Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

The province's first "Taiwan related integration court" was completed in Huai'an

2024-06-07 12:16:00
Source: Taiwan Affairs Office of Huai'an City

On June 7, the website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province reported that the Huai'an Taiwan related Integration Court had recently entered Taiwan funded enterprises, visited them for legal examination, inquired about their needs, and actively provided comprehensive services for Taiwan funded enterprises. Taiwan enterprises thanked the Taiwan related integration court for its thoughtful service.  


After the first mediation center for Taiwan related civil and commercial disputes in Jiangsu Province was established in Huai'an in 2021, in May this year, the Taiwan Affairs Office of Huai'an City and the Court of Huai'an Economic Development Zone took the lead in creating the first Taiwan related integration court in the province. With the unique concept of "three integrations" of financial mechanism, financial wisdom, and financial quality and efficiency, it not only provides efficient and convenient judicial services for handling Taiwan related cases, It also provides new ideas for the prevention and resolution of disputes between Taiwan related businesses and enterprises.  

  Financial mechanism to create a new platform for Taiwan related judicial services

The Taiwan related integration court is a comprehensive service platform integrating multiple functions such as multiple solutions, litigation mediation docking, registration and filing, litigation services, mediation guidance, assistance in execution, and case interpretation, which effectively realizes the local prevention and resolution of conflicts and disputes. The Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office and the Court of Huai'an Economic Development Zone took the lead in exploring and implementing a series of system specifications such as demand feedback, communication and process guidance. Establish the "two centers and one platform" appeal feedback channel, and issue the "Guidelines for Taiwan Business and Taiwan Enterprise Appeal Docking"; Jointly promote the construction of "large-scale Taiwan enterprise credit asset database", mobilize Taiwan enterprises to put into storage, and the court issued the "large-scale Taiwan enterprise credit asset database working specifications" to provide warehousing enterprises with services such as guarantee free, "protection cabin" for basic accounts, effectively promote the implementation of the review system for the necessity of corporate judicial preservation, and avoid the adverse impact of preservation measures on the production and operation of Taiwan enterprises.  

   Integrate wisdom to achieve efficient online and offline dispute resolution

The Taiwan related integrated court has made full use of modern information technologies such as the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence to realize the full process online processing of Taiwan related cases such as filing, mediation and court hearing, which not only improves the efficiency of case hearing, but also reduces the litigation costs of the parties. At the same time, the Taiwan related integration court actively promoted electronic service, electronic signature and other electronic litigation methods, providing more convenient and efficient judicial services for the parties. In April this year, in a dispute over a Taiwan related sales contract, the court of Huai'an Economic Development Zone, with the help of the 5G video conference system, solved the dispute efficiently and conveniently through intelligent justice, remote consultation and online signature on the high-speed railway, and fully demonstrated the informatization innovation of Taiwan related integrated courts in Taiwan related judicial services.  

   Financial quality and efficiency to achieve further improvement of comprehensive service effect

The Taiwan related integration court aims to provide "low risk", "low cost" and "high efficiency" judicial services for Taiwan related businesses and enterprises. By integrating the three core quality effects of "risk visualization, process visualization, and cost visualization", it creates a harmonious, efficient, and predictable legal business environment for Taiwan related businesses and enterprises to invest in Huai'an, and creates a "Huai'an model" for Taiwan related judicial services, To maximize the judicial effect. On the one hand, a fixed general section judge will be set up to take charge of mediation guidance, litigation services, rule of law publicity, coordination and liaison, strengthen the training of mediators, grid members and other personnel, and improve their legal literacy and mediation ability; On the other hand, we focused on giving play to the role of the Taiwan related integration court judges' liaison station in the enterprise to publicize the rule of law, put forward 12 judicial suggestions for the main types of disputes in the enterprise, and helped the enterprise optimize its internal management and prevent disputes at the source. More than 20 rounds of trial tours, cases and workshops were held, and 12000 employees were included.  

Next, the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office and the Court of Huai'an Economic Development Zone will continue to deepen the exploration and cooperation of Taiwan related judicial services, further improve the functions and services of Taiwan related integration courts, and constantly promote the development of Taiwan related judicial services to a higher level by closely focusing on the concept of "integrating the feelings of compatriots across the Taiwan Straits, the power of common development, the rule of equal protection, and the friendship of harmonious and joint construction". (Yao Yuanli and Yang Yang)