revised National Compensation Law, issue work opinions in a timely manner, provide comprehensive guidance on the acceptance, trial, decision, relief and implementation of national compensation cases, and promote the healthy and orderly development of national compensation work.

   3、 Actively respond to the concerns and expectations of the people and safeguard their rights and interests according to law

The Supreme People's Court has always adhered to the concept of people-oriented and justice for the people, guided and supervised local people's courts at all levels to seriously solve the problems of litigation and enforcement, and actively responded to the concerns and expectations of the people to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Properly hear cases involving people's livelihood according to law. Pay close attention to people's concerns about housing, employment and other issues, and properly handle housing sales, labor disputes and other cases according to law. Properly adjusted marriage, family, personal and property relations, and paid attention to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of women, children, and the elderly. Courts at all levels concluded 1428340 marriage and family cases, including divorce, upbringing, and inheritance, up 3.45% year on year; 779340 personal injury compensation cases were concluded, up 22.71% year on year. In accordance with the law, we properly heard cases of arrears of migrant workers' wages, contracted rural land management, illegal occupation of farmland and other cases, actively participated in the special governance activities of combating counterfeiting of agricultural materials, earnestly safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of farmers, and concluded 238913 cases involving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", up 3.02% year on year. The crime of endangering food and drug safety, manufacturing and selling counterfeit and shoddy goods shall be severely punished according to law, and the safety of people's lives and property shall be safeguarded. The Supreme People's Court issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Judicial Work of People's Courts on Military related Cases to guide courts at all levels to properly try military related cases and safeguard the interests of national defense and the legitimate rights and interests of military families in accordance with the law.

We will effectively strengthen judicial facilitation. We will strengthen and standardize the construction of the "petition filing window", establish and improve the systems of first inquiry responsibility, service commitment, openness, civilized reception, and job responsibility, improve litigation guidance, inquiry and consultation services, improve petition reception facilities, and provide a good litigation environment for the masses. Strengthen the construction of people's courts in remote or inaccessible areas, set up special collegiate or judicial tribunals for labor disputes and finance in areas where relevant cases are concentrated, promote remote filing, "one-stop" services and other measures, actively explore online booking filing, delivery, court trial and other ways to facilitate mass litigation. The Opinions on Vigorously Promoting Circuit Trial to Facilitate People's Litigation was formulated to promote the institutionalization and standardization of circuit trial work, better penetrate into the grassroots and serve the people. According to the unified requirements of the Supreme People's Court, 693 new trial courts and more than 600 people's courts across the country have completed the construction of barrier free facilities to facilitate the litigation of the disabled. We strengthened the judicial assistance work and reduced the legal fees of 96.5647 million yuan for the parties with real difficulties, an increase of 41.51% year on year.

We attach great importance to the settlement of complaint related letters and visits. Adhere to the handling of complaint related cases as an important way to connect with the masses, listen to the public opinion, and solve the problems reflected in the complaints according to law. The Supreme People's Court dispatched 12 collegial panels and case review teams to help local courts with prominent complaint reporting problems clear up the backlog of complaint reporting cases. Formulate measures for the termination of litigation related petition cases, adhere to the practice of regular visits by leading cadres, visits by judges, and itinerant visits, and try to resolve the problem at the grass-roots level. The courts at all levels received 1066687 letters and visits throughout the year, a year-on-year decrease of 21.43%.

Try to solve the problem of difficult implementation. In order to consolidate the results of the centralized clearing up and implementation of backlog cases, and actively promote the establishment of a long-term mechanism to resolve the problem of difficult enforcement, the Supreme People's Court formulated Several Provisions on Limiting High Consumption of Persons Subject to Enforcement, and jointly issued the Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Establishment and Improvement of the Implementation Linkage Mechanism with 19 central and state organs to promote the construction of a social integrity system, We have initially established a working pattern for comprehensively tackling the problems of difficult implementation. We will further strengthen the standardization of implementation, improve the implementation information query system, strengthen the internal supervision and restriction of the executive power, and focus on solving problems such as negative implementation. Make full use of supervision, promotion and designated implementation to continuously improve the quality and efficiency of implementation. We carried out the activities of creating an "advanced court without backlog of enforcement cases" and centralized clearing of entrusted enforcement cases, and worked hard to form a good working mechanism to resolve the problem of difficult enforcement. Over the past year, courts at all levels have closed 2508242 new cases, up 2.54% year on year; The delivery rate of implementation targets was 73.82%, up 8.22 percentage points year on year.

