Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Taiwan Youth Friends Circle | Taiwan Youth's "Rooting" in the Mainland: My Home is Across the Coast, and Both Sides are Connected by Water

2023-08-18 08:09:00
Source: Woosu client

   [Opening remarks] A group of young people came to the mainland from Taiwan. They either followed their families or came with dreams. From the moment they set foot on the mainland, a new "copy" of their life began. Here, this group of Taiwanese youth has some experience, some feelings, and some experience to share with the latecomers. The series videos of "Taiwanese Youth Friends Circle" depict these Taiwanese youth figures from the first perspective. At the same time, they serve as a guide for Taiwanese people to live in the mainland, share services and support from the mainland to Taiwan compatriots, and provide them with effective information to live and work in the mainland.

The bird spreads its wings in the blue sky. It is the strong nest that gives it the confidence to go straight to the distance; The seed flutters freely in the wind, believing that there is always a piece of soil that will allow it to take root and germinate. "Home" is such a beautiful word. The convenient housing policies and perfect housing security on the mainland have enabled Taiwanese youth struggling in the mainland to find a happy and secure place to live.

Chen Tingting, a 36 year old young woman from Taiwan, has been "rooted" in the mainland for five years. She set out from Taiwan and came to the mainland to form her own happy family in Yancheng, Jiangsu. In the carefully managed room, Chen Tingting poured a pot of tea. The fragrance of the tea was fresh and refreshing, which also led to her memories of her first visit to the mainland.

   Rent a comfortable "home" for yourself when you first enter the mainland

In 2018, Chen Tingting came to the mainland for the first time. "The overall environment and culture of the mainland gave me a very good feeling, which made me feel that this place is very suitable for life and work, and I wanted to stay here at that time." Chen Tingting made up her mind to rent a comfortable cabin near the company when she first came here.

With a Taiwanese ID card, Chen Tingting signed a legal and compliant lease agreement with an enthusiastic landlord. She has her first "home" in the mainland, helping her quickly adapt to the surrounding environment. Before officially opening a new life in the mainland, the most important thing is to apply for a residence permit for Taiwan residents of the People's Republic of China.


Referring to the residence permit for Taiwan residents of the People's Republic of China, Chen Tingting stressed that this is very important for Taiwanese living in the mainland. "Previously in Taiwan, we had to carry mobile phones, keys and wallets when we went out, leading a more traditional life. At present, Taiwan's ID cards do not have the function of magnetic card, nor can they be intelligently recognized. However, the development of the mainland is very fast. Like the identity card of the mainland, the residence card can be used to enter the high-speed railway station, apply for a bank card, go to the hospital, book a flight ticket, check in a hotel, and so on. The residence card can be used wherever you can imagine the scene where the identity card is needed. Whether it's clothing, food, housing, transportation, or finance and insurance, everything is very advanced and intelligent, which is amazing. " After a long life, Chen Tingting sighed, "On the contrary, I am not used to returning to Taiwan. Having a residence permit makes my life in the mainland more comfortable and convenient."

   Settle down and have a sense of belonging

In 2019, Chen Tingting moved to her current residence, which is her official "home" in mainland China, and the number of family members has gradually increased to six. The arrival of the two children makes Chen Tingting pay more attention to the quality of the living environment. The "15 minute community life circle" is popular in the mainland, which greatly improves the happiness of her life and her family.


"I think that buying a house or property is not just buying a shell that can sleep, but actually buying a living environment. It is not only comfortable at home, but also good supporting facilities around the community." Whether it is work or travel, as long as you open the door when you return home, Chen Tingting will feel washed away from fatigue. There are parents and family waiting for her, lovely children, delicious food, warm lights, everything is so warm and beautiful.


"The biggest feeling of buying a house here is that the environment is good, the supporting facilities are good, and life is convenient and easy." There are all kinds of things to eat, buy vegetables, exercise, see a doctor, and relax. This just right "15 minute" radius meets the happy life that Chen Tingting and her family want.

  Both sides of the strait have my home, which is my concern

"In fact, I miss Taiwan very much." Because of the epidemic situation, Chen Tingting has not returned to Taiwan for three years. "Taiwan is a far away home. When I go back to see my family and friends, I may not have much company, but my feelings are still in my heart." This time, when I returned to Taiwan, Chen Tingting brought many Funing cakes from Yancheng to share. We met and talked with friends and shared our life in the mainland. Everyone was very happy and wished her a happy life in the mainland.


My home is across the coast, and the two banks are connected by water. "I often say that I am lucky to have a home on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. Even if there is a physical distance, my feelings with my family can not be separated." Chen Tingting also often goes back to Taiwan to visit her relatives and friends and share her life in the mainland. Although she is far away from home, the feelings between her family will only brew over time and become more mellow.  


"Home" is not an empty shell made of reinforced concrete, but a harbor of love, and also the habitat of our souls. Where can we find our hometown? But this place of peace is my hometown.


Editorial director/Xi Xinchen's camera/Xie Ziqiang's probation camera/Liu Boyao's editing and packaging/Song Mengzhen's design/Jiang Xianghui's internship/Chen Xuanqi's manuscript/Xi Xinchen and Chen Xuanqi