Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

On camera publicity short drama Yangzhou Taiqing cheers for the gold standard "Yang Ma"

2024-04-01 07:26:00
Source: Issued by Yangzhou

The 2024 gold standard "Yang Ma" entered the countdown. A few days ago, the "Yangma" themed propaganda short play "Go Down Yangzhou II Now - Go Ahead bravely" launched by Yangzhou Newspaper Media Group brushed the screen of friends, and received praise and comments from netizens all over the world.

The short play tells the story of marathon enthusiast Wu Zheng, who lost his left leg when he was young due to a car accident. With the help of the "gold medal coach" Xu Rufeng, he shuttled through the old streets of the ancient city as a delivery boy. From the true and simple atmosphere of the market, he deeply felt the spirit of courage and never give up, and finally returned to the marathon arena and rekindled his love for life.

   He is a Taiwanese businessman who "created the second generation" and has been rooted in Yangzhou for 23 years

With a sporty figure, a prosthetic leg and a bit of Taiwanese accent, the actor of Wu Zhan in the short play is highly praised by netizens for his true and humorous performance. He is Wu Gengxian.

Wu Gengxian, 48, was born in Taiwan, China, and has lived in Yangzhou for 23 years. His father, Wu Yingsong, was one of the first Taiwanese businessmen to invest in Yangzhou after the reform and opening up, and was also the founder of the brand "Eight Treasures Congee for Kissing".

In 2002, Wu Gengxian joined Yangzhou Xinxin Food Co., Ltd. founded by his father, and later married a Yangzhou girl to become a new Yangzhou native. After his father died of illness in 2010, Wu Gengxian resolutely took over the baton of his father's generation and continued to develop the "kiss" brand.

  He is a "blade fighter", and he stands up again with artificial limbs

Similar to the main character of the short play, Wu Gengxian lost his left leg in a car accident in 2014 and had to practice walking by installing a prosthetic leg.

Encountered a low point in life, but he knew that depression was useless. "I just want to get up quickly and go back to Yangzhou as soon as possible, because the company still has so many employees to support." It only took Wu Gengxian one month to walk normally from contact with artificial limbs.

The canned eight treasure porridge industry is highly competitive, but over the past 30 years, Yangzhou "pro pro" has not only not fallen, but also stuck to a stable market share. After returning to China, Wu Gengxian has retained the retro packaging design that has always been "intimate", so that the target consumer group has a stable sense of familiarity. At the same time, it also accelerated the product transformation, actively expanded the young consumer market, opened online stores, participated in online shopping, and achieved good results in online sales.

This year, Xinxin has also become one of the sponsors of "Yangma" food, providing a variety of porridge products for competitors, helping athletes to replenish nutrition after the competition and quickly recover to a good state.

   He is an online celebrity, "Uncle Sam", and he is the spokesperson for the gold label "Yang Ma"

In fact, in addition to the identity of "kissing" the leader, more people are because "Uncle Sam" knows Wu Gengxian.

In 2018, Wu Gengxian opened his personal social account "Uncle Sam" to share his daily life and delicious scenery. Many of his works can receive thousands or even tens of thousands of praise. Now, the number of fans has exceeded 120000. Over the years, he has regarded Yangzhou as his second hometown. This time, as a contestant of "Yangma", he was invited to participate in the theme short play, which is also a novel and interesting experience for him.

"I remember a fall scene in which the director asked me to dive. When I shot it, I said I would fight for it once, and we were serious. Although I was hurt and had a bit of trouble getting up, the result was very good and received a lot of praise." Wu Gengxian said that falling down in life is not terrible, but the important thing is to know how to get up again, "I hope to use this performance to deliver more positive energy for everyone, and at the same time, as contestants, we will cheer for the 'Yang Ma'!"

"Yangma" fired its gun and started running this Sunday. These days, Wu Gengxian went to the Civic Center Square to get the equipment for the competition. Many staff on the scene recognized "Uncle Sam" at a glance and took a group photo with him. "Thank you for your support!" Wu Gengxian replied with a smile: "In the morning of the 31st, we will see you at the starting point of the 'raising horses'!"

Correspondent Yang Taixuan, Yangzhou, reporter Zhang Yujing