Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Comment: Focus on the grassroots and hope that people across the Taiwan Straits can communicate with each other to promote spiritual harmony

2023-10-16 07:22:00
Source: China News Network

China News Service, Beijing, October 15 Topic: Focus on the grassroots and hope that the people across the Taiwan Straits can communicate with each other to promote spiritual harmony

China News Agency reporter Rong Haisheng

The 6th Forum of Taiwanese Association was recently held in Beijing. More than 300 Taiwan compatriots at home and abroad gathered at the meeting to deliver their voices and build consensus on this platform of non-governmental exchange and cooperation specially built for the global Taiwan compatriots' community.

Wang Huning, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said at the opening ceremony of the forum that the forum of Taiwan compatriots' associations is an important platform to strengthen cross-strait people to people exchanges and cooperation and promote the spiritual affinity of compatriots on both sides of the Straits. It is hoped that the majority of Taiwan compatriots' associations can see the historical trend clearly, grasp the correct direction of the development of cross-strait relations, and jointly promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

Focusing on the concept of "serving the villagers and communicating with the two sides of the Taiwan Strait", the global Taiwanese community in all fields and from all walks of life has always demonstrated its sincere will in promoting cross-strait civil exchanges, and played an important role in widely uniting the people of both sides of the Taiwan Strait, promoting cross-strait communication, and promoting the integration and development of both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Since July this year, more than 300 Taiwan ethnic minority compatriots have come to the mainland for exchanges to enhance the Chinese national identity of compatriots; The Taiwan China Youth Development Federation, with Sun Zhiquan, a Taiwan youth, as the vice chairman, has actively participated in promoting youth exchanges across the Taiwan Straits since its establishment, leading Taiwan youth to visit, exchange, investigate and study in the mainland; Shi Zhiwen, the president of Paraguay Hongmen Association, who has lived in South America for more than 40 years, often exchanges with mainland manufacturers in economy and trade, and constantly promotes the next generation's recognition of the motherland through words and deeds

Focusing on the grassroots people and promoting spiritual affinity, the insightful actions of the Taiwan compatriots' associations have demonstrated the aspirations of Chinese people at home and abroad for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and fully demonstrated that the development of cross-strait relations is based on the people.

Whether the more than 5000 Taiwan compatriots who braved the DPP authorities' suppression and intimidation in the early summer of this year and actively participated in the 15th Straits Forum, or the friendly interaction between the players on both sides of the Straits at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou recently, from the "first to" regular ", the cross-strait folk exchanges have expanded from culture and sports to many fields, all of which prove that the people on both sides of the Straits are inexorably linked.

According to a public opinion survey released on the island recently, 74.4% of Taiwan's people believe that cross-strait interaction should be increased. According to the analysis of Taiwan media, this shows that even though cross-strait relations are tense, Taiwan people have not given up the opportunity to communicate with the other side, and the public's voice deserves the attention of the Taiwan authorities.

Exchange is the aspiration of the people, and peace is the ardent pursuit. The mainland has always been committed to deepening the integration and development of the two sides of the Straits, building a stage for cross-strait civil exchanges, benefiting compatriots on both sides of the Straits with practical actions, and broadening the path of peaceful development on both sides of the Straits.

The recently released Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting Fujian to Explore a New Road for Cross Strait Integration and Development and Build a Demonstration Area for Cross Strait Integration and Development is another practical move launched by the mainland for Fujian to deepen civil exchanges and build a "first home for landing". It was evaluated by Taiwan compatriots at home and abroad that it has truly achieved the goal of promoting finance through communication, mutual benefit and affection, It is a major measure to "deepen the integration and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and consolidate the foundation for peaceful reunification".

A family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits is closer and closer. As the road of cross-strait people to people exchanges gets wider and wider, I believe that the future of cross Strait integrated development and peaceful development will be more promising.