   4、 Continue to promote judicial reform and safeguard judicial justice

In accordance with the unified deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the Supreme People's Court adheres to the socialist judicial system with Chinese characteristics, guides local people's courts at all levels to push forward reform closely around issues of general concern to the people that may affect judicial fairness, and further strengthens the construction of systems such as judicial openness, judicial democracy, and judicial supervision.

We will promote judicial openness and judicial democracy. We will conscientiously implement the Six Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Publicity of Justice, and further clarify the contents, procedures and methods that must be made public in six aspects: filing, hearing, execution, hearing, documents, and trial affairs. The Supreme People's Court issued the annual report on the work of the People's Court for the first time, comprehensively revised the government affairs website, and expanded the breadth and depth of judicial openness. We will improve systems such as people's attendance at court hearings, online publication of judicial documents, inquiry of litigation files, and audio and video recording of court proceedings to provide institutional guarantees for the promotion of judicial openness. We have established 100 "model courts of judicial openness", summarized and promoted the experience and practices of courts in various regions in promoting "sunshine justice", and promoted the standardization of judicial openness. The "Judicial Publicity Month" activity was carried out nationwide to publicize the work of the people's courts and enhance the transparency of judicial work by making full use of social media. The system of people's assessors was further improved and the scope of participation in trial activities was broadened. People's assessors participated in 912177 trials throughout the year, up 44.33% year on year, effectively playing an important role in people's participation in justice and supervision of justice.

We will earnestly safeguard judicial fairness. Innovating and strengthening trial management is an important means to maintain judicial justice and improve judicial level. The Supreme People's Court has established a trial management office to strengthen the management and supervision of the trial process and the quality and efficiency of handling cases. We will comprehensively implement the reform of standardized sentencing, formulate rules for sentencing procedures, establish a sentencing method that combines qualitative and quantitative analysis, standardize judges' discretion, and promote fairness and justice in sentencing. We will improve the system of criminal evidence, work with the central political and legal departments to formulate the Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Examination and Judgment of Evidence in Death Penalty Cases and the Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Exclusion of Illegal Evidence in Criminal Cases, strictly enforce the standards of proof in criminal cases, especially death penalty cases, and clearly stipulate that the defendant's confession obtained by illegal means such as extorting a confession by torture shall not be used as evidence for the determination of a case, Ensure the quality of criminal trial. We will promote the reform of the civil and administrative litigation systems, carry out the pilot work of rapid adjudication of small amount cases and summary procedures of administrative litigation, and ensure that difficult cases are carefully reviewed and simple cases are quickly concluded. Formulate the Provisions on Case Guidance, release typical cases in time, and strengthen the trial guidance of difficult and complex cases. We strengthened the retrial work, and courts at all levels concluded 46214 retrial cases, 11729 of which were changed due to errors in the original judgment or other statutory reasons, accounting for 0.17% of the effective judgments.

We will further strengthen basic work at the grass-roots level. Relying on the leadership of the Party Committee, the supervision of the People's Congress, and the support of the government, we will seriously participate in the preparation and distribution of the political and legal system, actively promote the reform of the recruitment and training system for judges and the judicial examination, effectively solve the problem of some local court judges leaving their posts early, and ease the contradiction between more people and less people in grass-roots cases. We will promote the reform of the political and legal funding guarantee system, and initially establish a court funding guarantee system. Strengthen the informatization construction of courts and start the construction of e-government projects of people's courts. Revise the standards for court construction and further improve the conditions of grass-roots justice. We formulated the guidance of the People's Court on aiding Tibet and Xinjiang, and comprehensively strengthened the work of talent, business and material assistance.

