Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Cross Strait "Chinese Feelings in the Heart of the Nation" Youth Essay Speech Contest Nanjing Division Trial Begins

2024-05-06 07:37:00
Source: Longhu.com
Dragon Tiger News (Correspondent Lu Mengjie and reporter Dai Meimei) The "Chinese Feelings in the Heart of the Nation" Youth Essay Contest on both sides of the Taiwan Straits is guided by the Taiwan Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region, and launched and hosted by the Macao 1911 Whampoa Association, aiming to promote exchanges, mutual assistance, unity and progress between youth on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, To contribute youth to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This year is the 17th. The competition takes the form of regional trials and Macao finals. Guided by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Nanjing Municipal People's Government, hosted by the Sun Yat sen Cemetery Administration and undertaken by the Sun Yat sen Memorial Hall, the Nanjing Trials were held from May 1 to May 27.

From now on to May 17, students from universities and colleges in Nanjing and Taiwanese students in Nanjing can draw up their own titles around the theme of "Chinese Feelings in the Heart of the Nation", focus on topics such as Chinese people at home and abroad are of the same origin and future ties, integrate their own experiences, thoughts and thoughts, and download the application form (identify the QR code below to download the application form) The above two copies of speech documents shall be packaged and sent to the designated mailbox: 412051637@qq.com

From May 18 to May 20, the organizing committee will review the speech script. After passing the review, Sun Yat sen Memorial Hall will call the contestants to participate in the speech contest on May 26 at the Cross Strait Exchange Center of Sun Yat sen Memorial Hall. It is understood that the competition will give a comprehensive score according to the content of the essay (closely related to the theme, novel, logical, beautiful words), language expression (pronunciation standard, clear expression, fluent language, rich voice and emotion), external image (neat clothes, dignified appearance), and speech duration (speech completed within 5 minutes). The first, second Third prize and excellent prize, and recommend two excellent players to participate in the Macao finals.