Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Zhang Yating: Follow the path of inheritance of famous Chinese doctors

2023-11-23 08:32:00
Source: China Youth Daily
Zhang Yating

From going to Nanjing to study and learning from Wang Shouchuan, a famous Chinese medicine professor in China, to settling down and getting married in the mainland, Zhang Yating, director of pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine in Hongze District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, and the post-70s, has spent more than ten years to become a mature inheritor of traditional Chinese medicine from a young Taiwanese sister.

In 2006, Zhang Yating's affinity with traditional Chinese medicine began with the encouragement of her sister. At first, Zhang Yating did not understand the five elements, Yin and Yang and other contents of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine. It was not until clinical practice that she gradually understood the magic of traditional Chinese medicine. A patient with advanced liver cancer who was diagnosed by western medicine and had only half a year of life came to seek medical advice. After a period of follow-up, Zhang Yating was surprised to find that the patient had "improved in appearance" and other conditions under the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Since then, I believe that Chinese medicine is a career worthy of my life." With this belief, Zhang Yating has studied in Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than ten years. In 2016, Zhang Yating, who graduated from the master's degree program, was admitted as a doctoral candidate in pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine in the university, and officially embarked on the path of "learning medicine from teachers" to Wang Shou, a national famous Chinese doctor, and became a successor of traditional Chinese medicine.

Following Wang Shou, a famous Chinese doctor, to learn medicine, Zhang Yating and other students will arrive at the clinic early every week to write cases for patients at the door and attend the clinic. During the consultation, Zhang Yating listened to her mentor Wang Shouchuan to share the case and participate in the diagnosis. In the face of children and parents, no matter what strange requirements they put forward, Wang Shouchuan would take the trouble to answer, never lost his temper, and was affectionately called "Grandpa Wang" by children.

Zhang Yating has "gained a lot of insight" in every outpatient service: patients who come to seek medical advice have a variety of causes, and Chinese medicine should not only see the "exterior", but also see the "interior". Doctors need to understand the symptoms of patients by analogy, bring out the main causes, and even analyze the living habits and eating habits of patients.

"To cure a disease, we need to find the root." This sentence of Wang Shouchuan made Zhang Yating firmly remember.

In the outpatient service, Zhang Yating once treated a child with tic syndrome. "At first, he just shook his neck slightly, and occasionally made a strange noise. Later, he turned into a big shake of his neck." The parents sought medical advice everywhere, very anxious, but with little effect. They went to see Zhang Yating by chance. Zhang Yating issued a Chinese medicine prescription according to the illness of the child. After communicating with the parents, she consciously intervened in the life and eating habits of the child, and gave psychological counseling to the parents. The patient's symptoms improved significantly.

In July 2014, Zhang Yating became the standing director of the Pediatrics Professional Committee of the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine through the recommendation of Wang Shouchuan, and has been re elected since then. After being elected, Zhang Yating played a propaganda role in the group of doctors in Taiwan that she joined before, spreading the concept of traditional Chinese medicine to her fellow villagers. Every year, at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Committee of the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhang Yating will share experience with Chinese medicine scholars in Taiwan and mainland China to discuss the treatment of various diseases of children.

After graduating from her master's degree in 2016, Zhang Yating was attracted by the friendly Taiwanese and Min dialects of the secretary of the Hongze District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, at the job fair. The Chinese American husband also gave up the opportunity for her to return to the United States to work and went to Huai'an with her. After joining, Zhang Yating was mainly responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Traditional Chinese medicine has a profound theoretical foundation, and inheritance and innovation are the key." Zhang Yating found that many famous Chinese doctors have their own unique prescriptions and treatments, but unfortunately, some of them died before they had time to teach medicine. The loss of these prescriptions made Zhang Yating start to think about the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Don't dream, don't concentrate on empty voices." This sentence is the signature of Zhang Yating's circle of friends, and it is also her motto in life.

Next, she wants to make better use of Chinese medicine in the field of global child health and spread Chinese medicine to the world through her work. "To improve the recognition and influence of TCM in the world, I am confident in the future of TCM," said Zhang Yating.

China Youth Daily · China Youth Network Intern reporter Li Ruixuan, Yang Jie, Fan Weichen Source: China Youth Daily