   5、 Firmly grasp the key link of court team building to further improve the judicial capacity and level

Team building has always been the basis of the work of the people's courts. In view of the problems in the work and style of judges reflected by the people, the Supreme People's Court guided local people's courts at all levels to carry out the activities of striving for excellence and the practice of the theme of "people's judges for the people", to work hard on strengthening the ability, style and integrity construction, and to improve the overall quality of the court team.

We will focus on improving judicial capacity. We will organize training for all the judges to improve their ability to correctly apply the law and resolve social conflicts. The Supreme People's Court completed the rotation training of 3622 presidents of intermediate and basic people's courts to improve their ability to perform their duties. A training course for thousands of senior and intermediate courts nationwide to implement the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy was held to improve the ability of criminal trial judges to grasp the criminal policy. More than 30000 executives and nearly 2000 national compensation workers were trained to improve their ability to solve problems and apply laws. The Higher People's Court has trained 8899 presiding judges in rotation, while strengthening pre job training, promotion training and special training for judges. We will promote the training of bilingual judges in courts in ethnic minority areas, help courts in Xinjiang, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and other regions to compile bilingual judge training materials, carry out temporary exchanges of cadres between eastern and western courts, and support western courts to improve the quality of their teams. We will implement a system of temporary training for cadres between the higher and lower courts, and train outstanding cadres who are familiar with grass-roots work. Courts at all levels organized the selection of post pacesetters and case handling experts to encourage judges to strengthen learning and practice and strive to improve their judicial ability.

Vigorously improve the judicial style. We will carry out in-depth education on the views of the masses, further deepen judges' understanding and practice of the people's nature of the people's courts, and consciously adhere to the mass line. We will improve the public opinion collection mechanism, open channels for public opinion communication, organize judges to enter communities, enterprises, schools, rural areas and other activities, listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses in a timely manner, and maintain close ties with the masses. Strengthen the construction of judges' professional ethics by focusing on cultivating the core judicial values of justice, honesty and serving the people. We revised the Basic Code of Professional Ethics for Judges and the Code of Conduct for Judges, formulated the Basic Code of Civilized Language for People's Courts, and guided judges to improve their judicial style. Give full play to the exemplary role of advanced models, publicize and learn from the advanced models such as Chen Yanping, a "good judge trusted by the masses", Long Jinpin, a "pioneer of the times" national outstanding judge, and Zhong Shixin, a national model judicial policeman who fought bravely and sacrificed bravely. Last year, there were 19060 collectives and 47298 individuals in courts at all levels across the country who performed meritorious deeds and received awards. Among them, 344 collectives and 489 individuals were commended and rewarded by relevant central departments.

Strive to promote judicial integrity. Education on Party spirit, Party conduct and Party discipline should be carried out among leading cadres of courts at all levels, and warning education should be carried out among judges and judicial police to enhance their awareness of resisting corruption and preventing degeneration. Adhere to the principle of "one post with two responsibilities", give full play to the functions of the judicial committee, the president, the chief judge, the political work and the discipline inspection and supervision institutions, and strengthen the management and supervision of law enforcement and case handling and the ranks of judges. The Supreme People's Court formulated the Interim Provisions on Judicial Patrol Work of People's Courts, improved the judicial patrol system, sent 8 patrol teams successively to carry out judicial patrol work on some local courts, and put forward rectification suggestions for problems found in a timely manner. In China, 26 higher people's courts and 246 intermediate people's courts have established a judicial inspection system and conducted judicial inspections on 1803 lower courts. A system of incorrupt ombudsmen has been generally established. Courts at all levels have appointed 30623 incorrupt ombudsmen, giving a good play to the direct supervision of incorrupt ombudsmen on the front line of the trial. Strictly implement the provisions of "Five Prohibitions" and intensify the investigation and handling of cases. Carry out special governance activities against illegal charges, illegal management of funds and materials involved in the case, illegal use of judicial coercive measures and other issues, and timely find and correct existing problems. We improved the mechanism for checking reporting clues, and the Supreme People's Court launched all websites for reporting violations of discipline and laws online with the Supreme People's Court. To promote the innovation of anti-corruption work, the Supreme People's Court promulgated and implemented the Provisions on the Withdrawal of Court Leading Cadres and Judges in Trial Execution Positions whose spouses and children are engaged in the profession of lawyers, and formulated the Several Provisions on Preventing Internal Court Personnel from Interfering with the Handling of Cases in Trial Work, in an effort to promote judicial integrity from the institutional mechanism. In 2010, courts across the country investigated and dealt with 783 offenders, down 1.51% year on year. Among them, 540 people were subject to political and disciplinary sanctions, and 113 people were investigated for criminal responsibility for corruption, bribery, and bending the law for personal gain, down 4.09% and 17.52% respectively year on year.

