Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Song Tao: The healthy development of cross-strait economic and trade relations requires the peaceful development of cross-strait relations

2023-08-30 09:15:00
Source: China News Network
   China News Service Taiyuan, August 29 (Zhu He and Hu Jian) Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said in Taiyuan, Shanxi on August 29 that peace is the prerequisite for development, cooperation is the basis for development, and the healthy development of cross-strait economic and trade relations requires the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

On the same day, Song Tao attended and delivered a speech at the 2023 event of "Taiwanese businessmen coming from Taiwan".

Song Tao said that the mainland has made remarkable achievements in comprehensively promoting economic and social development with Chinese style modernization. In the first half of the year, the economic growth reached 5.5%, maintaining a recovery trend. The mainland economy has strong resilience, great potential and sufficient vitality. The direction of firmly promoting high-level opening up will not change, and the fundamentals of long-term improvement will not change.

He pointed out that with the overall modernization of 1.4 billion Chinese people, the number of beneficiaries will exceed the total population of existing developed countries. In the future, the market space of the mainland will be broader, new business opportunities will continue to emerge, the advantages of complete industries and strong supporting capacity will be given full play, and the hub position in the global industry chain will be more consolidated. This will certainly open up a broad development path for promoting economic and cultural exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and provide strong support for achieving the spiritual harmony of compatriots on both sides of the Straits.

Song Tao said that strengthening cross-strait economic and trade cooperation is in line with the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, and deepening the integration and development of the two sides of the Straits is an important way to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results and benefit the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the Straits. We conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on Taiwan work and the Party's overall strategy to solve the Taiwan issue in the new era, always respect, care for and benefit Taiwan compatriots, improve policies and measures that benefit Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises, take practical measures to help Taiwan enterprises accelerate transformation and upgrading, expand domestic demand market, and provide Taiwan youth with learning, employment, entrepreneurship Create good conditions for life.

Song Tao said that at present, the biggest obstacle hindering cross-strait economic cooperation and the peaceful development of cross-strait relations comes from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities. All kinds of acts of seeking "independence" have threatened the peace of the Taiwan Straits and deeply affected Taiwan compatriots. At present, cross-strait relations are faced with the choice of "peace and war" and "prosperity and decline". It is hoped that Taiwan compatriots will grasp the historical trend, adhere to the national interests, take a clear stand in adhering to the 1992 Consensus, which embodies the one China principle, resolutely oppose the separatist act of "Taiwan independence" and interference by external forces, and promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.