2101 restaurants in 61 cities were selected into the public comment list of "must eat list" in 2023

2023-05-19 09:51:43 Source: People's Post and Telegraph

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On May 17, the list of restaurants shortlisted in the "Must Eat List" of Public Comments 2023 was officially announced, covering 61 cities and regions. Among them, Tokyo, Osaka, Bangkok and Singapore are four new overseas regions. The average star rating of the shortlisted restaurants is 4.65 points, and 50% of the restaurants have a per capita price of less than 50 yuan.

"More, newer, more surprising" became the key word of this year's shortlist of restaurants - a total of 2101 restaurants were shortlisted, which was the largest year since 2017's "Must Eat List"; The replacement rate of the shortlisted restaurants reached 55%, providing consumers with "new reference" and "new experience"; The "sense of discovery" of the list was further improved, with regional chain brand merchants accounting for nearly 60% and non chain stores accounting for nearly 40%.

A food list that is "eaten" by consumers represents the real background of food consumption in a city. "Consumers really feel delicious" is the only requirement for listing. As a national food list, the public comment on the "must eat list" is further becoming the "food vane" and "new city card" of Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other cities and regions. Since the first listing in 2017, nearly 700 million users have used the "must eat list" list.

According to the person in charge of the public review, 2023 will be the seventh year of the "must eat list", and the public review will further enhance the sense of discovery on the list on the basis of "delicious, inexpensive, and good experience". From the composition of the shortlist, regional chain brand merchants accounted for nearly 60%, and the turnover rate of merchants reached 55%. Users can explore more treasure catering businesses with unique local characteristics through the shortlist. It is worth noting that nearly 90 catering businesses in four overseas cities, Tokyo, Osaka, Bangkok and Singapore, have also been added to the shortlist this year, which is convenient for users to explore local food and try new food when traveling abroad.

In terms of dishes, the dishes of restaurants listed in 2023 will be more diversified. It is understood that this year's shortlist covers more than 50 different cuisines. In addition to popular Sichuan cuisine, Japanese cuisine and Cantonese cuisine, more niche cuisines such as Singapore cuisine and Thai cuisine are favored by consumers. The rise of local cuisines has accelerated. Hebei cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Jiangxi cuisine and Guangxi cuisine are the categories with the fastest year-on-year growth in the number of shortlisted merchants this year.

Thanks to the increasingly strong catering consumption power in the sinking market, more catering merchants in the second, third and fourth tier cities will be active in the shortlist of the "Must Eat List" in 2023. According to the public review data, in Yantai, Shandong, Huizhou, Urumqi, Taizhou, Zhejiang, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, Shantou, Guangdong and other places, the number of "must eat list" shortlisted merchants increased by about 100% over last year. In the above areas, the shortlisted merchants mainly come from regional chain brand restaurants and local fireworks stores, and the "must eat list" is further becoming the "small town food vane" in the minds of consumers.

In addition, this year's shortlist is full of fireworks. According to the public review data, non chain local stores accounted for nearly 40% of the shortlist, including more than 200 snack businesses. Fireworks shops rooted in the streets and lanes, such as Beijing Chaishi Flavor Restaurant, Shanghai Shili, Xiangxin Restaurant in Gusu District, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, and Chongqing Yuzhong Steamed Bun, appeared on the shortlist.

It is reported that the public comment on the 2023 "Must Eat List" will be announced from now on to June 26, and the official list will be released on June 27. Based on the massive users' real evaluation of the platform, the public review comprehensively selects high-quality restaurants that are delicious, inexpensive and have a good experience. Every year, it launches the "must eat list" to provide users with a guide to restaurants worth going to. The selection process does not adopt artificial nomination, and insists on fairness and justice without charge. The restaurants on the list have received widespread praise from users, representing the real choice of users.

It is reported that the "must eat list" has been welcomed by diners all over the country since its first release, and has become an authoritative and trustworthy dining consumption reference. At the same time, the "must eat list" is also becoming a "booster" for the development of various catering businesses, and continues to inject development momentum into offline physical businesses. According to the public review data, in 2022, when the "must eat list" restaurants were shortlisted, the online order volume of the shortlisted stores increased by nearly 100% month on month.


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