Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Traditional Chinese version

The Standing Committee of Wujin District People's Congress made a special investigation on the implementation of the Regulations

2024-05-23 07:25:00
Source: Changzhou Taiwan Affairs Office

On the website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province on May 23, a few days ago, Sun Jincai, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Wujin District, led a law enforcement inspection team to carry out law enforcement inspection on the implementation of the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation with Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). The District People's Court, the United Front Work Department of the District Party Committee, the District Education Bureau, the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology Relevant leaders of the District Emergency Management Bureau and Hutang Town participated in the forum.  

The inspection team made a field visit to Vopax (Changzhou) Energy Technology Co., Ltd. and Chippet Optoelectronics (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., Taiwan enterprises, to learn more about their production and operation, and the work and life of Taiwanese businessmen. At the symposium, Xia Jianfei, Executive Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the District Committee and Director of the District Taiwan Affairs Office, gave a special report on the overall situation of the implementation of the Regulations, the existing shortcomings and the next work plan, and the relevant departments made supplementary reports.  

In recent years, exchanges and cooperation between Wuhan and Taiwan in various fields have continued to advance. Since the city's first Taiwan funded enterprise settled in Wujin in 1988, as of April 2024, Wujin District has approved a total of 397 Taiwan funded enterprises, with a total investment of US $4.219 billion, and a total of US $2.175 billion of Taiwan funded registered capital, involving electronic and LED industries, new materials, bio medicine, machinery and equipment, textile and clothing, modern service industry, modern agriculture and other fields. At present, there are 12 provincial high-tech enterprises, 3 green factories above the provincial level, 4 provincial intelligent workshops, and 2 provincial industrial design and enterprise design centers in Wujin District. There are 3 provincial engineering technology research centers and 2 provincial multinational company headquarters.  

Sun Jincai fully affirmed the work and achievements of all units in implementing the Regulations. He stressed that the District Taiwan Affairs Office and relevant departments should fully implement the overall strategy of the Party to solve the Taiwan issue in the new era, fully understand the significance of the implementation of the Regulations, find gaps by benchmarking, and find gaps by benchmarking the contents of the Regulations, superior requirements and advanced regions. The implementation of the Regulations should be based on the actual situation, based on the development of resources and reality, and should be strengthened according to local conditions. It is necessary to strengthen the synergy and cohesion, give full play to the role of the leading group of the district committee in Taiwan work, strengthen the linkage with various departments, and form a working pattern of linkage from top to bottom and coordination from left to right. (Wujin District Taiwan Affairs Office)