Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Sun Yafu: Four "commanding heights" should be firmly established in striving for strategic initiatives to promote national reunification

2023-06-29 15:52:00
Source: China News Network

China news agency, Huzhou, Zhejiang, June 28 (Reporter Lu Mei) Sun Yafu, Vice President of the Association for Cross Strait Relations, pointed out on the 28th when talking about the situation in the Taiwan Strait, that to implement the overall strategy of the new era party to solve the Taiwan issue, and strive to promote the strategic initiative in the process of national reunification, we should stand firm on four "commanding heights".

The 9th Cross Strait Think Tank Academic Forum was held in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province on the same day, and Sun Yafu delivered a keynote speech at the forum. He pointed out that the situation in the Taiwan Strait has been severe and complex since 2016, and more serious since 2021. The Chinese mainland cannot tolerate "Taiwan independence", nor will it succumb to US intervention. At present, the Taiwan Strait region is engaged in a sharp contest between splitting and anti splitting, interference and anti interference.

Sun Yafu believes that there is still a great possibility that cross-strait relations will be stormy or even stormy. In the face of such a situation, we must firmly implement the decisions and arrangements made at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, resolutely implement the Party's overall strategy for solving the Taiwan issue in the new era, and maintain strategic self-confidence, strategic determination, and strategic initiative.

Turning to strategic initiative, Sun Yafu pointed out that it is very important to seize the strategic commanding height in striving for strategic initiative, which is not only crucial but also urgently needed in the current work on Taiwan. It includes four aspects:

First of all, firmly stand on the value commanding height of national unity. It should be emphasized that solving the Taiwan question and accomplishing the great cause of national reunification are the core interests of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the inevitable requirements of national rejuvenation, and the purpose of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Chinese civilization has outstanding unity, which plays an immeasurable role in the development of China and the Chinese nation, and striving for national unity has the highest value of inheriting and developing the Chinese civilization.

Secondly, firmly stand on the commanding heights of the principles and rules for solving the Taiwan question. Mastering these principles and rules is an important support for the settlement of the Taiwan issue, and it is also the right to have a say in the Taiwan issue. The mainland has an original advantage in this respect, the most basic of which is that all the historical facts and laws surrounding Taiwan show that Taiwan is part of China's territory and has never become a country. Therefore, Taiwan must reunify with the mainland. "Taiwan independence" is an act of splitting the country; Although the mainland and Taiwan have not yet been reunified, they still belong to one China. The one China principle is the premise and basis for the development of cross-strait relations and national reunification, and is also the general rule for handling the international Taiwan issue; The settlement of the Taiwan question is China's internal affair, which is neither subject to nor subject to foreign interference.

Third, firmly stand on the moral high ground of national reunification. The mainland side has repeatedly affirmed that peaceful reunification is in the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, including Taiwan compatriots. To strive for peaceful reunification not only serves the overall needs of the national development strategy, but also stems from the morality of national stability and solidarity of compatriots. When there are three serious situations stipulated in the Anti Secession Law, the mainland will take non peaceful means and other necessary measures according to law without hesitation. Before that, it will continue to implement the principles and policies of peaceful reunification that are most conducive to the development of the whole nation.

Fourth, firmly standing firm to solve the Taiwan issue is the commanding height of China's internal affairs. Opposing interference from external forces is a prominent task in the current Taiwan work. The United States and its allies, in order to create an excuse for their armed intervention, have challenged the rule that resolving the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs. We firmly oppose this, and we should firmly resolve the Taiwan issue as the commanding height of China's internal affairs, and deprive external forces of any excuse for interference.