Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Suzhou Releases Three Year Implementation Plan for High Quality Development of Low Altitude Economy

2024-04-19 14:31:00
Source: Suzhou Daily

Yesterday (April 18), the Suzhou Low Altitude Economic Development Promotion Conference officially released the Suzhou Low Altitude Economic High Quality Development Implementation Plan (2024-2026) (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"), which defined the overall goal of three-year development to become a national low altitude economic demonstration zone by 2026, and sorted out scientific and technological innovation, industrial layout, infrastructure, low altitude applications Service platform, flight support, safety control and other target tasks.

The Implementation Plan focuses on the development of new quality productivity, serves the Yangtze River Delta integration strategy, seizes the strategic opportunity of low altitude economic industry intensive innovation and rapid growth, bases on independent innovation, aims at high-end manufacturing, and puts forward development goals around industrial energy levels, infrastructure, application scenarios, service platforms, etc., striving to achieve by 2026, Build it into a national low altitude economic demonstration zone.

The industrial level will be greatly improved: by 2026, we will give full play to the advantages of the long board of manufacturing industry and cultivate a batch of high-tech enterprises integrating research and development, production and operation. Build an industrial system with low altitude scientific innovation and intelligent manufacturing industry as the core, low altitude security industry as the support, and low altitude innovative service industry as the characteristics.

Basic improvement of infrastructure: By 2026, build a backbone network of low altitude ground infrastructure, build one to two general airports and more than 200 vertical takeoff and landing points, and guide enterprises to carry out the construction of vertical takeoff and landing points as a whole. Build a low altitude flight test base and improve the functions of test, flight test, detection, verification, airworthiness, evaluation, etc.

The low altitude scenarios are rich and diverse: by 2026, a number of demonstration application scenarios will be created around logistics distribution, manned flight, tourism consumption, emergency rescue, urban management and other fields, and 3 to 5 general aviation short haul transport routes and more than 100 UAV routes will be opened to surrounding airports, making breakthroughs in UAV commercial flight.

Safe and effective supervision service: By 2026, establish and improve the safety supervision service platform for UAVs, helicopters and other low altitude aircrafts, effectively connect infrastructure use, flight application response, communication meteorological monitoring, flight process supervision and other functions, effectively improve the low altitude flight service supervision ability, and ensure urban air traffic safety.

The Implementation Plan has identified key tasks in low altitude industrial ecology, flight support system, low altitude application scenarios, low altitude field demonstration, etc.

In terms of creating the low altitude industrial ecology, Suzhou vigorously implements the strengthening of the chain, complementing the chain and extending the chain, systematically combs the list of enterprises in the low altitude economic industrial chain, speeds up the mapping of the industrial chain, guides advantageous enterprises to carry out horizontal integration and vertical integration in the upstream and downstream of the low altitude industrial chain, and gives full play to the leading role of leading enterprises; Build low altitude economic characteristic parks, and strengthen the cultivation and construction of low altitude manufacturing industrial parks, low altitude service industrial parks, and low altitude operation guarantee industrial parks; Build high-energy innovation carriers and accelerate the construction of research and development carriers such as engineering technology research centers and advanced technology research institutes in the low altitude economic field; Gather high-level innovative talents, implement the strategic science and technology talent guidance plan, promote the low altitude economic talents to be included in the list of professional talents demand in the city's key industries, increase recruitment efforts, introduce a number of major science and technology innovation teams, and build a high-level, multi-level talent echelon system.

In terms of improving the flight support system, Suzhou has strengthened the construction of low altitude infrastructure, built a low altitude ground infrastructure system, played the leading role of state-owned platforms such as Communications Investment Group, guided social capital investment, and promoted the construction of general airports, water airports, vertical takeoff and landing points and other infrastructure in county-level cities (districts) by stages, Work with key domestic logistics enterprises to promote the construction of UAV takeoff and landing points to meet the functional requirements of UAV takeoff and landing, alternate landing, parking, charging, transportation and operation. Strengthen the construction of communication, monitoring, low altitude meteorological monitoring network and other operation guarantee facilities; Promote the construction of supervision service platform, accelerate the construction of low altitude flight service station and UAV integrated supervision service platform, build low altitude airspace digital twin system, create low altitude flight digital base, and provide low altitude users with airspace, route application, flight plan declaration, flight communication meteorological monitoring, flight process supervision and other services; Promote the planning of low altitude routes, improve the layout of the city's route network, and make overall use of urban and regional low altitude airspace resources.

In terms of cultivating low altitude application scenarios, Suzhou builds a low altitude intelligent logistics system, vigorously expands urban low altitude distribution scenarios, cooperates with key logistics enterprises, and builds a multi-level low altitude logistics hub system; Develop new urban air traffic formats, build a low altitude route layout of "channel+network", build an air corridor centered on Suzhou and radiating southeast, northwest, and northwest, promote the connection between Suzhou and surrounding transport airports, encourage the application of new aircraft such as electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL), large and medium-sized unmanned aerial vehicles, and orderly promote highly efficient manned and cargo flights, Effectively ensure diversified passenger and freight transport demand; Expand the application of cultural and sports tourism scenes, use low altitude aircraft such as UAVs, integrate elements such as Jiangnan culture and modern cities, and build a new business model of "low altitude+cultural tourism".

At the same time, the Implementation Plan requires the whole city to firmly establish the awareness of "safety first", enhance the ability of safety risk management and control, build a multi regulatory pattern of the government, society and the public, crack down on various illegal flight behaviors according to law, make emergency plans for various risks and problems that may occur during low altitude flight, and effectively ensure the healthy, safe and sustainable development of the city's low altitude economy.