Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Lianyungang City Holds a Symposium on Law Enforcement and Inspection of the Regulations

2024-05-23 07:22:00
Source: Lianyungang Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office

On the website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province on May 23, 21, the Standing Committee of Lianyungang Municipal People's Congress organized a forum on law enforcement and inspection of the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Promoting Economic and Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation with Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). Huang Yongmei, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Zhang Yonghua, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal People's Government, Gong Jianhua, Director of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, leaders in charge of relevant units of the city, heads of relevant departments of the standing committees of the county and district people's congresses, and all members of the law enforcement inspection team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress attended the forum.  

At the meeting, Zhang Yonghua introduced the overall implementation of the Regulations on behalf of the municipal government, and Gong Jianhua made a detailed report on the implementation of the Regulations by the Taiwan Affairs Office system in the whole city. Seven units, including the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, respectively reported the implementation of the Regulations around their work responsibilities.  

Huang Yongmei gave full affirmation to the work done by the municipal government and relevant departments to serve Taiwanese enterprises in Taiwan, and put forward three suggestions on carrying out law enforcement inspection and promoting the in-depth implementation of the Regulations. We should improve our position based on the overall situation and fully understand the significance of this law enforcement inspection; It is necessary to highlight the key points and focus on the difficulties, and fully promote the effective implementation of the Regulations; We should carefully organize and make arrangements to ensure that law enforcement and inspection work achieves tangible results. (Economic Division)