Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

The Taiwan Affairs Office of Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee went to Quanshan District to carry out Taiwan related education activities

2024-03-25 07:17:00
Source: Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Xuzhou Municipal Committee

On March 25, on the website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province, in order to continue to study and implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the overall strategy of the Party to solve the Taiwan issue in the new era, on March 21, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee went to Quanshan District to carry out Taiwan related education activities, and the responsible comrades of the member units of the "Coordination Committee" of Quanshan District, some district officials, and various streets (villages and towns) Comrades in charge of Taiwan work participated.  

Hao Tianhao, Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Taiwan Cooperation and Development Research Center of Jiangsu Normal University and Distinguished Researcher of the Jiangsu Taiwan Research Center, collectively learned the spirit of the Central Taiwan Work Conference and the government work report, and comprehensively reviewed the major achievements in Taiwan work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, This paper analyzes the time and trend of the process of the complete reunification of the motherland, and systematically explains the overall strategy of the Party to solve the Taiwan issue in the new era.  

The participants said that through the lecture, they fully recognized the importance and urgency of doing a good job in Taiwan work under the new situation, and deeply understood the overall strategy of the Party to solve the Taiwan issue in the new era, which is conducive to resolutely implementing the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee and provincial and municipal committees, solidly carrying out various work practices in Taiwan, and strongly promoting the in-depth integration and development of various fields in Xuzhou and Taiwan. (Wang Jingang)