Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

23 Taiwan funded projects settled in Huai'an, Jiangsu with a total investment of 1.41 billion US dollars

2023-11-16 10:56:00
Source: China News Network

Huai'an, China News Network, November 15 (Xu Shanshan) The 17th Taiwan Business Forum was held in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, on November 15. At the opening ceremony, the demonstration base of the Domestic Sales Development Committee of the National Taiwan Compatriot Investment Enterprise Friendship Association was unveiled, and 23 Taiwan funded projects were signed on site, with a total investment of 1.41 billion US dollars.

At the opening ceremony, the demonstration base of the Domestic Sales Development Committee of the National Taiwan Compatriot Investment Enterprise Friendship Association was unveiled. Photographed by Guan Weifa

The theme of this forum is "integrating into the internal and external double circulation, and jointly building Taiwan funded demonstration zones". It aims to help Taiwanese businesses and enterprises seize the opportunity of industrial development, further expand the domestic market, and better integrate into the new development pattern of double circulation through smart collision and ideological enlightenment.

Pan Xianzhang, Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that the fundamentals of the long-term improvement of the mainland economy have not changed, nor will they change. He hoped that everyone would strengthen confidence, actively seize new opportunities for development, and be a participant, contributor and beneficiary of Chinese modernization.

The 17th Taiwan Business Forum was held in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province on November 15. The picture shows the signing ceremony. Photographed by Guan Weifa

In recent years, Huai'an has focused on the new generation of information technology, precision machinery, green food and modern agriculture and other Taiwan funded leading industries, highlighted industrial integration, constantly increased economic and trade cooperation with Taiwan, continued to promote industrial cooperation between Huai'an and Taiwan, and formed a development pattern of "1000 Taiwan enterprises settled, 100 billion contribution to output value, and 1000 Taiwan businessmen gathered".

Qin Ronghua, founder of Minshi Group and chairman of the board of directors of Minshi Holding Group, praised the local "101% service" based on his own experience of investing and starting business in Huai'an. He said he hoped that more Taiwanese businessmen would seize the good opportunities of Huai'an development, invest and start businesses in Huai'an, and create a better future together.

65 projects were signed on the forum, with a total investment of 69.38 billion yuan. In the afternoon of the same day, sub forums on the development of new energy vehicles and parts industry and PCB industry were held simultaneously.