   6、 Pay more attention to accept supervision and strengthen the construction of supervision and restriction mechanism

Strengthening supervision and restriction is an important guarantee for the people's courts to correctly perform their duties and achieve judicial justice. The Supreme People's Court guides local people's courts at all levels to further enhance their awareness of consciously accepting supervision, actively improve the supervision and restriction mechanism, strive to promote judicial integrity, and constantly improve judicial credibility.

Consciously accept the supervision of the National People's Congress. After the National "Two Sessions" ended last year, the Supreme People's Court carefully sorted out 99 deliberation opinions put forward by deputies to the National People's Congress, and rectified and implemented them one by one. We attached great importance to the handling of NPC deputies' suggestions, improved the mechanism of assignment, supervision and feedback, and properly handled 796 NPC deputies' suggestions and other matters. We improved the daily liaison mechanism with NPC deputies, and the Supreme People's Court visited, received and communicated with deputies in other forms, and listened to 882 people's opinions. Strengthen the work of special reports, make special reports to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the civil trial work of the people's courts, and timely propose and implement specific measures to strengthen the civil trial work according to the deliberation opinions of the meeting.

We should conscientiously accept the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and people without party affiliation. The Supreme People's Court handled 130 CPPCC members' proposals and other matters last year, and communicated with CPPCC members and listened to 309 people's opinions in various forms such as forum, visit, reception, invitation and inspection. Further improve the communication and coordination mechanism with the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and non party personages, strengthen daily liaison, and carefully listen to opinions and suggestions.

Accept the legal supervision of the procuratorial organ according to law. We will improve the working communication mechanism between the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, jointly improve the relevant provisions of procuratorial organs on legal supervision of civil and administrative proceedings and implementation, seriously take the procuratorial suggestions put forward by procuratorial organs, and support and cooperate with procuratorial organs in performing their legal supervision duties according to law. Last year, courts at all levels concluded 9749 cases of protest against effective decisions made by procuratorial organs, of which 3056 were upheld, 1928 were changed, 721 were remanded for retrial, and 4044 cases were closed by mediation, withdrawal and other means.

Actively accept supervision from all walks of life. The Supreme People's Court invited 40 specially invited consultants and 60 specially appointed supervisors from deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, non party personages, experts, scholars, lawyers and grassroots people to listen to their opinions and suggestions with an open mind. Establish an information communication system with the National Association of Lawyers, study and solve the problems reflected by the Association in a timely manner, and ensure that lawyers perform their duties according to law. We formulated the opinions of the People's Court on accepting the supervision of news and public opinion, attached great importance to online public opinion, carefully sorted out and classified 5685 messages received from netizens in the public opinion mailbox of the Supreme People's Court, and referred to the improvement work.

Distinguished delegates, at present, the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics has been formed, and the national economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and ecological civilization construction have achieved laws to abide by. It is even more important to strengthen and improve the work of the people's courts, comprehensively improve the quality of the court team, and effectively guarantee the effective implementation of the Constitution and laws More prominent. In the face of the new situation, we are soberly aware that there are still many problems and difficulties in the work of the people's courts. First, the trial work has not fully adapted to the requirements of economic and social development, especially the understanding, research and grasp of new situations and problems are not deep enough, the judicial response measures still need to be improved, and the problems of litigation and enforcement in some cases have not yet been solved, Complaint related letters and visits are still prominent. Second, some judicial reform measures are not implemented in place, the internal and external supervision and restriction mechanisms are not perfect, and the trial quality and efficiency need to be further improved. Third, some judges have weak judicial capacity, and their level of resolving social conflicts and handling complex and difficult cases is not high. Fourth, some judges have weak public awareness, uncivilized judicial style, irregular behavior, careless work, and large public opinions. Fifth, a small number of judges are unfair and incorruptible in their administration of justice, seek personal gains through cases, engage in malpractices for personal gain, take bribes and bend the law, which seriously damages the credibility of the judiciary. At the same time, some courts still have difficulties such as too many cases and too few people, judges' fault, brain drain and insufficient funds. To this end, we will base ourselves on ourselves, actively seek the support of all relevant parties, and try our best to solve these problems and difficulties.

