Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Taiwan Enterprise Yunshitong East China Software Home Furnishing Technology Park Project Started

2024-05-07 14:47:00
Source: Taiwan Affairs Office of Huai'an City

On May 7, the website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province reported that on May 6, the project of Taiwan Enterprise Transit East China Software Home Furnishing Science Park started in Huai'an District. Shi Zhijun, secretary of Huai'an Municipal Party Committee, announced the commencement of the project. Sun Jibing, Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Sichuan Province, Chen Yanmu, Executive Vice President of the All China Federation of Taiwan Enterprises and Chairman of Yunshitong Holding Group, delivered a speech.   

Sun Jibing said that the commencement of the project of Yunshitong East China Software Home Furnishing Science Park not only injects new impetus into the economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between Jiangsu and Taiwan and the Taiwan funded economic development in Huai'an, but also vividly reflects the rooted development, high-quality development and integration of Taiwan enterprises into the new development pattern in the mainland. It is expected that Taiwan businessmen will strengthen their confidence, take root and develop, visit Huai'an more and share win-win development opportunities.  

The commencement of the project of Yunshitong East China Software Home Furnishing Science Park is a concrete action of Huai'an District to build an important growth pole of "Taiwan funded highland" and a new advantage of open economy. Chen Yanmu said that the project of Yunshitong East China Software Home Technology Park settled in Huai'an District, benefiting from the high-quality and efficient business environment of Huai'an. Yunshitong Holding Group will use its own advantages to promote more close cooperation between Taiwan businessmen and Huai'an, and will also sound the second 50 year development horn of the Group in Huai'an, take root in Huai'an, and build a century old enterprise.  

Huai'an is one of the important highlands of Jiangsu's economic cooperation with Taiwan, and the only "Taiwan funded enterprise industrial transfer and agglomeration service demonstration zone" in China. The provincial government issued Several Opinions on Supporting the Construction of Huai'an Taiwan funded Agglomeration Demonstration Zone, established a provincial joint conference mechanism, and gave 50 support policies such as industrial support, factor guarantee, and policy innovation. In recent years, the quality and efficiency of Huai'an's utilization of Taiwan's capital has continued to improve. The number of new projects approved annually, the agreement to use Taiwan's capital, and the actual amount of Taiwan's capital received have kept the first place in northern Jiangsu for many consecutive years. (Yang Shang, Zhao Qirui)