Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Taixing City launched Taiwan related publicity and education activities

2023-05-05 11:58:00
Source: Taizhou Taiwan Affairs Office

On May 5, on the website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province, in order to further promote Taiwan related knowledge and Taiwan friendly policies, and enhance people's understanding of cross-strait relations under the new situation, the Taiwan Affairs Office of Taixing City went to Zhangqiao, Guangling, Heshi, Quxia and other villages and towns to carry out a Taiwan related publicity and education activity of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits connects with the heart of the island", creating a good atmosphere of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits", It is well received by the general public.  

Multi directional support and careful deployment of the plan. Taixing Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office fully understands the importance and necessity of Taiwan related education, guides villages and towns to take Taiwan related key and hot topics as the starting point, closely combines Taiwan related publicity and education with learning and publicity to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and with Taiwan related work under the current new situation, so as to help cadres and masses understand the situation in Taiwan in a timely manner The development of cross-strait relations and the work on Taiwan, the implementation of Taiwan friendly measures, the service of Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan families, and the positive atmosphere of the city's common concern, support and participation in Taiwan work.  

Multi channel publicity and innovative carrier create atmosphere. Give full play to the role of new media publicity matrix such as "online, WeChat and magazine", combine offline publicity with online publicity, and make Taiwan related publicity "active". During the Taiwan related publicity month, all villages and towns actively invited Taiwan compatriots and their families, and mobilized overseas Chinese representatives, representatives of democratic parties, representatives of ethnic minorities, religious representatives, representatives of some members of the New Union, community residents, and residents' committee cadres to participate actively, so as to truly attract the masses to the activities, achieve full coverage of people in the town, and create a good atmosphere.  

Take multiple measures in parallel, go deep and be grounded. All villages and towns have created their own special publicity and education activities related to Taiwan in combination with various contents such as township style civilization, rural revitalization, moral lecture hall, policy publicity, etc. Zhangqiao Town publicizes Taiwan related knowledge to residents by watching a short film, reciting a classic, learning some knowledge, and talking about some feelings. Guangling Town helps the masses to understand the central policy on Taiwan, the development of cross-strait relations and the work on Taiwan in a timely manner by setting up exhibition boards, on-site explanations, special lectures and other forms. Many residents have expressed that Taixing and Taiwan come down in one continuous line and share the same origin. They hope that the kinship between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits will be sustainable, built together, and shared.  

With the launch of the series of activities of "Taiwan related publicity month", the Taixing Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office insisted on carrying out a summary after one activity, further expanding the breadth and depth of Taiwan related publicity and education work, truly making Taiwan related publicity and education activities go deep, wandering, and practical, and constantly consolidating and improving the effect of the "Taiwan related publicity month" activity.