Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

In the first five months, Suzhou's actual utilization of Taiwan investment increased by 72%

2023-07-04 15:22:00
Source: Suzhou Daily

Under the strong leadership of Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Suzhou Municipal Government, the city has continuously consolidated and improved its advantages in cooperation with Taiwan, focused on deepening industrial cooperation in Taiwan's economic work, and maintained stable development of Taiwan funded economy. Since this year, Suzhou has continued to create an optimal business environment, and the majority of Taiwan funded enterprises have strengthened their determination and confidence to further develop in Suzhou. The reporter learned from the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office that as of May this year, Suzhou had set up more than 13000 Taiwan funded enterprises, and the actual amount of Taiwan funded enterprises reached more than 36 billion dollars, accounting for 20% of the city's overseas investment and 50% of the province's Taiwan funded enterprises. According to statistics, in the past three years, Suzhou has added more than 300 Taiwanese enterprises every year, with more than 130 capital increase projects and more than US $1 billion of actual Taiwanese capital. From January to May this year, Taiwanese investment in Suzhou continued to grow, with a steady momentum of development. There were 181 new Taiwan funded enterprises, up 37%, and the actual use of Taiwan capital was 681 million dollars, up 72%.

In recent years, Suzhou has continuously promoted Taiwan funded enterprises to achieve high-quality development. In 2022, the revenue of 100 key Taiwan enterprises in the city will reach 480 billion yuan, and the revenue of 9 enterprises will exceed 10 billion yuan, of which the revenue of Renbao Group will exceed 100 billion yuan. A number of major projects have been launched, capital increased and production expanded. Kunshan Youda Optoelectronics low-temperature polysilicon project increased capital by $1.8 billion, Qunqi Technology advanced IC substrate project increased capital by $490 million, and Jinglong Technology advanced test project for integrated circuit advanced chips increased capital by $4 billion. The scale of profit reinvestment of key Taiwan enterprises has continued to grow. In 2022, the profit reinvestment of 23 secondary Taiwan enterprises in the city will be 4.003 billion yuan. Suzhou Taiwan enterprises accelerated their integration into the mainland capital market, and two Taiwan enterprises, Shenghui Integration and Longyang Electronics, were successfully listed on the mainland main board.

"The world can't find such a powerful supply chain as mainland China, and the business environment in Suzhou makes Taiwanese enterprises feel at home" has become a common feeling among Taiwanese businessmen in Suzhou. In the survey, the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office learned that in the face of the new global economic situation, especially the weak demand for electronic information terminal products in the European and American markets, the export pressure increased, and the short-term production expectations of Taiwan based enterprises weakened. At the same time, however, many Taiwanese enterprises reported that with the gradual recovery of the economy, the prosperity of the electronics industry is gradually bottoming out. The production inflection point is expected to arrive in the second half of 2023. The annual production orders are expected to be the same as those in 2022, and the orders of some high-tech enterprises are still growing. Kunshan Hushi Electronics is expected to increase its annual revenue by more than 10% in 2023, Wujiang Qun Optronics is expected to increase its annual revenue by more than 10% in 2023, and Xiangcheng District Mingwei Technology is expected to increase its annual revenue by 5% in 2023.