Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Report of the Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office on the Construction of the Rule of Law Government in 2023

2024-02-21 14:02:00
Source: Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province

In 2023, the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province will fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the overall strategy of the Party to solve the Taiwan issue in the new era, implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Taiwan work, closely focus on the overall situation of Taiwan work, and obey the work of the service center under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government and the powerful guidance of the Central Taiwan Affairs Office, We will promote Taiwan related legal affairs in the province as a whole, properly handle Taiwan related petition work in the province, vigorously resolve Taiwan related conflicts and disputes, effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan based enterprises, and provide a strong legal guarantee for consolidating and expanding Jiangsu's distinctive advantages, and continuously promoting the integration and development of Jiangsu and Taiwan in various fields. The construction of the rule of law government is reported as follows:

   1、 Adhere to the main line of studying and implementing the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and comprehensively improve the level of Taiwan related rule of law construction  

The Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province regards the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress as the primary political task at present and in the future. It will closely integrate the implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and Taiwan related legal work, and promote the implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress in Taiwan related work. Deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, and the theoretical learning center group of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China will study Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law. Focusing on "unswervingly follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics to provide a strong guarantee of the rule of law for Taiwan related work in the province", the seminar will understand the basic connotation and significance, We will continue to improve the ability of leading cadres to work with the rule of law thinking and method, and comprehensively improve the level of Taiwan related rule of law construction. The leaders of the Business Bureau of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China were invited to give guidance and lectures on learning and implementing Xi Jinping's rule of law thinking, improving the level of Taiwan related rule of law construction, using the rule of law thinking and legal means to promote exchanges and exchanges with Taiwan, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises. Nearly 100 cadres of the provincial Taiwan Affairs Office, and heads of Taiwan Affairs Offices in cities with districts and some district/county offices attended, Efforts should be made to solve the problem of insufficient training of Taiwan related laws and regulations for grassroots cadres.  

   2、 Adhere to the promotion and implementation of the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Promoting Economic and Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation with Taiwan as the starting point, and pool the joint efforts to promote the rule of law construction involving Taiwan in the province

Hold the liaison meeting of the Jiangsu Province Coordination Committee for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Taiwan Compatriots to discuss the annual list of key tasks of the Jiangsu Province Regulations on the Promotion of Economic and Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation with Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), communicate with relevant departments in a timely manner, establish the Coordination Committee for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Taiwan Compatriots, and study the coordination mechanism and work efficiency. We will continue to build a featured platform for the Taiwan businessmen's lecture hall of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Provincial Committee of the CPC, organize and carry out training on laws and regulations for the main principals of Taiwan enterprises, focus on explaining the background and significance of the Regulations to the representatives of Taiwan related work departments and Taiwan associations, and strive to improve the awareness of legal and honest operation and compliance concepts of Taiwan enterprises. Visiting Taiwan compatriots and enterprises, giving gifts of Taiwan related laws and regulations, investigating the contradictions in the implementation of the Regulations, and helping to coordinate and solve specific issues. Distinguish between southern Jiangsu, central Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu, and hold on-site promotion meetings in Changzhou, Taizhou and Huai'an respectively to publicize and implement the Regulations, exchange work experience and promote mutual learning. In order to enrich the form of publicity of the Regulations, expand the influence of the society, organize online award-winning answers to the society through the Internet, mobilize the enthusiasm of participating in the publicity and implementation of the Regulations, and more than 10000 people participated in award-winning answer activities.  

   3、 Insist on focusing on optimizing the legal environment for Taiwan related business, and widely carry out publicity on Taiwan related law popularization  

Hold a summary and promotion meeting on Taiwan related business environment, work together to improve the level of Taiwan related development environment construction in the province, and serve Taiwan enterprises to integrate into high-quality development in Jiangsu. The Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province has carried out the activity of "Jiangsu Province Taiwan funded Enterprises Safety Production Month" for three consecutive years, building a solid fortress for Taiwan funded enterprises safety production in the province. We organized the provincial Taiwan funded enterprise safety production topic "Taiwan businessmen lecture hall", mobilized 26473 employees of Taiwan enterprises to participate in the national monthly safety production official website (Chaigong Bao) "everyone talks about safety and everyone can respond to emergencies" online knowledge contest, and won more than 1.7 million competition points. The Taiwan Affairs Office system of the whole province carried out 238 publicity and implementation activities of laws and regulations on work safety, involving more than 26000 people. 141 press releases were published in various media, setting off an upsurge of Taiwan funded enterprises to learn and use laws and regulations on work safety. The Taiwan Affairs Office of Nanjing launched the Taiwan businessmen salon activity themed "Legal Services Empowering Taiwan Enterprises to Standardize Construction" at the Nanjing Taiwan Youth Entrepreneurship Institute; Taizhou Taiwan Affairs Office, Taizhou Intermediate People's Court and Taizhou Association of Taiwan Enterprises jointly held the activity of "legal services for Taiwan enterprises"; The Taiwan Affairs Office of Huai'an City and the Huai'an Intermediate People's Court jointly held a special lecture on Taiwan enterprises' law, which was "law run Taiwan enterprises escort development"; Yancheng City carried out a salon activity themed "ask and answer" on legal risk prevention of Taiwan enterprises. Through extensive publicity of laws, regulations and policies, we carried out enterprise compliance management guidance to help Taiwanese businesses and enterprises improve legal risk prevention and control measures.  

