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Wu Junru Funny Film Mandarin zero

Type: love   Malaysia   two thousand and twenty-four  

to star: Huang Zihua   Deng Lixin   Zhang Jicong   Wang Wan  

Director: Baomei Jiyang  

Lightning Online

Lightning Online

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The Invincible Soul of War is a super classic Malaysian love film directed by Bao Meijiyang. It tells the story of A Le (Tu Shancun), a music lover, A Yuan (Yuan Teng) The two brothers ventured into the auditorium at night to try out the expensive piano in the school auditorium. Unexpectedly, their improvisation accompanied by a moving song alerted the security guards. Unfortunately, the two brothers ran away from the security guards, but a serious accident happened and caused their brother. If you want to see more relevant films and TV works, please collect our website:

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