2011 is the first year of the 12th Five Year Plan period. The Supreme People's Court will conscientiously implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, correctly grasp the new changes and new features of the domestic and international situation, firmly grasp the theme of scientific development, closely focus on the main line of accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development, highlight the focus of law enforcement, strengthen the fundamental of team building, and thoroughly promote the three key tasks, Exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to law, and work hard to build a fair, efficient and authoritative socialist judicial system, improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, maintain social fairness and justice, and promote social harmony and stability.

First, it is necessary to provide judicial guarantee for maintaining long-term, stable and rapid economic development. Focusing on accelerating the transformation of the economic development mode and giving full play to the role of the trial function: First, according to the needs of economic and social development, timely improve the judicial policy, strengthen judicial interpretation, strengthen supervision and guidance, and provide judicial guarantee for the implementation of macroeconomic policies. The second is to try financial dispute cases in accordance with the law, properly handle the cases involving the package plan to deal with the impact of the international financial crisis and the "12th Five Year Plan" investment projects, and provide judicial guarantee for maintaining financial security. Third, to hear cases of enterprise restructuring and bankruptcy according to law, we should not only promote the elimination of backward and excess capacity, promote the realization of industrial transformation and upgrading, but also use systems such as enterprise restructuring to help enterprises that meet the requirements of industrial adjustment but temporarily encounter difficulties to regain their vitality, and provide judicial protection for promoting strategic adjustment of economic structure. Fourth, try all kinds of investment dispute cases in accordance with the law, support and protect capital investment and circulation behaviors that are in line with the direction of national economic development and conducive to economic restructuring, strictly review the legality of state-owned assets disposal procedures, protect the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors and enterprise employees in accordance with the law, and equally protect the legitimate rights and interests of state funded enterprises, private enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises, To provide judicial guarantee for regulating investment behavior. Fifth, try all kinds of environmental protection dispute cases in accordance with the law, promote the development of energy conservation, emission reduction and circular economy, and provide judicial guarantee for building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society. Sixth, we will continue to strengthen judicial protection of intellectual property rights to provide judicial protection for promoting scientific and technological progress and innovation.

Second, we should strive to maintain social harmony and stability. We will focus on public security, protection of rights and interests, fairness and justice and other issues of concern to the people, give full play to the role of trials, strengthen and innovate social management, and maintain social harmony and stability. We will severely punish according to law serious criminal crimes that endanger national security and social stability, economic crimes that seriously disrupt economic order and seriously harm the interests of the masses, and official crimes committed by State functionaries. We will conscientiously implement the Eighth Amendment to the Criminal Law, correctly implement the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy, pay equal attention to punishing crimes and protecting human rights, strictly control and prudently apply the death penalty, conscientiously implement the rule of excluding illegal evidence, and effectively prevent the occurrence of unjust, false, and wrong cases. Correctly understand and grasp the principle of "mediation first and combination of mediation and adjudication", more effectively play the role of mediation and adjudication, innovate and improve the judicial mediation mechanism, properly try all kinds of civil and administrative cases, and strive to settle disputes and settle cases. We will improve the dispute resolution mechanism linking litigation and non litigation, promote the improvement of the "grand mediation" system, and promote the resolution of social conflicts.

