Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Phase II of Huai'an Taiwan Enterprise Runyang Electronic Industry Cluster Platform Project was commenced

2024-01-23 14:27:00
Source: Taiwan Affairs Office of Huai'an City

On January 23, the website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province reported that recently, the second phase of Runyang Electronics Industry Cluster Platform Project was started. Yan Fu, Secretary of Huai'an District Party Committee, Zhou Haibin, Director of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Deng Meng, District Chief of Huai'an District, Chen Jinlong, Executive Vice President of the National Taiwan Enterprises Federation and District Chief of Jiangsu Working Area, Li Zhengwei, Executive President of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Association, Sun Hongguo, Chairman of Runyang Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd., and others attended the commencement ceremony.  

Yan Fu announced the commencement of the project. He said that the second phase of Runyang Electronics Industry Cluster Platform Project was started as scheduled, showing the enterprising development attitude of enterprises and the development achievements of Huai'an Kunming Taiwan funded Cooperation Industrial Park with more complete facilities, more open space, more concentrated projects and more improved energy, becoming an important part of Huai'an District's future economic growth It is an important part of the future development of Taiwanese investors. We are grateful to the enterprises for choosing Huai'an District and deeply cultivating Huai'an District to inject more strength and development impetus into the development of Huai'an District. We are grateful to the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation and Taiwan businessmen and Taiwanese for their love and trust in Huai'an District, for doing a lot of work in promoting Huai'an District, and for the help given by the Municipal Committee and Taiwan Affairs Office in serving Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan enterprises. Huai'an District will always meet the needs of enterprises and the needs of local governments. The development zone and all departments should adhere to the principle of "doing better than saying, and serving earlier than demand", and make every effort to do a good job in service. It is hoped that more entrepreneurs can be invited to Huaihe to discuss development and seek the future together.  

Zhou Haibin, on behalf of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, congratulated the first phase of Runyang Electronics Industry Cluster Platform for its high-quality presentation and the second phase of its commencement on schedule. He hopes that the project can organize construction with high quality and efficiency, ensure completion on schedule with high quality, further demonstrate the excellent quality of the project, and attract high-quality projects to come one after another.  

On behalf of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, Chen Jinlong congratulated the smooth commencement of the second phase project of Runyang Electronics Industry Cluster Platform. He said that Huai'an has an advantageous geographical location, favorable policies and a good business environment, and he believes that it will attract more Taiwanese businessmen to invest in Huai'an. The National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation will actively promote Huai'an, promote the Runyang electronic industry cluster platform, and introduce more high-quality enterprises to settle in and develop.  

Sun Hongguo thanked the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, the District Committee and the District Government for providing 101% services to the project, and said that the second phase of Runyang Electronics Industry Cluster Platform will be summarized and improved on the basis of the first phase, do a good job of property service management in the later phase of the platform, and create a model park platform based on settled enterprises to help enterprises succeed. (Taiwan Affairs Office of Huai'an District)