Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

Jiangsu issued a three-year action plan to improve the quality of administrative law enforcement

2023-12-11 07:42:00
Source: Xinhua Daily

News from our newspaper (reporter Wang Tuo and Ni Fangfang) The General Office of the provincial government recently issued the Implementation Plan of Three Year Action to Improve the Quality of Administrative Law Enforcement (2023-2025), to comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of administrative law enforcement, and to provide services to ensure that our province is ahead and exemplary in promoting Chinese modernization in a more stable, fair, transparent and predictable legal environment.

The Implementation Plan points out that by the end of 2023, the provincial administrative discretion benchmark system will be generally established, and the list of outstanding problems in administrative law enforcement will be basically formed. By the end of 2024, outstanding problems of administrative law enforcement will be effectively addressed, the quality of administrative law enforcement team will be significantly improved, the administrative law enforcement system and mechanism will be basically improved, the quality and efficiency of administrative law enforcement will be significantly improved, and the administrative law enforcement coordination and supervision system covering all four levels of provinces, cities, counties and townships will be basically completed. By the end of 2025, the comprehensive law enforcement system will be further improved and optimized, the relatively centralized administrative punishment power "one city, one list" empowerment mechanism will be effectively implemented, the level of scientific and technological security for administrative law enforcement will be significantly improved, the revolutionary, formal, professional and professional construction of the administrative law enforcement team will be constantly strengthened, and the ability to respond to unexpected law enforcement events will be significantly enhanced, The people's satisfaction with administrative law enforcement was further improved.

The Implementation Plan proposes key tasks such as comprehensively improving the ability and quality of administrative law enforcement personnel, comprehensively promoting strict, standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement, improving the administrative law enforcement work system, accelerating the construction of the administrative law enforcement coordination and supervision work system, improving the administrative law enforcement and administrative law enforcement supervision science and technology protection system, and constantly strengthening the administrative law enforcement guarantee ability. In terms of the management of administrative law enforcement personnel, it is proposed to study and issue the training norms for administrative law enforcement and supervision personnel in the province, which will serve as a provincial and local standard to further guide various departments to carry out hierarchical and classified training; Highlight the training of comprehensive law enforcement personnel in villages and towns (streets), and cultivate "general discipline" administrative law enforcement personnel. Strictly standardize, just and civilized law enforcement, continuously optimize the supervision and law enforcement mechanism, and carry out cross departmental comprehensive supervision and off-site supervision; Innovate the mechanism of enterprise related law enforcement, promote the guidance of the whole process of enterprise related administrative compliance, establish and improve enterprise related legal services and complaint handling, and protect the rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs according to law. In terms of improving the administrative law enforcement system, we will implement the relatively centralized "one city, one list" empowerment mechanism, clarify the boundaries of comprehensive law enforcement responsibilities, study the general format of township (street) comprehensive law enforcement documents and the standards of law enforcement equipment, and deepen administrative law enforcement cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta. In terms of building the coordination and supervision system of administrative law enforcement, it is clearly required that each judicial office should be equipped with at least one staff member with legal professional qualifications or legal professional background, and all departments in various regions should be equipped with a strong administrative law enforcement supervision force to ensure that the staffing is compatible with the work tasks undertaken and improve the professional quality of law enforcement supervisors.