Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Taiwan Enterprise Debang Duoling Health Technology Company's sales exceeded 300 million yuan

2023-10-31 08:20:00
Source: Lianyungang Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office

On October 31, the website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province reported that Taiwan enterprise Jiangsu Debang Duoling Health Technology Co., Ltd., located in the East China Sea Economic Development Zone, is mainly engaged in the research, development, production and sales of food grade phosphate, citrate, pharmaceutical grade phosphate and other products. Since this year, the company has been keen to catch new changes in the international market, to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, to promote products to the middle and high end, to rapidly occupy the European and North American markets, and to achieve rapid economic growth.  

Walking into the workshop of Deppon Doring Health Technology Co., Ltd., we saw one roaring machine running without stopping. The workers disassembled and distributed bags of raw materials, and the whole plant area was full of thriving production. In the centralized control center, the technicians focus on the production data on the large screen and the operation of each plant area, and make every effort to ensure the smooth and orderly production through real-time analysis and scientific scheduling.  

The person in charge of Jiangsu Deppon Doring Health Technology Co., Ltd. said that as an industry leader, Deppon has the advantage of being "high, refined and sophisticated". It strives for technology, quality and service. From January to October this year, the sales revenue reached 330 million yuan. Among them, the newly expanded calcium phosphate project and high-end calcium tablet project in 2022 will create greater industrial value.  

In the next step, Deppon Doring Health Technology Co., Ltd. will continue to practice its internal skills, deepen its advantageous fields, constantly expand new international markets, expand its product lines, expand itself in the fierce market competition, and make greater contributions to the local economic and social development. (Donghai County Taiwan Affairs Office)