Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Taiwan Affairs Office: The "United Sword 2024A" exercise is a resolute punishment for Taiwan leaders seeking "independence" and provocation

2024-05-24 07:19:00
Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 23 Chen Binhua, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, answered reporters on the 23rd and pointed out that the Chinese People's Liberation Army's "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise around Taiwan Island is a firm punishment for Taiwan leaders' "May 20" speech to seek "independence" provocation, and a stern warning for external forces to connive at supporting "Taiwan independence" and interfere in China's internal affairs, It is a just act to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

A reporter asked: The eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army announced today that from May 23 to 24, it will organize the army, navy, air force, rocket corps and other forces in the theater to carry out the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise around Bitai Island. Does the sword mean something? Chen Binhua made the above answer.

Chen Binhua pointed out that when Taiwan leaders took office, they boldly challenged the one China principle, openly sold the "two countries theory", tried to promote the "internationalization" of Taiwan issues, continued to "seek independence by relying on foreign countries" and "seek independence by force", and tried to push Taiwan to a dead end. In this regard, we will never tolerate or tolerate, and will never leave any room for any form of "Taiwan independence" secessionist activities. If the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces act willfully or even take risks, we will resolutely smash the "Taiwan independence" secessionist plot and firmly defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Chen Binhua said that reunification is the historical trend and the right path in the world, and "Taiwan independence" is a counter current against public opinion. We must maintain the right path and stop the counter current. It should be pointed out that all our counter-measures are aimed at "Taiwan independence" separatist activities and interference by external forces, not at Taiwan compatriots. It is hoped that Taiwan compatriots will firmly stand on the right side of history, be upright Chinese, clearly distinguish between right and wrong, act on righteousness, work with mainland compatriots, resolutely oppose the "Taiwan independence" split and interference from external forces, firmly protect the common homeland of the Chinese nation, and jointly create a bright future of national reunification and national rejuvenation.