Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Xinhua News | Pursue a Bright Future of Peaceful Reunification and National Revival Together

2024-04-12 14:45:00
Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 11 Title: Pursue a bright future of peaceful reunification and national rejuvenation

Xinhua News Agency reporter

On April 10, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping met with Ma Yingjiu and his delegation in Beijing, which was the first time that General Secretary Xi Jinping met with Taiwan compatriots and delivered an important speech after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech focused on the overall interests and long-term development of the Chinese nation, with a lofty vision, rich connotation and profound thinking, pointed out the correct direction for cross Strait relations, and is the fundamental adherence and action guide for doing a good job in Taiwan work in the new era.

At present, the situation in the Taiwan Strait is complex and severe, and people at home and abroad are highly concerned about the "Taiwan independence" forces linking with external forces to seek "independence" provocations, which aggravate tensions and turbulence in the Taiwan Strait. The meeting injected stability and positive energy into cross-strait relations. General Secretary Xi Jinping spoke cordially with Taiwan compatriots about history, facts and reason, demonstrating deep national and national feelings, full of deep affection for Taiwan compatriots, speaking about the hearts of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, making clear the greatest common denominator of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, and elaborating on in-depth, comprehensive and systematic discourse with emotion, reason and heart, It is bound to further unite the great power of compatriots on both sides of the Straits to pursue the peaceful reunification of the motherland and the great rejuvenation of the nation.

"Along the way, the Chinese nation has written the inseparable history of both sides of the Taiwan Straits and engraved the historical facts of the blood ties of compatriots on both sides of the Straits." Although the two sides have not yet been reunified, the flesh and blood of compatriots on both sides of the Straits are constantly blocked, the objective fact that both sides belong to one country and one nation cannot be changed, and the historical trend of family reunion cannot be stopped. With irrefutable historical facts, General Secretary Xi Jinping revealed that Taiwan is a part of China, and Taiwan's history is a part of China's history and the history of the development of the Chinese nation. This is not only a rectification of the historical concept of "Taiwan independence" and the "inconclusive status of Taiwan", but also a "Chinese history lesson" for Taiwan compatriots and the international community.

"A strong and unified country has always been the destiny of all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots." The common belief of the Chinese nation is that the land cannot be divided, the country cannot be chaotic, the nation cannot be scattered, and civilization cannot be broken. The "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces must resolutely oppose and crack down on them because they link with external forces, destroy the common homeland, create family antagonism, go against the will of compatriots, and damage the overall interests of the nation. It takes time to solve the Taiwan issue, but it does not mean inaction and passive waiting. It requires the two sides of the Taiwan Straits to jointly pursue a better future of peaceful reunification, actively communicate and dialogue, find the key to solving the problem and breaking the deadlock, firmly oppose the "Taiwan independence" split and foreign involvement, and firmly hold the national destiny in the hands of the Chinese themselves. Only in this way can we protect and build the common homeland of the Chinese nation.

"Working for the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the Straits is the starting point and the end result of our development of cross Straits relations." General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the grand goal of jointly creating the long-term well-being of the Chinese nation, which is a major proposition focusing on the long-term development of the Chinese nation, fully reflects the people centered development thought, and shows the sincere goodwill to benefit Taiwan compatriots. The mainland will continue to take the lead in sharing opportunities for Chinese style modernization development with Taiwan compatriots, continue to deepen the integration and development of various fields across the Taiwan Straits, improve the systems and policies that promote the well-being of Taiwan compatriots, and work with Taiwan compatriots to create a better future for national rejuvenation, so that Taiwan compatriots can have a better future.

"We should firmly build a sense of the community of the Chinese nation." The compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits have always been a family, and they should come and go often, get close to each other. The mainland has always opened its doors to Taiwan compatriots, actively promoted cross Strait exchanges and exchanges, and worked together with all walks of life on the island to remove obstacles and promote the normalization and normalization of cross Strait exchanges and exchanges. The compatriots on both sides of the Straits share the same root and culture. They should be confident in their culture, consciously act as guardians, inheritors and promoters of Chinese culture, enhance the sense of belonging, identity and honor of the Chinese nation, resolutely resist the countercurrent of "de Chinesization" and "cultural Taiwan independence", jointly protect, inherit and promote Chinese culture, and firmly tie the spiritual ties of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, Build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation.

"The historical wheel of national rejuvenation is rolling forward, condensing the struggle and sweat of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. It needs compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to work together and continue to struggle, and will eventually be realized in the relay struggle of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits." The interests and well-being of Taiwan compatriots depend on national rejuvenation, and they can fully share the fruits and glory of national rejuvenation. At present, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. The compatriots on both sides of the Straits should join hands and work together to resolutely oppose all acts that harm national interests and obstruct the process of national rejuvenation. As long as all Chinese people think and work together, the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will surely be realized, and Taiwan compatriots will also have more interests, more tangible well-being, and a better future.

"It is hoped that the youth on both sides of the Straits will learn from each other, rely on each other, go hand in hand, run the baton of history well, and contribute youth strength to the realization of national rejuvenation." Youth is the hope of the country and the future of the nation. The future of both sides will be better if the youth on both sides are good. The young people in Taiwan are not so-called "natural independence", but the culture, history and values of the Chinese nation are flowing in their blood and heart. Therefore, they learn from each other, rely on each other, and walk together with the young people in the mainland. They have a solid spiritual foundation and are always "naturally formed and willing to stop". The mainland will continue to take positive and powerful policies and measures to help the youth on both sides of the Straits grow, become talents and succeed. Taiwanese youth should come to the mainland more often to take a walk, have a look, and make a breakthrough to show their great achievements in the vast world.

From April 1 to 11, Mr. Ma Ying jeou led Taiwanese youth to Guangdong, Shaanxi and Beijing to seek their roots and visit important historical monuments, feel the economic and social development progress of the mainland, and carry out in-depth exchanges between youth across the Taiwan Straits. Mr. Ma has repeatedly said that the people on both sides of the Straits belong to the Chinese nation and are all Chinese descendants. They should deepen exchanges and cooperation, jointly inherit Chinese culture, improve the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, and work together to revitalize China. The accompanying young people in Taiwan, through on-the-spot experience, had a positive thinking, opened a broad vision, gained valuable friendship, made good wishes, and strengthened their ambition, backbone and confidence to be Chinese. The beautiful and warm journey of this spring highlights the mainstream public opinion of the island that peace is not necessary, development is not necessary, communication is not necessary, cooperation is not necessary, and confrontation is not necessary. We earnestly hope that with such solid public support, the two sides of the Taiwan Straits will move in more directions.

Today, the Chinese nation is showing the world a thriving atmosphere and moving towards great rejuvenation at an unstoppable pace. Remembering history and grasping the present can create the future. We sincerely hope that the compatriots on both sides of the Straits will stick to the national justice, stand on the right side of history, stand at the tide of the times, unite sincerely and work together to create the lasting well-being of the Chinese nation and jointly continue the new glory of the Chinese nation's history.