Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Pan Xianzhang: We will continue to support the development of Taiwanese youth in the mainland

2023-08-26 20:48:00
Source: China News Network

China news agency, Changzhou, August 25 (Tang Juan, Xu Shanshan) "We will continue to support the development of Taiwanese youth in the mainland, so that everyone can stay, integrate and develop well." The 2023 Cross Strait Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was held in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province on August 25. Pan Xianzhang, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, attended the award ceremony and delivered a speech.

In his speech, Pan Xianzhang said that the mainland has provided broad space for innovative entrepreneurs, and thousands of people who dare to innovate and want to start their own businesses have realized the value of life in their struggle. What is more gratifying is that many young people in Taiwan have also taken advantage of the situation, boldly innovated and started their own businesses in the mainland, and realized their life ideals.

Pan Xianzhang said that young people in Taiwan should aim at the trend of economic development in the mainland and choose the right direction in combination with the employment and entrepreneurship environment in the mainland and their own expertise; We should make good use of resources, make good use of the "Several Measures to Promote Cross Strait Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation" and other policies and measures issued by the mainland, select appropriate youth entrepreneurship bases and demonstration sites for employment and entrepreneurship, and make the "first kilometer" of development in the mainland go well and steadily; To integrate development, we should actively join the local youth federations, industry associations and other relevant organizations, broaden the channels of cooperation and development, make more like-minded mainland friends, and enrich our "circle of friends".

"Youth is the most active force in cross-strait exchanges, and also a solid force to promote national rejuvenation and achieve peaceful reunification of the motherland. The common aspiration of our compatriots on both sides of the Straits is to achieve peace, development, exchanges and cooperation." Pan Xianzhang proposed that the majority of Taiwan's youth should stand on the right side of history, join hands with mainland youth, shoulder the responsibility, Spread the positive energy to promote the peaceful and integrated development of cross Straits relations, and jointly create a better future for the youth on both sides of the Straits.

"We welcome more young people from Taiwan to come to the mainland to pursue, build and fulfill their dreams. We hope that young friends from both sides of the Straits will actively seek opportunities for cooperation through this contest and open up new development space in the mainland, Jiangsu Province and Changzhou City," said Pan Xianzhang.