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current location home page affectional film Online Watching of Third Class Brilliant Women

A look of disgust zero

Type: love   Taiwan, China   two thousand and twenty-four  

to star: Wang Ting   Wang Tao   Hiroshi Yano   Hang Chengyu  

Director: 이동준  


Wu Lin Wai Zhuan Feng Guan Xia Pei is a super classic love Chinese Taiwan film directed by Yu. The play tells: Aaron (played by Ke Zhendong), who was killed by lightning, has lost all his memory before he came to the underworld. He must make a choice: reincarnation may turn into a snail; Or, as a priest, Aron, who accumulates his moral integrity and is reincarnated, decides to become a new man. He and Pinky, who has a strong personality, want to see more relevant films and TV works. Please collect our website: www.jinshuruanguan.net

Guess you like it

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