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Product Center home page >Product Center> Flood control water pump  >  Trailer type flood control pump >JGYDBC strong self-priming mobile pump truck for flood control and emergency rescue without additional water diversion
 Mobile pump truck with strong self-priming for flood control and emergency rescue without water diversion

Mobile pump truck with strong self-priming for flood control and emergency rescue without water diversion

Brief description:

The strong self-priming mobile pump truck for flood control and emergency rescue without water diversion, the mobile pump truck without water diversion, and the self-priming pump used by the mobile pump truck are the self-priming pumps that can run idle. Each time you start the self-priming pump, you do not need to add water to the pump body. Only one key to start the diesel engine can complete the pumping operation.

Updated on: July 21, 2022
Views: 10848

Flood prevention mobile pump truck, mobile pump truck, flood prevention and emergency mobile pump truck

I Mobile pump truck with strong self-priming for flood control and emergency rescue without water diversion Product Overview

In case of heavy rain, the urban sewer is easy to be blocked, resulting in a large amount of ponding on the road surface, serious ponding in the tunnel, and other ponding conditions. At this time, pumps are needed to conduct a pumping operation. Where ponding occurs, there is usually no power source available for water supply pumps, and large flow pumps weigh heavily Mobile pump truck After the above conditions can not be met, the trailer type mobile pump truck can be towed to the site for flood control and rescue operations by hanging behind the pickup truck or minivan.

II Mobile pump truck with strong self-priming for flood control and emergency rescue without water diversion main features

1. Mobile pump trucks that do not need to add water do not need to add water to the self-priming pump.

2. The self suction height of vacuum auxiliary system can reach 9-10 meters.

3. The vacuum pump can start and stop automatically. When the self-priming pump discharges water, the vacuum pump will stop automatically.

4. The impeller adopts an open impeller, which can pass through engineering sewage with large diameter of solid particles, especially suitable for liquid containing lumpy and turbid state, such as solid blocks, sediment, waste mineral impurities, feces, etc.

5. The mobile pump truck for flood control and rescue can also be made into a remote control system, which can be moved by only one person operating the remote control, without the need for many people to drag and move.

6. Mobile pump truck without water diversion, we can also provide you with portable suction pipe with light weight, which is convenient for mobile use.

3、 Physical photos

4、 Model parameters


5、 Ordering Instructions

1. Confirm the required before ordering Mobile pump for flood control and rescue Flow and lift. 2、 Needed Mobile pump for flood control and rescue Self suction height and distance of suction. 3、 Mobile pump for flood control and rescue What is the conveyed medium and what is its proportion. 4、 Mobile pump for flood control and rescue Whether supporting pipes, 2-wheel brackets or 4-wheel brackets are required. 4、 Mobile pump for flood control and rescue Whether it is necessary to equip a mobile trailer that can be operated remotely. 5. Whether the full-automatic diesel self-priming pump needs supporting outlet pipeline.

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