China's SME development index rose for three consecutive months

2023-09-12 09:49:01 Source: China Industrial Information News Network

(Data picture)

On September 11, the China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises announced the economic operation of small and medium-sized enterprises in China. According to the data, in August, the SME Development Index (SMEDI) was 89.4, up 0.1 points from the previous month, rising for three consecutive months, and higher than the level of the same period in 2022 and the same period in 2021.

The eight sub industry indexes of China's SME development index rose by 5 and fell by 3. The indexes of industry, transportation, postal storage, wholesale and retail, social service, accommodation and catering rose 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.1 points respectively from the previous month. Industry and some service industries recovered significantly. The industrial index rose for three consecutive months, including the production index and the domestic and foreign order index. The index of transportation, postal storage industry rose for four consecutive months, and the index of social service industry and accommodation and catering industry rose for two consecutive months. The main reason is that summer consumption has driven the service industry.

The China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises believes that, on the whole, the national economy continued to recover in August, and generally recovered. In the future, we should strengthen macro policy regulation, continue, optimize, improve and implement all kinds of enterprise rescue policies, strengthen the coordination and cooperation of all kinds of policies, strengthen counter cyclical regulation and policy reserves, and strive to stabilize expectations and enhance confidence; We should actively expand domestic demand, expand consumption by increasing residents' income, drive effective supply through terminal demand, and organically combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening supply side structural reform; We should conscientiously optimize the development environment for private enterprises, remove the institutional barriers that restrict private enterprises to participate in market competition fairly, resolutely rectify arbitrary charges, fines, and apportionments, and solve the problem of government and state-owned enterprises defaulting on private and small and medium-sized enterprises' accounts; We should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment, introduce and implement targeted policies to encourage private investment, further improve the negative list system of market access, establish and improve the regular communication and exchange mechanism with private small and medium-sized enterprises, encourage enterprises to venture, invest and take risks, and actively create markets; We should strengthen the implementation of the employment priority policy, focus on promoting the employment of key groups such as youth, and encourage small and medium-sized enterprises and self-employed businesses to absorb employment; We should stick to both rescue and training, and guide more small and medium-sized enterprises to develop in a new direction of specialization and specialty.


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