Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Public opinion in the island: Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech is disappointing and worrying

2024-05-23 07:17:00
Source: China News Network

Chinanews. com, May 22, "The warmth of cross-strait links is rare, but more is creating language of cross-strait confrontation", "disappointing the society to the extreme"... The "May 20" speech of Lai Qingde, the leader of Taiwan, triggered public criticism in the island. In the most critical cross-strait relations discussion, he assumed a bold, provocative and radical stance, and used the so-called "gorgeous", "actually", "steal the concept", and words full of lies to package his dangerous proposition and stubborn nature of "Taiwan independence", which violated the mainstream public opinion of the island, undermined the stability of the Taiwan Strait, and worried all parties in the island.

The latest poll released by Taiwan's TVBS on the 20th shows that 53% of the respondents have no confidence in the newly appointed DPP authorities to handle cross-strait relations. On the 20th day, the rising Taipei stock market turned sharply after Lai Qingde made a speech, and the travel agency stocks became the hardest hit area.

"Lai Qingde not only failed to respond positively to the concept of the Chinese nation, but also positioned cross-strait relations as a 'two country theory', ignoring the goodwill that has not been easy to accumulate on both sides." Ma Ying jeou, the former leader of Taiwan, called on a seminar on the 21st that Lai Qingde should take the well-being of Taiwan's people as a consideration, put down ideology, and revise the "new two country theory" publicly announced on the 20th; Only by returning to the common history, culture and identity of the Chinese nation and engaging in dialogue with the mainland can there be a real opportunity for peace in the Taiwan Strait.

Zhu Lilun, Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, also said at the press conference that Lai Qingde did not expect to "promote cross-strait relations with the 'two countries theory'", and his remarks made people worried about the future of cross-strait relations.

Hong Xiuzhu, the former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang and chairman of the Chinese Green Goose Peace Education Foundation, said that Lai Qingde and his team had told a lot of lies, and they did not even admit their own blood of the Chinese nation. "At the beginning, he lied a lot, which is not worthy of trust, let alone trust."

Zhao Shaokang, a media person in the island, criticized that Lai Qingde was extremely provocative when he first took office, saying that "peace is priceless", but what he said was to provoke war rather than avoid it. As a matter of fact, he is the "Golden Sun of Taiwan Independence". He has stopped acting since he took office. The future of Taiwan is even more worrying.

Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the People's Party, said that for the cross-strait relations mentioned by Lai Qingde, it depends on how he did in the first three months, and the People's Party will play a good role in supervision. In addition, cross-strait exchanges can increase goodwill, goodwill can increase more exchanges, and avoid misunderstanding and fire.

Zhao Chunshan, an honorary professor of Tamkang University in Taiwan, said frankly that Lai Qingde was "seriously backward" this time compared with the inaugural talk of Tsai Ing wen in 2016. Huang Jiezheng, an associate professor at the Institute of Strategic Studies of Tamkang University in Taiwan, believes that Lai Qingde's inaugural speech is all about "two countries".

In recent days, public opinion in Taiwan has also expressed concern about future cross-strait relations. An editorial in Taiwan's Industrial and Commercial Times pointed out that if Lai Qingde could not handle cross-strait relations well, Taiwan would certainly have a hard time in the next four years. If the authorities led by him cannot have a new vision in mentality and new practices in practice, cross-strait relations will inevitably worsen, and political party conflicts will inevitably become more serious.

The Lianhe Daily commented that Lai Qingde's cross-strait policy discourse "de nationalizes" and "de culturalizes" the Taiwanese people, making the opportunity to ease cross-strait hostility disappear. Relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have been hovering at the bottom for eight years. In the next four years, Taiwanese people may have to "fasten their seat belts".

The China Times published an editorial entitled "Lai Qingde's Inaugural Address Disappointed", pointing out that Lai Qingde and the DPP authorities are still immersed in the illusion that "the international community will fully support Taiwan's confrontation with the mainland". Under such an atmosphere, can we expect the two-way tourism between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and the return of Lu Sheng to Taiwan in the short term?

The commentary pointed out that the people on both sides of the Straits still have the willingness to exchange and cooperate. The only thing we can do at present is to maintain and resume the hard won folk exchanges, and use the people's spontaneous strength to push the war crisis as far as possible.

As Zhu Jun, a doctor at the Taiwan Political University, said, if Lai Qingde and the Democratic Progressive Party are willing to be kidnapped by the Americans and conform to the development of the Americans' playing, sooner or later they will become the fuse that the United States triggers a war with Taiwan as its agent. The battlefield is in the Taiwan Sea, and the casualties are self-evident.