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One Hundred Counties, One Thousand Bowls, Thinking about Jingning | | One Bowl of "Nostalgia" that can be taken away

2023-10-08 11:16 Source:

Each city has its own unique flavor.

When the local culture has nurtured the local people, it has also cultivated the local people's personal preference for local food and special feelings for the food culture of their hometown. With its unique gentle temperament, this small city in southwest Zhejiang implicitly hides various snacks on the streets and alleys, which makes countless people yearn for them.

Nostalgia from food is sweet and delicious.

[One Hundred Counties, One Thousand Bowls, Tasting Jingning] Food series tweets,

Take you to taste the flavor of your hometown.

Yingchuan Dried Noodles

Love is to life like the onion, ginger and garlic in this dish. It can be boiled with water and eaten, but it is tasteless and boring, Love needs lips and teeth to leave fragrance, and life can last long.

As a breakfast leader in Jingning, she township powder skin is definitely the "cinnabar nevus" in the heart of every Jingning people. No matter how early it is, if you want to wake people in Jingning, a bowl of steaming powder skin is enough.

The nostalgia on the taste buds always affects the hearts of tourists, but it is difficult to preserve the pink skin for a long time. How can we put the heavy nostalgia in other places safely in the most convenient way?

Love can overcome all difficulties, The hardworking and simple mountain people cut it to dry. The dried powder skin, which is dried in the air, is popular among diners because of its good taste and storage resistance A must for visiting relatives and friends.

Milled rice paste, steamed rice noodles In the low old kitchen lane of my hometown, when the stove fire is lit, the fragrant and bland ingredients can always surprise you after a pair of skillful hands and careful thoughts.

We let go of the tiredness of running in the hot air of the rising food, and the peace and joy of the room spread.

The outside world is very big, but the place where you can live is very small. You are wandering alone, so you are empty, lonely, worried, and missing. You always miss home and the taste of home.

It is not difficult to understand the busy figure in the kitchen. When you go to a distant place again, your car trunk is full of heavy love.

However, there will be days when you finish eating, so you start again Looking forward to the next return journey.

You remember, on the balcony of my hometown, there are rows of dried powder skins. From a distance, it looks like a beautiful picture of the countryside, emitting fine silver light and fragrance.

Remembering the salty duck eggs that Mr. Wang Zengqi loved, he often said: ”I really despise salty duck eggs from other countries.

This kind of contempt does not mean to look down upon other countries, but it is based on the diet code in the stomach that tells us: Food has a home.

Some people say that the local accent can be changed and the memory will recede. However, people's stomach instinct faithfully records the symbol of hometown, which cannot be forgotten.

When Yingchuan wanderers come back, they should bring back more dried noodles from their hometown. When they are hungry, they can boil a pot of water to cook a bowl of noodles with strong hometown flavor, which can fill their stomach and satisfy their feelings.

People know how to use five flavors to describe life, because they know that flavor is the nostalgia in everyone's heart. I think, as long as I keep in mind, even in the ends of the earth, I will not be far away from my hometown.

"This bowl fills my heart"

After tasting all the delicious food, I still crave for it, We call it home.

People live in a foreign country and their stomachs are in their hometown. How long have you not eaten delicious food in your hometown? Have a good meal and live a good life. Don't hurry. There will be poetry on the road.

Cooking Tips of Yingchuan Dried Noodles

Yingchuan Fenpi Gan is a kind of Jingning snack made from early rice and sweet potato powder in the air. It is a special snack loved by the people of She Township. In the eyes of Jingning people, Yingchuan dried noodles have more nostalgia and landscape feelings than traditional pasta, which can make people addicted. Many Jingning people are worried about how to cook this special food.

People always say that Yingchuan dried vermicelli is delicious but difficult to cook. The word "difficult" here may be because people don't know enough about this seemingly ordinary Yingchuan dried noodles. They are almost casual and do it according to their usual habits.


Cold water immersion

Before baking the dried powder, simply filter the dried powder with cold water. On the one hand, it is clean and sanitary. On the other hand, it can moisten the dried powder slightly to make it more delicious in the subsequent baking process. At this time, be careful not to soak for a long time.

Mistake: like cooking noodles, boil the water and then dry the dough, the result is paste.


Prepare condiments

Fry the eggs for standby, cut the seasoning, put the cut ginger, garlic, and Yingchuan people's favorite chili into the oil pan, add the mushrooms, fat and thin pork, and stir fry them in high heat.

What kind of side dishes to add to the stewed dried vermicelli can be determined according to everyone's own preference. As far as the local people are concerned, there are three ways to eat: 1. Shredded shrimps and meat with mushrooms 2. Shredded squid and mushrooms with three layers of meat 3. This is the most traditional way to eat: dried perilla fish with dried flour


Cooking dried vermicelli

Boil in a pot of cold water, and cover the flour with water to dry. The dried noodles boiled in cold water not only maintain the original shape of dried noodles, but also retain the original flavor of Yingchuan dried noodles. Add seasoning and eat.

Source: Jingning Cultural Tourism


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