Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Open a special area to sell Taiwan enterprises' products "Fresh Fenghui" platform and wait for you!

2022-07-14 15:18:00
Source: Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province

On July 14, the government website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province reported that in order to help Taiwan funded enterprises in Jiangsu integrate into the new development pattern and effectively support Taiwan funded enterprises in our province to expand the sales channels of agricultural and sideline products through "e-commerce for Taiwan funded enterprises", the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province, together with the provincial supply and marketing cooperatives and other units, opened a special sales area for Taiwan funded enterprises on the "Xianfenghui" platform. Now we sincerely invite those who meet the requirements of "Xianfenghui" Those who have the conditions to launch the platform shall actively apply for the platform in enterprises funded by Suzhou and Taiwan.

"Xianfenghui" is an online consumption promotion procurement platform jointly supported by Jiangsu Provincial Working Committee, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance, Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Rural Revitalization, and operated by the provincial agricultural and sideline products exhibition and sales center. The platform uses the new business form of "Internet+Agriculture" to expand to C-end users on the basis of B-end users. The platform is mainly engaged in three business functions of the financial budget unit, namely, canteen material purchase, labor union welfare group purchase, and employee card consumption, serving the sales of agricultural products such as high-quality specialty products in the province, and assisting the digital transformation and development of the rural economy.

Please fill in the List of Basic Conditions and Qualification Materials to be Submitted for Enterprises Applying for Launching the "Xianfenghui" Platform (see the annex for details) and send it to kohyang@foxmail.com

The first batch of enterprises applying for going online will be completed by the end of July. After that, Taiwan funded enterprises in need can continue to pay attention to and submit declaration information. Welcome to recommend famous agricultural and sideline products to the "Fresh Fenghui" platform!

  Annex 1

Introduction to "Xianfenghui" Consumption Promotion Procurement Platform

"Xianfenghui" is an e-commerce service platform that combines public welfare and market support jointly supported by the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the Provincial Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and the Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau. It has now become the provincial designated channel for government procurement of agricultural and sideline products in key areas of the province to help promote consumption, open online sales channels for the provincial rural revitalization experience center, and help the east-west cooperation and agricultural products in the region to go up.  

"Xianfenghui" was put into trial operation on May 8, 2021, officially launched in September of the same year, accessed to the Jiangsu Provincial Government Procurement Network in October, launched the "Jiangsu Organ Party Building Cloud" platform and the "Jiangsu Trade Union" platform respectively in March and May of 2022, and won the first batch of top ten platforms of "production and marketing docking public welfare agriculture assistance" in Jiangsu Province in June 2022.  

"Xianfenghui" uses the new business form of "Internet+Agriculture" to expand to C-end users based on B-end users. It is mainly engaged in three business functions of the financial budget unit, namely, the purchase of canteen ingredients, the group purchase of trade union benefits, and the consumption of employee cards, serving the upstream sales of agricultural products such as east-west cooperation and counterpart support, 832 products, and high-quality specialty products in the province, We will help the rural economy achieve digital transformation and development. "Xianfenghui" gives full play to the comprehensive service advantages of supply and marketing cooperatives, combines rural revitalization with the construction of county level rural e-commerce service system, develops agricultural product sales mode through multiple channels, and takes precise assistance measures such as cultivating agricultural product brands, building rural e-commerce, and counterpart assistance to inject momentum into rural revitalization in the region. As of May 2022, there will be more than 60000 registered users, with a sales volume of 59 million yuan.  

   WeChat applet code of Xianfenghui platform:


  Annex 2

Basic conditions for enterprises to apply for launching "Xianfenghui" platform and list of qualification materials to be submitted

   1、 Basic conditions  

1. The products recommended for launch are packaged agricultural and sideline products.  

2. The enterprise has the conditions to deliver express goods.  

3. Other necessary conditions shall be explained by the "Xianfenghui" platform.  

  2、 List of qualification materials to be submitted

1. Copy of business license.  

2. Basic deposit account information.  

3. Food business license.  

4. Production license.  

5. General taxpayer certificate.  

6. Confirmation letter from business personnel and financial personnel.  

7. Trademark registration certificate.  

8. Barcode certificate.  

9. Power of attorney (for non private brands, the authorization of the brand party and the copy of the brand party's business license, production license, trademark registration certificate, barcode certificate, etc. shall be provided at the same time).  

10. Product test report (within 6 months).  

11. Other materials to be submitted.  

  3、 Contact

Jiangsu Agricultural and Sideline Products Exhibition and Sales Center Zhou Jiamin 15720614128, Gaoyang 18851194225.