   4、 Adhere to the goal of improving the quality and efficiency of resolving Taiwan related disputes, and enhance the ability to handle Taiwan related affairs according to law

Deepen the study and publicity of the Regulations on Letters and Calls, and do a solid job in troubleshooting, prevention, mediation and resolution of Taiwan related conflicts and disputes. Instruct local Taiwan Affairs Offices to carefully study and implement the Regulations on Letters and Calls, issue relevant notice requirements in accordance with the requirements of the Central Taiwan Affairs Office and in combination with important sensitive times such as New Year's Day and Spring Festival, guide local Taiwan Affairs Offices to strictly implement the system of "leaders on duty and shift", focus on issues related to law and litigation, demolition and resettlement, land disputes, production and operation, and formulate a thorough and detailed work plan, Improve the efficiency and level of conflict resolution. In accordance with the Measures of Jiangsu Province for Coordination of Taiwan related Complaints and Help Seeking (Trial), standardize the process of handling Taiwan related complaints and help seeking, improve the coordination mechanism of Taiwan related complaints and help seeking, establish a work account for major sensitive Taiwan related conflicts and disputes, and realize the whole process management. In view of the current situation that the district/county Taiwan Affairs Offices are not strong enough to work on Taiwan uniforms, a research team was sent to the place of the incident in time to guide and guide the grass-roots Taiwan Affairs Offices to resolve major and complex Taiwan related disputes with relevant departments. The resolution rate of Taiwan related complaints in the province exceeded 98%.  

  5、 Adhere to the implementation of the annual legal work system as the focus to improve the legal literacy of government officials

Fully implement the requirements of the Work Plan for the End of Year Work Report on the Performance of the First Responsible Person for Promoting the Rule of Law by the Principal Party and Government Officials in Jiangsu Province, conscientiously implement the end of year law statement system for leading cadres, and do a good job in the law statement work of the principal heads of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, other members of the leading group, and heads of various departments and centers in combination with the annual assessment work, Promote the combination of the results of legal statements with the assessment, evaluation and use of cadres, form an employment orientation that attaches importance to the quality and ability of the rule of law, coordinate the legal affairs related to Taiwan in the province with a higher standard, and comprehensively improve the level of the rule of law construction of organs. We organized and participated in activities such as "The Sixth Million Party Members Study the Constitution Constitution". We completed the assessment and renewal of 3 legal advisers and 9 members of the Taiwan related legal expert pool. Throughout the year, we invited legal advisers and members of the Taiwan related legal expert pool to provide legal services such as legality review, policy presentation, and resolution of Taiwan related disputes for 39 times. Purchase the unit account of the Tianyan search app and distribute it to relevant functional departments to verify the identity information and complaints of Taiwan enterprises, effectively respond to false complaints, and strengthen the monitoring of the legal advisers of the Office, members of the Taiwan related legal expert database, and the practice of the law firm. In combination with the daily work of the organ, invite legal advisers to carry out practical guidance on risk prevention and dispute resolution, and strengthen the legal literacy of the cadre team and the ability to perform their duties according to law.  

In 2024, the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province will resolutely arm the mind, guide practice and promote work with the overall strategy of the New Era Party to solve the Taiwan issue, earnestly implement the central decision-making and deployment for Taiwan work, continue to deepen exchanges and exchanges in all fields of the Soviet Union and Taiwan on the track of rule of law, promote the spiritual harmony of compatriots across the Taiwan Straits, and promote the high-quality development of the protection of the rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots.  

   First, we will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important congratulatory letter sent by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the 10th anniversary annual meeting of the 2023 Cross Strait Entrepreneurs Summit. Taking the study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important congratulatory letter as a practical action to unswervingly uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, and in accordance with the requirements of President Wang Huning's speech, deepening the integration and development of various fields in both Jiangsu and Taiwan with a strong sense of mission and responsibility, improving the system and policies to improve the well-being of Taiwan compatriots, and focusing on the implementation of the Regulations, We will strive to optimize the environment for Taiwan related development, strengthen the confidence of Taiwan compatriots to take root in Jiangsu's deep development, and reflect Jiangsu's actions in promoting the high-quality development of the protection of the rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots.  

  Second, highlight the focus of Taiwan related law popularization. Focus on improving the accuracy and coverage of the publicity of Taiwan related laws and regulations with the key target of Taiwan related law popularization in enterprises in Suzhou and Taiwan. We will continue to carry out the work safety month activities of Taiwan funded enterprises across the province, carry out solid and effective propaganda activities through the popular way of Taiwan funded enterprises, carry out knowledge contests, online classes and other forms of publicity of Taiwan related laws and regulations, educate and guide Taiwan funded enterprises to constantly enhance their legal awareness, strengthen their confidence in the rule of law, and establish the concept of the unity of rights and obligations in the process of enjoying the benefits of the rule of law, Consciously safeguard their own rights and interests according to law. Focus on guiding Taiwan compatriots and enterprises to further study laws and regulations in terms of safeguarding their rights according to law, letters and visits according to law, complaints according to law, mediation according to law, and enhance the awareness of expressing interest demands according to law.  

  Third, improve the quality and efficiency of grassroots resolution of Taiwan related conflicts and disputes. Adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, organize a special training on improving the level of the rule of law in Taiwan related conflict prevention and dispute resolution for grass-roots Taiwan Affairs Offices, and enhance the ability of Taiwan Affairs Offices at all levels in the province to implement territorial management responsibilities and solve the reasonable demands of Taiwan compatriots on the spot in a timely manner according to law. We will improve the long-term mechanism for Taiwan related complaints and help seeking, focus on preventing and resolving risks, analyze and judge the handling of Taiwan related complaints and help seeking cases across the province quarterly, strengthen supervision over key Taiwan related cases, and effectively maintain social harmony and stability.