Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

1+1+1>3! The product roadshow and supply and demand release activity of Xutai enterprises was successfully held

2024-05-16 14:17:00
Source: Xuzhou Taiwan Affairs Office

On the website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province on May 16, 13, "complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation face to face" - the product roadshow and supply and demand release activity of Xutai enterprises was held in Zhushan Digital Economy Industrial Park by Yunlong Lake. Wu Weidong, Vice Mayor of Xuzhou Municipal People's Government, attended and delivered a speech. The event was hosted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Xuzhou, and more than 80 people attended the event, including Xuzhou Taiwan enterprises, local affiliated enterprises of Xuzhou, representatives of Xuzhou Taiwan Affairs Association, and relevant municipal departments.  

In the first stage of the activity, product roadshows and supply and demand releases were held in 8 Taiwan enterprises of Xuzhou Semiconductor, integrated circuit, new materials and machinery manufacturing respectively; In the second stage, Taiwanese enterprises and affiliated enterprises conducted in-depth group discussions.  

This activity aims to implement a series of major decisions and arrangements of Xuzhou on "building a city with industry and strengthening the city with industry", building and cultivating "343" innovative industrial clusters, promoting the development and growth of private economy, building a modern industrial system, promoting high-quality development, etc., serve the "343" innovative industrial clusters to supplement and strengthen the chain extension, and help Taiwan enterprises integrate into the new development pattern, Effectively empower local economic development, truly achieve the effect of "1+1+1>3", and explore new paths and accumulate new experience for promoting the industrial integration and development of both sides of Xuzhou and Taiwan.  

Wu Weidong said that the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Xuzhou Municipal Government have always attached great importance to Taiwan related work and continued to deepen the exchanges between Xuzhou and Taiwan in various fields. He hoped that both the supplier and the demander would make good use of this opportunity to carry out full exchanges and cooperation, go forward in both directions, achieve mutual achievements, and jointly promote the development of the cause to take new steps.  

In the next step, Xuzhou Taiwan Affairs Office will continue to focus on the needs of the production and operation of Taiwan enterprises in the city, and organize activities such as Taiwan businessmen lecture hall, talent recruitment, market expansion, and forum salon around enterprise employment, preferential policies, and financing services, so as to provide quality services and broad space for the production and operation of Taiwan businessmen and enterprises in the city. (Wang Dong)