Third, we must earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people. Focusing on further solving the problems of litigation and enforcement in some cases, we will try our best to meet the growing judicial needs of the people. We will hear cases involving people's livelihood in employment, education, medical care, housing, consumption, social security, marriage and family fairly in accordance with the law, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people. We will improve judicial measures to facilitate and benefit the people, strengthen the construction of petition filing windows, promote the circuit trial method, strengthen judicial assistance, accept administrative litigation and state compensation cases in accordance with the law, and strive to solve the litigation difficulties of some cases. Earnestly do a good job in complaint related complaint reporting, and effectively solve the reasonable demands reflected in the mass complaint reporting. We will strengthen the investigation of case responsibilities, improve the quality of trials, and prevent and reduce complaints from the source. Carry out special actions against circumvention of execution, severely punish those who resist execution, give full play to the role of execution linkage mechanism, and rely on institutional advantages to promote the solution of difficult execution problems.

Fourth, we need to improve and perfect a more scientific judicial system and working mechanism. With the goal of ensuring judicial justice, and focusing on the realization of judicial openness and improvement of supervision and restriction, we will promote judicial reform in an orderly manner according to law. We will actively promote the online access of judicial documents, case information inquiry, and access to litigation files, and increase judicial openness to promote fairness. We will effectively implement the judicial reform measures that have been introduced, with the focus on deepening the reform of standardized sentencing, improving the death penalty review procedure, establishing a scientific and complete trial management system, and ensuring fairness through systems. Focus on building a new mechanism for trial supervision and error correction, strengthen the internal supervision of the court, and improve the institutional mechanism for accepting external supervision.

Fifth, improve the quality of the court team in an all-round way. Focusing on cultivating good professional ethics of judges and improving judicial capacity, we will effectively strengthen the construction of the court team. We will carry out in-depth educational and practical activities on the theme of "carrying forward tradition, strengthening faith, and enforcing the law for the people", promote the core judicial values of fairness, integrity, and serving the people, strengthen the professional ethics of judges, strengthen the concept of the masses, enhance the feelings of the masses, improve the judicial style, and standardize judicial behavior. We will strengthen judicial capacity building, and strive to improve the ability and level of judges to apply laws, resolve conflicts, and do mass work. Strengthen judicial integrity education, promote the innovation of anti-corruption system, improve judicial inspection, integrity supervision, online report acceptance, and check of disciplinary clues, strictly implement the "Five Prohibitions" system of the Supreme People's Court, and investigate and deal with disciplinary violations with greater efforts to ensure judicial integrity.

Sixth, we should pay more attention to strengthening the basic work of the people's courts at the grass-roots level. Taking practical and effective measures to change the weak situation of basic work at the grass-roots level is the focus of the work of the people's courts this year and for a long time to come. We will improve the mechanism for macro and classified guidance, and strengthen the supervision and guidance of the Supreme People's Court over lower courts. We will continue to promote the reform of personnel recruitment methods and the reform of judicial examinations, expand the sources and channels of judges, complete the reform of the standards for the staffing of judges and the order of judges' positions, strengthen the construction of bilingual judges in ethnic minority areas in the central and western regions, especially in Tibet, Xinjiang and other places, and gradually establish and improve the system for selecting judges and the selection mechanism conducive to the growth of grass-roots police officers, We will further solve the problems of more cases and fewer people in some grass-roots courts, the fault of judges, and brain drain. We will implement the measures to ensure the classification of court funds, establish a mechanism for the normal growth of public funds, and further improve the funding security of grass-roots courts. Accelerate the informatization construction of office and case handling. Adhere to the people-oriented principle, care for the physical and mental health of judges, and create a harmonious working environment.

Fellow deputies, consciously accepting the supervision of the People's Congress and its Standing Committee is an important guarantee for the continuous development and progress of the work of the People's Court. The Supreme People's Court will conscientiously implement the resolutions of this session, conscientiously do a good job in special work reports, judicial interpretation filing, handling of representatives' suggestions, etc., to ensure that the People's Court accurately implements the Constitution and laws. At the same time, we should more consciously accept the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, the legal supervision of the procuratorial organs and the supervision of all sectors of society, so as to promote integrity and ensure justice through supervision.

Distinguished delegates, facing the development opportunities and challenges under the new situation, the People's Court will, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the General Secretary, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, and strictly perform the duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws, Make new and greater contributions to comprehensively implementing the basic strategy of governing the country according to law, accelerating the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law, and winning new victories in building a well-off society in an all-round way!